Aristo Tacoma ω The Supermodel Theory Illustrated in the Lisa Programming Language ω ω Understanding quantum phenomena, gravitation, and biological coherence on a common footing ω ω ω ω [All software for this book is free at ISBN 82-996977-0-1 Publisher: Yoga4d VRGM Copyright author, all rights reserved. Any reproduction only by written consent by Stein Henning Bråten Reusch, the author, with A.T. as pen name. Oslo and Berlin First published 2007 reprinted regularly on demand To buy more of this and forthcoming books etc cfr Available also at the National Library of Norway, autumn 2007. The programming language Lisa is developed by the writer of this book and all programs in this book, as well as the language itself, are freely available with full sources in an academic spirit. This book extends the work done first in 2004 (ISBN 82-996977-0-0, written under pen name Stein von Reusch, also at, which in manuscript form is free within the Lisa platform at Illustrations in book from the Lisa performances on the computer, and so the book can be read, initially, on its own.] Thanks to: the Institute of Physics at the University of Oslo for giving me unlimited access for indefinite periods of time, also so I could have the volumes at my home, to all its journals, some of which have been accumulated since the inception of the University in the 19th century. Other acknowledgements inside the text itself and many, many more inside the 2004 book where I first launched my theory of active models or 'supermodels' as a unifying approach for physics with a perceptive/mind-like element, a book which is in manuscript form inside my Lisa operating system which also has my Lisa programming language. This language is here used throughout as a unifying replacement for the half-working, over-complex mathematical formalisms which have been attempted to be used in so-called 'many-body systems' when one treats quantum and gravitational phenomena together, and, unlike those formalisms, there is no problem here with infinities.ω May we anarchistically break with all categories here; for we must tweak our theories to fit with nature, rather than tweak nature to fit with our theories, and each theory presupposes its own categories.ω "... In the atom and in the nucleus we have indeed to do with two extreme cases of mechanical many-body problems for which a procedure of approximation resting on a combination of one-body problems, so effective in the former case, loses any validity in the latter where we, from the very beginning, have to do with essential collective aspects of the interplay between the constituent particles. ..." -- Niels Bohr in Nature, Feb 1936 (Copenhagen)ω "It is remarkable that Max Planck, who initiated the revolution in human thought, which is usually subsumed under the term 'quantum theory', was always somewhat reluctant to accept its final implications. [...] The success of the very crude theory of Bohr in which nuclei are treated like liquids seems to indicate that the alternative description in terms of individual entities may be wrong, and that some totally new form of description will have to be discovered before real calculation can be made. This will, of course, entail some completely new step, even more revolutionary than the superposition of quantum mechanics on classical mechanics. What that step will be is still hidden in the mists of the future. ..." -- Lord Cherwell in Annalen der Physik, Aug 1948 (Oxford)ω "<<...Warum glauben Sie eigentlich so fest an Ihre Theorie, wenn doch so viele und zentrale Fragen noch völlig ungeklärt sind?...Jetzt bewegen sich Ihre Gedanken aber in einer sehr gefährlichen Richtung. Sie sprechen nämlich auf einmal von dem, was man über die Natur weiß, und nicht mehr von dem, was die Natur wirklich tut...Können Sie den Übergang von einem stationären Zustand zu einem anderen irgendwie genauer beschreiben?>> ..." Einstein to Heisenberg, in conversation with Heisenberg, from the book 'Der Teil und das Ganze -- Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik' by Werner Heisenberg, München 1969ω "Alla base della teoria sta l'ipotesi di N. Bohr del nucleo intermedio e la elaborazione quantistica che permette di calcolare la probabilità di transizione in dipendenza dall'elemento di matrice della perturbazione. ..." -- R. Ricamo in Il Nuovo Cimento, June 1951 (Zurigo)ω "There is a great conflict, beginning in ancient times and continuing ever since, between continuity and discontinuity. ..." -- Nature's editorial, 22 Sept 1928ω "Cosmic or galactic noise was discovered by Jansky in 1931; but its exact origin has remained uncertain. It is generally understood to originate from collisions in interstellar matter. ..." -- J. G. Bolton and G. J. Stanley in Nature, Feb 1948 (Australia)ω "... Earlier theories due to F. London and Tisza suggest that superfluidity is connected with the condensation which occurs in a Bose gas not far from the λ-point. A serious objection to these theories is the occurrence of entirely analogous phenomena in superconductors. ..." -- H. S. Green in Nature, March 1948 (Edinburgh)ω "In recent years a considerable amount of work has been done in the soft X-ray region. In this work several new features foreign to the ordinary X-ray spectrum were brought to light. According to Bohr the frequency of the emitted light is in general determined by the relation ℎν = E' - E'', where E' and E'' are the energies of the stationary states of the atom. The stationary states appearing in the X-ray spectra are those in which one electron is missing in an inner otherwise complete electronic shell. Though the X-ray spectrum is emitted by the element in the solid state, nevertheless the X-ray lines are sharp lines especially when both stationary states are related to inner electronic shells of an element of high atomic number. ... Theory as well as experiment learns, that the sharp levels of the valency electrons in the free atom are broadened to energy bands which belong no more to a separate atom but to the crystal lattice as a whole. ..." -- D. Coster and S. Hof in Physica, July 1940 (Groningen)ω "If the invariance of light velocity alone, without the requirement of an invariant length in space-time, be made to define the class of 'physically equivalent observers' then we ought to search for laws exhibiting conformal invariance in form (i.e., which maintain their 'simplest' form under the whole conformal group). ..." -- L. Ingraham in Il Nuovo Cimento, Oct 1952 (New Jersey)ω WELCOME! If we are to speculate about the universe, then each element of the speculation should be open to investigation on its own. That forms a network of healthy speculations, and we can gather instances of confirmation or disconfirmation from comparing with research data and from careful use of our own intuition when it is at its best. The notion of enquiry by means of a network of relatively independent insights can also give rise to a whole; this whole, which I have earlier delievered in more informal work (2004, ref below), is then not so much a hierarchy as a way to relate a broad number of insights together coherently. Only if we assume that we already know the nature of the division between the individual mind and the rest of reality, can we carry out the argument that Kant did against the possibility of direct perception beyond both categories and beyond the confines of the local sensory origin. Kant's argument against metaphysics is itself based on a particular localist metaphysics, and involves a circular reasoning. Metaphysics, in the sense of reflecting over a wholeness of reality, as meta-physics, may entail direct immediate forms of perceptive intelligence or intuition which it can be the task of humanity to call on also in a disciplined, carefully checked (relative to bias, freedom from dogma and presumptions, and so on) manner. This means that we must be willing, in contrary to the localist bias which also Albert Einstein and Karl R Popper had, to perceive of the possibility of the perception of the whole collective interplay of phenomena as actual in itself, rather than merely an aggregate. The direct perception of the wholeness of reality means that we must not simply turn aside all questions of a metaphysical nature as something in essence beyond the possibility of careful checking, but that the nature of this careful checking must go beyond such confines as was discussed in the Vienna circle of the 1920s, with such members or occasional participants as Carnap, Wittgenstein and Russell, and which provided some of the background for some, but not all, of Popper's commentary on healthy science. I wholeheartedly agrees with Popper that if we do not have any possibility of checking a sentence, then adding more of these sentences hardly constitutes a "progress". I do however think that Popper, who argued strongly against the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (by Bohr called the Indeterminacy Principle), -- even to an extent that Einstein had to correct Popper in favor, for once, of quantum theory (cfr. the letters going between Einstein and Popper faithfully reproduced verbatim in the later, post-war editions of his classic masterpiece The Logic of Scientific Discovery) -- if Popper had perceived the essence of nonlocality or alocaliity (a more generous term, involving the direct concrete action of wholeness upon its parts, explored strongly by David Bohm esp. in his 1980 book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order) -- as relevant for existence as a whole, rather than just as an anomaly inside a technical particular element of a branch of physics, he would have conceded that what constitutes an empirical checking can and must be extended. As Francisco Varela pointed out to me (in a conversation we once had in Paris), certain parts of eastern religious thinking have involved a kind of discipline of intuition which might become an impulse for western scientific method. However, after careful scrutiny of many parts of eastern religious thinking I have not seen there that a sense of the objective and the unbiased in the realm of intuition or in what C G Jung might have called 'synchronistic perception' have been particularly realized there in any striking sense. This led me to put forward some elements of a thesis on just how to evoke unbiased intuition in exploration of any theme in my 2004 book (which is, as said, in my Lisa operating system at C:\Yourtext\a.htm). This is a theme which however goes way beyond the scope of the present text, although it touches on it esp. in the completing five or so of the empirical situations we explore here, where we quest for the essence of consciousness and mind based on an understanding which is also inspired by general patterns of quantum phenomena of alocality as well as gravitational patterns, and such considerations as Einstein put forth in both his special and his general theories of relativity. I hope however that the reader, even if rather new to this area of challenges, can concede that there are open questions at a very basic nature as for just how we do science still to be framed, given energy to, and explored, and that it is not simply a task for philosophers or those who have nothing else to do. It is a task central to science to persist in enquiry not just as to established methods of checking theory against fact, but also on finding out more about the best sources of fact, and in all this beware the contextual dependency that some formations of the notion of fact bear with them, without simply saying that nothing at all is factual. It is also the task of the scientists to avoid trying to limit perception of things which the scientist have not adequately explored. It is just as disgusting to hear scientists speak of rationality as identical with a particular branch of darwinistic thought, or as identical with a view of reality as composed of mechanical forces operating on dumb particles, as it is to hear a scholar in a religion preach that their silly old book describes creation in all detail. When narrow-minded people like Richard Dawkins with his hysterical pronouncements around Darwin and genes gets so much positive acclamation around the academies and universities in today's science world, then science has become substandard, and anyone who has an established reputation and a conventional publication record should look askance as to the value of this, and realize that things have gone astray. For instance, in July 2007, the BBC World Service reported that a large number of the science academies in North America and Europe had voted in favor of discarding all attempts to critisize darwinistic thought as nonscientific, referring to those who sought to point out that it may be that the theories made in the prolongation of Charles Darwin's thinking seemed hardly adequate to account for the incredible intelligence and elegance in the 'design' of living organisms such as human beings -- a perspective which, taken on its own, is wholly scientific and rational to pursue. Those who speak out against such a programme (by some called 'Intelligent Design') do so because not so much of what the programme is stating explicitly (which is typically very cautiously phrased, full of honorable question-marks and concepts of wonder, which are the essence of such open-minded sceptical forms of thought as Sextus Empiricus also spoke about, cfr pyrrhonism, also Næss on this), but because they think that they sense that the hidden agenda involves bible-dogmatism, ie christian or islamist or something like that. But we must, in science, take people on their words. If they speak up in favor of a bible, critisize them for that. If they speak up in favor of doing a serious rethinking of an established paradigm, or even model monopoly (as the mechanistic approach to biology connected to darwinism and neodarwinism most surely is), they should be welcomed on that. Whatever their hidden agenda might be, if they have one, it is what they say which must be related to as far as scientific discourse goes. And when meaningless denials of alternatives of the established model are hailed as good science, science as defined by these individuals in these institutions is no longer good science. Historicians will agree, in all likelihood, when seen from the future, that the chance of rescuing the best of science as it is now, in 2007, lies with those who are not impressed by its current status. If this is offensive, I beg your pardon, but in the name of science as an intent of sciere, or knowing by discernment of reality, please let us not let the politics of viewpoints in the polemics against the antitheses of these viewpoints get in the way of pluralistic open-minded dialogue on the essence of reality. I also beg apology to the reader that I have found it easier to do my enquiries almost entirely without relying on existing mathematical disciplines but rather have developed my own computer algorithms and my own language for computer algorithms, and have looked more at empirical reports in rather antique journals than to that which these days are regarded as prestigous physical books or magazines, forms of education, and fashionable ways of talking. I beg apology that I am regarded by some as something of a rebel against these institutions. I can asure it is not because I am against the notion of collaborating with many people as such, for collaborations are one of the sweetest things. But collaborations must not be what Bohm called 'collusions' (see his book 'Science, Order and Creativity', 1987, with F. David Peat). So, as I said in the beginning: May we anarchistically break with all categories here; for we must tweak our theories to fit with nature, rather than tweak nature to fit with our theories, and each theory presupposes its own categories. This enterprise of exploration happens on a research-basis which is inspired by Karl R Popper's notion of the free checking by anyone of anything which lends itself to checking (so that the gathering of instances of confirmation for this leads to consistent results, whereas when one attempts to create disconfirmations one achieves rather in providing further confirmation of the theory -- this is though a more Carnap- friendly way of putting it, avoiding the somewhat overbred concept of 'falsification', which, as Næss pointed out, rarely is possible due to the many interpretation-possibilities of the connection between such empirical data and the theories; note however that my use of the word 'theory' goes along with Popper not Næss in general, for Popper's use of the word is more inclusive and, as such, more realistic relative to what scientists are actually doing, whereas Næss appears to me to give the notion of a theory too many of the criterions which apply mostly only to such particular frameworks as the General Relativity Theory of Einstein -- see Øyvind Grøn and Næss in a book on this, in which I contributed very modestly on pedagogical thema initially). What lends itself to checking is, qua this capacity to be checked, scientific; but what defends itself in our thought is mere dogma. According to Popper (cfr his two-volume book 'The Open Society and Its Enemies', written 1940-45), anything, even wildly speculative, is scientific to the extent it can be subjected to attempts of refutation by empirical study. It is my feeling that the groundwork done in the first half of twentieth century, often in a german language context, led to certain issues of dissent which were not further developed in the second half of that century because of the strengthening of certain categories, implying a judgementality as to the limits on what it could be scientific to speculate about within physics -- which however does not much accord with the best of the trend of thought represented by Popper as foundational to all the best of all forms of science at all time. What is here presented is very, very far from living up to the highest standards of checking -- but it is, I feel and hope and trust, a great beginning on something which can lend itself to more and more of such checking, or attempts at refutation, as well as the building of instances of confirmation, and also the refinement and further development in all directions. The reader who is new to my work must know that I would have regarded it as embarassing if I had a high a conventional status; that a scholarly perfect conventional education with all papers in order is more likely than not to imply a bias and set a prejudice and a limiting category on the exploration and the endavour to understand actuality. I regard the person who attempts to normalize her or his thought within a category as slightly off her or his rocker; and that the more free-dancing anarchistically oriented person, is, by that freedom, also more harmonious. My disgust with the lack of care associated with the treatment of infinities in mathematics I have rationally argued for elsewhere (also in the 2004 book). The breaking with conventional model monopoly categories will be very evident in the following, which is presented without page numbers, as a network of questions, freely selected first half 20th century quotes from physics, suggestions, computer program experiments in my own newly made programming language Lisa, and comparison both with empirics in the conventional popperian sense and with empirics in a more intuitive sense, in what I suggest as a neopopperian sense. A student about to prepare for an examination in a conventional university setting in the beginning of the twenty-first century is likely to get a serious reduction of her or his degree in that exam if any further reading in this book is attempted. ;)ω This book, which is written for the expert and nonexpert alike (however I assume an intelligent readership, and at least a potential interest in doing computing in order to think theoretically, although perhaps the contact with computers in this regard has been relatively sparse earlier on), is a series of untitled microessays or comments, with a ω-symbol indicating the transition from one to the next. The symbol is used, then, to distinguish paragraphs slightly or somewhat more strongly than a conventional shift in paragraphs, as occurs on next line. These thoughts were presented by the undersigned in a smaller book, also available at the National Library of Norway, named 'Sex, Meditation and Physics', in 1999 (yet another pen name was used, based on my family names: Henning W Reusch, W for Weber), where this symbol was used to signify what was there called a coordination field, which is basically what grew into the notion of the supermodel as used in the present theory. Already when I met David Bohm first in 1986 I discussed the notion of doing modelling of physics theories, such as the implicate order, by means of new forms of computer language (at that time, I called the idea of a network-oriented language I had for Aspect). I have here followed the principle that if anything is worth including in the text at all, it is worth including (instead of footnotes, endnotes and appendices) inside the text itself, at the position where it is most relevant -- and this includes full references. My experience on looking up in old and also many newer journals to find an article based on a reference based on issue, page and volume numbers is that these numbers often mislead, and that the most swift way of looking up often involves the rough date -- month, if any, and year -- of the publication along with full name of the publication, or book, and the author name or names, as there is almost invariably some kind of content list with author names listed alongside publication date in each collected volume with several issues of a magazine. Following a tradition going back to Zeitschrift für Physik and before, I give (in brackets as the final piece of information associated with each quote) the city which the writer gives as his or her location at the time of writing the article (if any). For Princeton, that would e.g. by New Jersey. The quotes given here, more for inspiration than for their actual content, are usually from the beginning of the intro of their articles, and the references is such as I would myself have preferred to go to a great physics library, like the one at the University of Oslo, to locate the journal and read the rest of the article, if the quote should prove that interesting. Thanks to the very willing staff at the physics library at the Institute of Physics I have had exceptionally free access to ancient and yellow-paged journals accumulated with great care over more than a century. The present work with the supermodel theory have taken place admist the sense of early curiosity and the wide variety of empirical essential research projects done at the time, and the excitement these authors had in reporting to each other on what they found, and what they were curious about; and their curiosity is often of a timeless quality (naturally relevant also today, in which we find that although additional decimals have been added to empirical results, and more work have gone into the theoretical realm, the same issues still stand -- sometimes with more clarity at that time, at other times, as with the work done around the concept of nonlocality as something definitely beyond the conceptional boundary of the speed of light notion, with more clarity later on).ω "Current theories of matter are based on the concept of elementary particles, which are described either as point singularities or as extended sources of field. The point source models lead to infinities which must be removed by substraction formalisms; they are unsatisfactory in their present forms either because of the arbitrariness associated with the substraction recipes or because of their reliance on a future theory which is expected to permit the calculation of certain 'infinite' integrals. On the other hand, the extended source models, which correspond to cut-off and strong coupling theories, are not relativistically covariant. ..." -- R. J. Finkelstein in Physical Review, Sept 1948 (New Jersey)ω My own work as indicated in the title of this book involves an attempt to look at the foundations of physics from a rather philosophical angle coupled with new computer modelling, utilizing a unifying concept termed an 'active model' (and earlier on, 'supertext'), which then eventually was called (without any intended reference to fashion!) 'super models' or 'supermodels'; this work is offered in the sense of open-minded (neo)popperian research without any pretense of solid grounding in mainstream physics whatsoever, and whether what I call 'supermodel theory', as first launched in a book three years ago, will be considered a contribution to science or to physics is up to others to find out. The theory is my own, but it has emerged also with the fantastic help of a vast number of conversations, also with David Bohm and Arne Næss (several hundreds of conversations with the latter, also sometimes at Tvergastein, his high mountain cottage -- often about the questions on where, if anywhere, logical positivism went wrong, as Næss himself was regarded as a participant in the Vienna circle), as well as with my own father, Stein Bråten, whose emphasis on complementarity echoes that of Bohr but with a more generous sense relative to the visualization of reality, also helped occasionally by computer modelling, form a bulk of the background which is referred to in the book in which I first came with the supermodel theory, and which in manuscript form is free within the Lisa computer operating system at my websites. I refer to the conversations as for the background work on the supermodel theory, but I do not mean that any mistakes I might have done is the responsibility of any of those who have advised me on particular points -- the theory as such is entirely my own. I am also grateful for artistic impulses from, I take the liberty to say, my teacher in painting, Frans Widerberg, and, as I also take the liberty to say, my teacher in dancing, Monica Emilie Herstad -- an immense number of conversations with both led me into exploring things from new angles of the artistic; I coupled this with my own interest in tantric forms of yoga and made the computer language Firth Lisa over a decade inspired by also these impulses. If, as Einstein is well known to have said, the impulse of beauty is an essential component in theory-making in science, then perhaps these esthetical impulses, whether I have realized them in a good way or not, have a stronger relevance here than my background, since I was a kid, in programming computers in all ways, back and forward, up and down. The scope of activity was also strongly broadened by my chance of making a magazine together with, and funded by, H B Tschudi, where I, in the capacity of an editor, had the opportunity, after Bohm had passed away in the early 1990s, of visiting John Polkinghorne, dean at Queens College, Cambridge, and himself priest and physicist, Basil Hiley, at Birkbeck College, collegue of Bohm, Christ Dewdney, at University of Bristol, who did visualizations of Bohm's quantum potential and hidden position informations of the electrons by means of Visual Basic, Roger Penrose, who, with Stuart Hameroff and based on his own interpretation of Kurt Gödel's work on incompleteness, speculated in the possible role of quantum coherence in brain circuits possibly relevant for consciousness, Ilya Prigogine, who was working on broadening the understanding of the stochastic as an injection of the creative into cosmos by prolongation of his Nobel-price-winning work in thermodynamics, at first on "entropy", and many others. Many conversations in the streets of Manhattan with free thinkers including Raymond Strano and David Meyer Schonberg on issues connected to chaos, the quantum, and the relative as well as mind in the initial phases of making the Lisa programming language is part of this background; as is the guidance Kristen Nygaard gave me over coffee in Kaffistova in Oslo after this again. So this is a part of the acknowledgements in the aforementioned book, from 2004, in which the theoretical ground of the present work was first presented from my hand. It was privately published, as is this volume, but with the help of the ISBN numbering and the National Library in Norway, it has been there available for loan since 2004 and that took my mind off the pressure of having to find any particular place to publish the free-wheeling, and often tantrically oriented, platform of research I wished to chisel out without any strong orientation towards fitting in a particular place in the present mainstream of physics. Whether what I do can be called 'science', 'physics' or 'research' is not up to me to claim; I intend the best, and hope for the best, but the reader can judge for herself/himself on these questions; and I believe the presence of the now more and more used programming language of mine, the hybrid between early Forth and early Lisp with several novel components, also launched in a tantric yoga context for sensual nonviolent computer games, promises more opportunities for quickly getting into what I say so that one can independently consider it. The book from 2004 has an even broader list of acknowledged conversations, including also with Kristoffer Gjøtterud at the University of Oslo, and prof. Gunnar Løvhøiden at Cern as well as the University of Oslo, and Johannes Hansteen and Ladislav Kohbach, professors at the University of Bergen. With this easy-to-learn and yet very advanced programming language for 32-bit personal computers, which is a tremendously satisfactory size of a computer in a psychological sense, for there is space for programs of many many thousands of lines with ease, and for as much data as it makes sense to present during the course of a programming session on a meaningfully graphical screen with 'pixels' (picture elements) of some 1024*768 in the 4*3 standard format of the very standard (Y2000-compliant, as it is also called, meaning it conforms to certain standards which matured right after year 2000), we have an advantage which was not at all granted the physicists of the first half of the twentieth century. This advantage involves going beyond addition, multiplication, and so forth, into dynamic processes without having to call on statistical conventions or conventions implying aggregates of infinitely many infinitesimals and such things which the early physicists had to struggle with, lacking anything better. The present approach allows us to go straight from the concept to the program without having to go through the mathematical convention e.g. as used in S. Wolfram's Mathematica or in Maple or in any of the numerous other such packages, which essentially bridge mathematical notation with numerical performance without calling into question the actual concepts evoked. One has seen e.g. in the prolongation attempts of superstring theory that it is easy for mathematics of the early twenty-first century to wander into complexities on a level where even most of the most willing of physicists seem to have got no clue as to what is really, if anything, referred to empirically. This might however have a certain creative impact, serving to liberate us from certain elements such as can be called (in my father's jargon) 'model monopoly', e.g. the way of talking by physics as established in Copenhagen in the circles around Niels Bohr. It is in the somewhat creative vacuum that the present approach is launched; but it is hoped that it is eclectically honest to in principle all the contributions, whether theoretically or empirically or in some other way, of all these scientists.ω The principle behind the present text composition involves that of elaborating certain themes without presuming a common meaning-horizon which can be readily identified by easy headers and a hierarchical layout. I invite the reader who wishes to use this book seriously, for a new type of what I call 'neopopperian' form of scientific study (see also or similar locations which I have created on other networks in the future -- but this is correct at least when the book is written, in 2007), to make his or her own content overview, index, and so on.ω In addition, the book has a lot of quotes from well-known and not so well-known physics articles from especially the first half of the twentieth century, connected to the era of wonder in which the first new type of post-classical physical theories were being worked out, sometimes ahead of empirical findings and often trailing after them -- evoking a lot of healthy question-marks. The spirit of enterprise of that time is worth a lot for those whose passion for physics and for an understanding of the universe in general is already deep, especially when we bear in mind that not even half a century or more later has a really strong theoretical groundbreaking unifying insight occured in mainstream physics. The contact, found in these early works, with the sense of curiosity and also with direct simple real research studies on actual properties of energy, matter, light whatever, is something which can be treasured almost for its own sake, and quite apart from whatever particular research aim we might have in this book. I have taken the liberty of providing these quotes almost deliberately out of context, because also of the creativeness and free associativeness and the variety of language lifeworlds which with luck can be stimulated in a fun way as we also look more logically at the present proposals for a unified computational field type of theory incorporating, in a coherent but not overly numerical fashion, standpoints on all physical phenomena in the manifest universe and more. Let me put it in another way: this book has a lot of content which is complex, subtle and which may not fit at all with many conventional cultural assumptions nor with assumptions currently governing that which is regarded as mainstream scientific academies. Nor does it fit with any existing alternative established category. What is here said is therefore something which does not easily invite existing labels or tokens which fleet around; and in avoiding headers, the book will be honest in shape to that situation: those who are in a rush to find out what it says, in order to compare with existing categories, will find that the book does not yield to that desire. However, those who are interested in actually listening to what I have put into the book, will suspend their ordinary categories, perhaps, and decide to take time with it, not rush through it and categorize it. Then the meaning insight network will emerge in their minds, and encourage an awakening and be a stimulus for enlightenment, I should say.ω "It is well known that many atomic and molecular properties can be predicted if we know the relevant accurate wave functions. ..." -- E. Holøyen in The Proceedings of the Physical Society, April 1955 (Oslo)ω When I use the term 'neopopperian' (see also front pages of my websites and I mean by that a willingness to go first-hand in empirical data contact to a large extent, rethink absolutely freely and wildly yet soberly theoretical backgrounds, and carefully check as many predictions as possible against available empirical data, especially such data which is not hugely relying on very many ad hoc assumptions. The use of the prefix 'neo-' also means that I revise what Popper regard as checking, or refutation, relative even to his most mature works, The Open Society and Its Enemies, in two volumes. It is clear to me that Popper has a localist bias, shared with early Einstein. His references to what he calls 'intellectual intuition' are brittle and not elaborated nor deepened. The notion of checking a theory against data which Popper operates with is basically that of comparing with easy conventional sensory data as provided e.g. by some measuring machines of a traditional type. I invite intuition as well, but that does not mean that I include every claim to intuition as intuition; rather, I call for a quest, open-minded also on that level, as to what really constitute a checking, and call into question the validity of implicitly asserting a localist metaphysics (as it is obvious to me that Popper does) underlaying science. Science must not take (the answers to) grand questions for granted, but be explorative at all levels, and not sharply delineate a division to philosophy, metaphysics etc. For instance, Popper says that a theory is not by any means regarded as proven even though there are what he (and Carnap etc) calls instances of confirmation for it, and no significant instances of disconformation, as yet. But that must apply also to Popper's theory that metaphysics involves only uncheckable sentences. His feeling that metaphysics involves statements which cannot be checked, however much it is shared with some other thinkers, is, plainly put, imbecile. The rest of Popper's work is too good to be discarded. With this revision, therefore, we say 'neopopperian science'. Since I have coined the term, I also include in neopopperian science a sense of connotation of the type of work one easily does when one engages the Lisa programming language (which is a convenient way of naming the compiler which is started by the command FIRTHLIS LISA/NOD501 when my operating system and platform Lisa_cd is installed on a proper Y2000-compliant 32-bit standard Personal Computer). My first work in neopopperian science is this book, which endavours to relate supermodel theory not only to a program made in Lisa programming language as an illustration, as I call it (for it is part of neopopperian science not to speak of a theory as something which is within a formalism, but rather speak of it as something which is by nature informal, an item of meaning and quest into reality in the sense of wonder and uncertainty -- where formalisms, such as computer programming languages and Lisa in particular, are invoked as finite representations merely of aspects), but also to empirical findings which is so that an ordinary citizen on an ordinary budget can ascertain these for himself or herself (ie, without any reliance on supercolliders such as Cern in Switzerland). I am very grateful to a conversation (at my offices in Flux, when I was running my little magazine with H B Tschudi) with physicist Joseph Agassi, a student of and collaborator with Karl Popper, for pointing out that it is part of what Popper suggested to insist on simplicity of experiments, and that physics, as he put it, has had a development in which it has lost contact with simple empirics in favor of a hyper-complex technological approach where things are not really checkable in the popperian sense. He pointed out that the experiments laying the ground for the more interesting parts of modern physics were generally so that anyone could do them with relatively inexpensive equipment. Thanks, as said earlier, to the library of physics at the Institute of Physics at the University of Oslo, I am in a position to regularly work in relation to the reports on both empirics, speculation, and other themes (such as those touching on the nature of formal languages) e.g. from the first half of the twentieth century of Zeitschrift für Physik, as well as many other physics and physics/philosophy journals. The recent work has also made what Agassi pointed out still much clearer. More precisely, I realized that the set of experiments mentioned as classical and ground-breaking for quantum theory and the relativity theories were but drops in an ocean of empirical studies and selected not because they at the time perhaps was generally seen to be ground-breaking, but rather because they fit well with the theories, illustrating key points in them. This encouraged me to re-think my relationship to empirics, and work it out afresh on a neopopperian and first-hand basis. This accounts for the healthy spirit of the anarchistic choice in quotes, wishing to widening our sense of that enormously valuable past of science and the many openings in many directions found for those who wish to listen -- also to it, complementing their own direct work with empirics in simple and also not-so-simple ways.ω "A long molecule generally absorbs (visible) light when it is polarized in the direction of the molecule. ..." -- Hl. de Vries, A. Spoor and Renske Jielof in Physica, 1953 (Groningen)ω It is in physics of importance, I think, to realize the vast difference between acceptable (by many) ways of talking about reality and an accurate perception of reality. However difficult the latter might be (nonetheless it is not impossible), one cannot simply substitute the former for the latter. One might imagine the perception of reality a challenge akin to this metaphorical situation: a secretive variant of the eminent J.S.Bach is heard playing symphonically in a closed building, occasionally, by passers-by, when a window is open. Some catches occasionally a tone or even several tones (read: empirics). They go to a bar (read: university) and talk about (read: write an article) about what they've heard. Other people talk about the talk (read: read their articles) and the majority gets into a way of talking about the music of J.S.Bach with greater and greater certainty, interpolating and extrapolating the rest of the symphonies, even giving them names, based on a couple of tones listened to, and rendered perhaps not very accurately, to the other people at the bar (read: the way scientists talk about reality, 'the big bang', 'time' etc). Then somebody (e.g. Popper) points out -- hey, why not spend more time in front of the window? But there are opinions about this in the populace. This has already been discussed, they point out; and the majority, which, they surmise (confer Ibsen) must be the wisest, has judged it somewhat peculiar to want to go back to the window, when insight has "advanced as much as it has" (read: got complex, full of 'proofs' and 'deductions'). One even has symphonies performed over what one has 'heard' (read: technology), and some people seem to like them. But some people don't give up. They go back to the window and listen more and more. However, they may find it difficult to listen if they are too intensely aware of the opinions of the populace over what they hear (majority mainstream opinion may act as a mesmerizing force, obstructing perception). In the words of my father, Stein Bråten, we must then dissolve the "model monopoly" (or 'modellmakt', as he calls it in Norwegian, see his 'modellmaktteori' from 1972, cfr the site on bibliography). The notion of model monopoly is somewhat akin to that of Thomas Kuhn 'paradigm', although it has a wider application (not just to science) and it is also, quite unlike both the early version by Kuhn, and unlike his later work on 'exemplar' as alternative notion, totally clear from the outset that model monopoly is not at all what we want. Ie, it is exactly what must be transcended, e.g. by introducing crossing perspectives, fresh contact with empirics, alternative formalisms, a re-opened discussions of definitions, and so forth. I am grateful for this concept, which has been one of my main compasses in meeting with many brands of theory. It is part of the dissolution of model monopoly, as I see it, to prefer the nonsystematic over the systematic except where a formal language, like my Lisa programming language, requires the systematic approach in order for it to be machine-readable. When we look at the science journals for the first half of the twentieth century, especially before the world war 1940-45, it is evident that the editors in many nations have pursued their selection of what articles to publish according to a view of what they regard as particularly 'hot'. One sees, for instance, in certain North American journals an emphasis on electricity, and, in the same journals, one finds, in the 1930s, even relativity theory being discussed only rarely and then mostly with quotes -- "relativity theory" -- referring then to the special theory of relativity by Albert Einstein. But nevertheless, despite nationalistic and militaristic aims and divisions, there are many global and insightfully oriented articles, and one is perhaps struck by the diversity of studies. As Agassi pointed out, one finds an esthetics often involving a very direct focus on somewhat more simple forms of empirics than that which came into fashion by the late 20th century. And in the german language one finds a slightly "computer-language-like" willingness to cultivate carefully expressed gestalts of insights and questions, which even today, especially in an English language context in which something like Lisa takes the place of the old german systematization praxis in language, evokes a sense of creativeness, wonder and suitable philosophical awe of the kind which can act, with luck, to dissolve model monopolies. I have earlier on voiced concern about the tendency in the german language to assert structure more than contact with facts; and my feeling is that any element of focus on the german language should go hand in hand with a focus on the laughter and spiritual freedom one naturally comes upon in a language like english, and with the caution that Popper and others take great pains to point out so clearly -- that reality must always have the upper hand, no matter how complicated, diffuse or whatever it seems to be. It is a crime in science to say that reality cannot be further analyzed, further visualized, further understood. The approach of Bohr is therefore here, in that regard, regarded as Bohr at his most foolish. It was Bohr, far more than Einstein, who prevented the Bohr-Einstein dicussions from becoming dialogue. There was a conflict betweem them, but the conflict was not balanced. Einstein always expressed his viewpoints very clearly, as far as I can tell. He allowed them to be refuted. Bohr acted as a politician, eager to win votes from fellow-physicists, degenerating the following five decades of physics after his dubvious contribution on establishing his model monopoly. Aside from this, I agree with Einstein that Bohr's surprisingly accurate traffic rules for the energetic changes of the atom electrons involved something remarkable, even to the extent it showed that Bohr was a genius: but this does not justify the tremendous attempt to block the development of physics by plastering it with vague words on what is allowed and what is possible to talk about. One sees the same strain in Wittgenstein's pronouncement that what one cannot talk about, one must not talk about -- which probably said more about his shame over his own sexuality than it said either about logic or science or philosophy (Wittgenstein wrote of his masturbations in a private language). The magic of reality is that it can be understood; the magic of of the heart is that it knows harmony without having to be told it -- and the quest into the spiritual life involves going by heart when the mind is too occupied with other things to actually penetrate at an intellectual level (as scientists must do, eventually) the universe in the sense of wholeness. But the lack of understanding in any area must never lead to a hype around pronouncement and declarations, especially not by a Nobel laurate like Bohr, that the further progress in physics or in any fields lies in avoiding further analysis, visualization or talk about certain questions -- trends of thought which are found in most of the articles Bohr wrote, and which are yet themselves so vaguely phrased that I have heard Bohr's followers, including Gjøtterud, vehemently deny that Bohr ever said such things. Nor can one at all justify such meaningless, vehement denials of the reality of how some have done science and of what can be done next by referring to the importance of (as some does, I have noticed), 'engagement', 'enthusiasm' or 'feelings'. Feelings of rage, attack, denial, disgust and such coldness in feelings (which also have been evident in Arne Næss when he speaks of spirituality) as lead to sarcasm have no place in science at all -- only in the treatment of the neurosis called 'egotism'. The deeper feelings of science involves the cosmic religious sense of the universe which Einstein spoke about, and which Spinoza would have called hilaritas, but which need not the imbecile determinism of either.ω My inclusion of quotes is in this spirit and also to signify my strong acknowledgement to the 20th century scientific publications and journals, and Zeitschift für Physik in particular, as I begin my own neopopperian work for real with the work you have in your hand. The quotes will of course be far more readable for those with an good understanding of the german language but the reading of these is not crucial to the formal content and the discussions around these in informal English in this book -- they are therefore not translated.ω "Es ist die Absicht des vorliegenden Artikels, auf einige Gesichtspunkte hinzuwisen, die das Expansionsphänomen der Welt in rein physikalischer Weise zu erklären versuchen. ..." -- Erich Bagge in Zeitschrift für Physik, July 1950 (Hamburg)ω "Die Bindungsenergie der Kernbausteine ist experimentell von der Größe des Atomkerns nahezu unabhängig, und der Radius der Kerne variiert ungefähr wie die dritte Wurzel aus der Anzahl der den Kern aufbauenden Protonen und Neutronen. ..." -- W. Heisenberg in Zeitschrift für Physik, Sept 1935 (Leipzig)ω "In 1937 D. Brown put forward the ingenius idea of using a strip of sound film as an optical diffraction grating. ..." -- J. F. Schouten in Physica, Feb 1940 (Eindhoven)ω The theory of active models, or supermodels, is my contribution inside my privately published book, which in manuscript form, as text file, is within the Lisa operating system, in C:\Yourtext, as a.htm. It is, since 2004, with ISBN 82-996977-0-0 at the National Library of Norway (produced under my pen name Stein von Reusch, published by Yoga4d VRGM, Oslo), in book form (cfr The language Forth was there used in a broad and very general form to illustrate some aspects, because the parallel project of that which became Firth and Lisa was yet far from completed (the completion of Firth was in March 2006, and Lisa, which is the way we typically denote its most ripe form, the LISANOD501, completed July 2007). It will be extremely clear, on reading that text (esp. its second part, which introduces the supermodel theory and the Principle of a tendency of Movement towards Wholeness, or PMW, as we will look more at here), that there is a respect for key aspects at a very abstract level of the theories commonly regarded by mainstream physics as foundational to their science, notably general (as well as special) relativity theory as by Albert Einstein, and quantum theory, created by Einstein, Planck, Born, Heisenberg, Bohr, Pauli, Dirac, Schrödinger, von Neumann, de Broglie, Fermi, and others. The focus in this book, however, has an intent to engage more in a first-hand way to empirics and yet do so on the premise of looking intensely for aspects of the quantum and gravitation, or curvature-like phenomena (such as acceleration), as well as more phenomena, of the type one might denote a subtle yet pervasive macroscopic, or perhaps biological, coherence (or 'nonlocality' as referred to in that book). I will do so not at all trying to negate the key importance of such studies as e.g. by Aspect to ascertain Bell's inequality relative to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen article, even though such studies relies not only on very expensive and complicated technical arrangements (in order to distinguish finely between near speed of light and faster than allowed for by the speed of light limit at short ranges with microscopic quantities of energy) as well as a brickstone of mathematical deductions and assumptions. Quite on the contrary, I take it for granted that we have respect for, and feel gratitude for, all these immense efforts, including such efforts as trying to find out whether indeed the speed of light is constant at Earth's surface both in racing towards the Sun and in racing away from it, and complicated arrangements (indicating quantum coherence over a timelike dimension which I call spaceduration) such as 'delayed choice' quantum experiments; and we must be highly grateful that we have indeed behind us such things as taking atomic clocks of immense accuracy up in airplanes and rockets to come to some empirical confirmation of the notion that gravitation, as well as acceleration, when strong, has a minuscle but real slowing effect on a precision-manufactored timing device. The literature covering such studies is immense, and a popular science writing culture has contributed to this. A person eager to come into contact with empirics in a first-hand manner would do well in engaging in a certain amount of visualisation of this empirics which is in praxis so complicated to reach at the present technological level of humanity, anyway, for most -- be it third-hand or fourth-hand, reports of reports of reports -- but it is a comfort that many scientists have independently gone to the laboratories in many countries not at all always with the intent to come up with confirming instances, and several key results, such as those mentioned above, tend to stand within the present context fairly well. However it must also be said that the way such studies are presented is often very subtly dogmatic and one must not let oneself be seduced by the whole agenda and network of assumptions running through many of these presentations, and I think my 2004 book should be good in providing a sense of bracketing around several statements of an over-eager theoretical nature which often has clothed several of these presentation (for instance, it is correct that Einstein's work has got many instances of confirmation but it is not thereby proved, once and for all, that those who proposed such a notion as an ether proposed something which must be a laughing-stock of all scientists for all ages to come -- it is rather so that in the framework Einstein proposed, and which works not at all for quantum phenomena except by extremely complex forms of tweaking such as superstring or M-theory, which does not appeal to anyone oriented towards fresh understanding and simplicity, I think it is fair to say, this framework does not propose the ether; but there is no final disproof of any individual concept; rather, the original ether-framework was found to have instances of disconfirmation and that does not rule out ether as such -- speaking principally, and there is no reason why one should not speak principally when one is doing science). Anyway, the key emphasis on this book is nevertheless completely different from the typical emphasis when one sees the word 'quantum' in a scientific context. For I have endavoured to find what can be found easily, given the present state of commonly found technology absolutely outside all laboratories, which at least touches on the quantized aspects of energy; and I do this on the presumption that those who wish to touch on more classical quantized phenomena can elaborate further on something much like the present supermodel formalism as presented here for the first time. I intend this book to be a platform for infinite undertakings. I do not presume nor garantee this book will be errorless; but reports of instances of disconfirmation, if any, will provide further ground for interesting research for upcoming works. The approach here is a network of insights, and attempted connections with empirics, some which may have more to them than others, and it does not as such stand forth as a hierarchy. The program is the same, exposed to different input parameters which give different general model behaviours -- the word 'model', and the phrase 'model behaviour' refers to the computer program, while the word 'supermodel' consistently refers to the theory I have made over the nature of the universe and by the latter, in contrast to the former, I explicitly call for a sense of the infinite and the irreducible and whole. The model program is meant to be improved upon; and entirely different programs can be made also inspired by the supermodel theory. I wish again to say what I said clearly in the 2004 book: the theory is never its formalisation. A formalisation is an illustration of a theory, at best. It can in some sense incorporate, mimick or contain some key aspects of a theory but never all of them, because insight cannot be put into the shape of a series of mechanically permutable tokens. These tokens -- such as the tokens making up a Lisa program -- can have an interesting quality of encouraging insight into what the theory is all about, but they do not, in fact never, represent the theory, when we by theory affirm the important point which I believe also Popper affirmed, namely that a theory is a semantic item in toto. A formalism, and its syntax, can be invoked by theory-makers, but not so as to contain it. One does not record an insight, but one can record a performance on a keyboard which is inspired by an insight. A formalisation is in some sense a recording of a performance which is inspired by a theory. When I say this so strongly, it is because I feel it is part of the generous enterprising spirit of neopopperian science always to call for the childrens' minds to evoke new wonder, ask the big questions all anew, and cast aside all model monopolies. This they can do with a compassion that is also an immediate sense of flowing wholeness and unity, not based on egotism, nor based on a groupism or a dyadism (a 'twoness' type of egotism would still be egotism). The wholeness, or compassion, is a universal sense of wonder and open enquiry which ultimately defies all explanation, and which is part of a sense of mystery and awe about the universe which is echoed in the Einstein quote where he speaks of science as a '..cosmic and religious feeling'. There is a meeting of another individual in this flow of compassion, as (what I am grateful to my father Stein Bråten for pointing out) in Martin Buber's Ich-Du poetic vision (which is, as he often writes himself, also along the lines of my father's scientific theory of the virtual other, proposed in the context also of infant research). In this, we see that the sense of individuality, of one, two, three, four and so on, all comes to happen within wholeness, or unity, or oneness, that which Jiddu Krishnamurti referred to, in his many books, as the "love which has no motive; a love, which has its own intelligence, in which there is no center such as the 'I'".ω "Die Streuung schneller Elektronen an einem zentralsymmetrischen Felde wurde auf Grund der Diracschen Theorie bis jetzt von verschiedenen Autoren behandelt. ..." -- P. Urban in Zeitschrift für Physik, March 1942 (Wien)ω "In einer früheren Arbeit konnte gezeight werden, daß ein Molekularstrahl von Heliumatomen oder Wasserstoffmolekülen von der Spaltfläche eines Lithiumfluoridkristalls wie von einem Kreuzgitter gebeugt wird. ..." -- I. Estermann, R. Frisch, und O. Stern in Zeitscrhift für Physik, Dec 1931 (Hamburg)ω "Schon die alte Hittorfsche Umwegröhre zeight eindringlich, daß zur Ausbildung einer Glimmentladung genügend Raum verhanden sein muß. ..." -- Werner Koch in Zeitscrhift für Physik, Dec 1931 (Berlin)ω "Der Ausdruck 'einheitliche' Feldtheorie, der für das erstrebte Ziel öfters verwendet wird, bezieht sich darauf, daß Gravitation, Electromagnetismus und vielleicht noch anderes mit einem Schlag erfaßt werden soll. ..." -- Erwin Schrödinger in Annalen der Physik, Aug 1948 (Dublin)ω "<<.. Sie wissen, daß ich die Vorstellung versucht habe, daß das Atom von einem stationären Energiewert zum anderen gewissermaßen plötzlich herunterfällt, indem es die Energiedifferenz als ein Energiepaket, ein sogenanntes Lichtquant, ausstrahlt. Das wäre ein besonders krasses Beispiel für jenes Element von Unstetigkeit. Glauben Sie, daß diese Vorstellung richtig ist? ...>>" -- From a conversation between A.Einstein and W.Heisenberg; the question is put by Einstein; from the book 'Der Teil und das Ganze -- Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik' by Werner Heisenberg, München 1969ω In this book, with the software made for it (and fully represented inside the book as well as given in an already- typed-in format at my website as indicated at the frontpage), the supermodel theory is given an illustration in the form of a standard computational basis for experiments with various experimental setups, as determined by extra programs, in which parameters to the algorithms are given, so as to sketch various symbolic relationship between processes of various kinds and at various scales, from microscopic to macroscopic. The Lisa programming language is of course free, as started with the command FIRTHLIS LISA/NOD501, on the Lisacode command line, in the also free operating platform as downloadable from my website The example programs are downloadable as described further on in this book, associated with each program example. The book implies that supermodels in some sense can be considered a concept which is inspired by that of somewhat 'free-floating' algorithms, connecting and disconnecting (indeed, my initial phraseology was to say 'supratext' or 'supertext'). I would like to make this more precise here. With the advantage of the work by A. Turing, E. Post, A. Church and others, the notion of a 'complete programming language' is fairly well defined (albeit perhaps not with an adequate emphasis on e.g. 32-bit finiteness, which I, for my own reasons, think it is adamant to put into any definition of a proper digital programming language). Very vaguely inspired by Einstein's focus on the unified approach to all of physics, I wish to make precise a certain postulate, in a context in which we grant some kind of actuality to something like a supermodel -- which is an actuality more subtle than mere energy, of course, in a general and broad way inspired by the reworkings of pilot waves and other wave functions to nonlocal manydimensional wave functions. This postulate is the following: A supermodel can have associated with it a structure no less complex and no less dynamic than that of a complete algorithm written in a complete programming language like Lisa. I wish it clearly understood that I in no way postulate that the essential actuality is finite or reducible to the digital. I merely postulate that this actuality, which in potential (it feels intuitively right to say) has something essentially infinite about it (in all senses), also engages in a rather digital-like activity in which something like algorithms may be a suitable notion of what's done here.ω In this first book in the series calling on Lisa formalism in science, which will take us into much -- also more on biological coherence, on the essentials of warp science, and on issues of geo-engineering and much more, we will look into twenty-seven 27 experimental setups using the computer program, which are be relevant for theoretical speculation about a corresponding group phenomena in the real world. I intend this series often to be more intensely empirical, and this is a basic work for the CAA-Academy in its science programme. As far as the empirics go, few of these 27 requires anything but reflection upon the type of experience and technology either encountered in a normal daily life, or which is (like three unattached polaroid glasses) fairly inexpensive and available, although some are a bit different. The completing seven or eight increasingly involves a theory of consciousness, and mind more generally, but due to the tremendous amount of physical molecules involved e.g. in brain action, they require a lot more research so that the particularities of the supermodel theory can be ascertained in these cases -- or else refuted. This is a first book, of course, in a series which is of indefinite length, involving the blending of the Lisa programming language, informal dicussions, and the insights which are associated with my supermodel theory, and I try here to sketch outlines for future research -- and I have had to call upon a trust in intuition (mine and yours) in chiseling out these examples. The computer simulations or emulations of some of the key features of the supermodel theory, however, work on their own accord, of course -- and that is also a form of empirics, of course -- valuable in the sense of comparison with actual world empirics, and with your own intuition. I very strongly call upon a sophistication of our understanding of intuition along the lines sketched in many texts on my websites and also inside the free Lisa platform as a more and more unbiased research tool -- in neopopperian science. Especially the two completing points break sharply with mainstream physics as at the time of writing this book (2007), and involve a certain number of additional assumptions beyond the abstract version of supermodel theory, in which we posit a relationship to the particular macroscopic (in the sense of biological) processes of our human brains and bodies with the feature of the supermodel theory called PMW, or Principle of (a tendency of) Movement towards Wholeness. While I will attempt to spell out many of these extra assumptions in connecting to discussing the completing two points, I will also actually call for intelligent readers to participate with their own research and write on this. (1) Supermodel predictions and program example for two and three polarized glasses with quantum phenomena (2) Supermodel predictions and program example for weak exposure on photographic film -- more and more quantum packets of exposure energy which gradually build up the whole (3) Supermodel predictions and program example for quantum refraction of light as seen through water, at an angle (4) Supermodel predictions and program example for quantum refraction of white light as seen through crystal with various colours at various angles (5) Supermodel predictions and program example for reception of very weak radio waves in terms of series of quantized sound bits instead of just weak volume (6) Supermodel predictions and program example for impact of sun as noticable on broad bands of wide range radio (7) Supermodel predictions and program example for the quantum polarization effect of water on reflection of sunlight (8) Supermodel predictions and program example for how accelerating elevator gives gravitation-like pull (9) Supermodel predictions and program example for inertia in asteroids (10) Supermodel predictions and program example for constancy of volume displacement of e.g. large objects in water (Archimedes princ.) (11) Supermodel predictions and program example for moon (and satellites in general) in orbit around Earth (or giant-sized objects in general) -- on curvature and spaceduration (12) Supermodel predictions and program example for relationship between amount of 'stuff' and gravitation pull (13) Supermodel predictions and program example for sunlight decelerating on hitting earth ground, with a postulate of curvature arising by it (14) Supermodel predictions and program example for how fermionic quality of air bounces airplane-wings up in flying situations (15) Supermodel predictions and program example for how fermionic quality of water make curvature either less apparent or less strong: curvature postulated to be cumulative fermionic effect (16) Supermodel predictions and program example for how gravitation does not affect, as it seems, perpendicular motion aspect (17) Supermodel predictions and program example for quantum resonance between electrons in electrical wire and electromagnetic waves (18) Supermodel predictions and program example for mutuality electricity / magnetism in/around wire e.g. transformator (19) Supermodel predictions and program example for a new version of EPR/Bohm/Aspect nonlocality (20) Supermodel predictions and program example for several oscillations in guitar / piano string heard best when nondestructive interference (21) Supermodel predictions and program example for the biological/mind phenomenon of gazing at sea, beachside, involving perceiving relatively nondestructive interfering photonic oscillations (22) Supermodel predictions and program example with emulation of some aspects of neuron-like networks for visual perception involving gestalt-like line segments (23) Supermodel predictions and program example with emulation of some aspects of neuron-like networks for auditory perception of baroque music (24) Supermodel predictions and program example with emulation of some aspects of neuron-like networks for perception within consciousness of thought (25) Supermodel predictions and program example with emulation of some aspects of neuron-like networks for perception within consciousness of feeling (26) Supermodel predictions and program example with emulation of some aspects of neuron-like networks for perception within consciousness of feeling relative to how prolonged experience of 19 and 20, mind with its increased coherence can, for the next hour or so, by constantly attuning to another individual who does the complementing action, come into the possibility of immediacy of wholeness of mind-contact (27) Supermodel predictions and program example with emulation of some aspects of neuron-like networks and the biological organism as a whole, vaguely, how prolonged experience of 19 and 20, combine with attunments to the experience of over extremely coherent (read : young) skin, will attain to greater coherence (read : rejuvenation) due to the modification of the fluctuations within its causal processesω "It is now generally admitted that the interaction laws of electrons and photons with matter are sufficiently well known to form a basis for an explanation of the so-called shower phenomenon. Carlson and Oppenheimer, and Heitler and Bhaba have shown that a combination of the processes of bremsstrahlung and of pair formation gives rise at high energies to a rapid multiplication of energies. ..." A. Nordsieck, W. E. Lamb Jr. and G. E. Uhlenbeck in Physica, April 1940 (Columbia and Michigan)ω "The visible photo-luminescence of ZnS, activated by silver or copper, consists of a band in the blue and in the green respectively. It is already known for a considerable time that these emission bands gradually shift to the red, when CdS is introduced into a solid solution. "More recently S. Rothschild could show that the same holds for the blue band, emitted by unactivated ZnS, which band is commonly ascribed to deviations from the stoechiometrical composition. "In addition J. H. Gisolf, studying the fundamental absorption of Zns and Zns-CdS mixed crystals, found a shift of the long wavelength side of the fundamental absorption over the whole composition range. So emission and absorption seem to be closely connected. ..." -- F. A. Kröger in Physica, Jan 1940 (Eindhoven)ω "... Bombardment of light nuclei with charged particles has also shown the existence of resonances. Thus there are resonances for the emission of γ-rays in proton bombardment of Li, C, F and similarly there are the well known resonances in disintegration produced by α particles. ..." -- G. Breit and E. Wigner in Physical Review, April 1936 (New Jersey)ω "Limited to slow and heavy particles two years ago, the domain of utilisation of the photographic method is shifting towards higher energies. The increase in sensitivity brought by the Ilford G5 and Kodak NT4 emulsions, which made possible the detection of electrons and minimum ionisation tracks, has opened up a new field of research. ..." -- Y. Goldschmidt-Clermont in Il Nuovo Cimento, May 1950 (Bruxelles)ω "Bei der photographischen Messung der Intensität von Spektrallinien geht man gewöhnlich so vor, daß man auf der Platte außer dem zu untersuchenden Spektrum noch Schwärzungsmarken erzeught und damit nach mikrophotometrischer Auswertung über die Schwärzungskurve zur Intensität der Linien gelangt. ..." -- Erwin W. Müller in Zeitschrift für Physik, Sept 1935ω "As the result of light passing through very thin metal foil, photoelectrons will be emitted from both sides of the metal simultaneously. [...] All previous work by the writer and other investigators who have been interested in the photoelectric properties of very thin metallic foil, or still thinner and transparent films of metal was undertaken with cathode deposited films supported by quartz. [...] The photoelectric currents and velocity investigations were, however, found to depend too much on the previous history of the cathode and the potential gradient under which the cathodic depositing had been made to warrant any quantitative conclusions. [...] "In the present work it was found necessary to investigate metallic films of less than 10-6 in thickness with a degree of accuracy much beyond that heretofore attained in the above experiments. It was necessary to provide films of extreme purity and make electrical contact with them which would exclude the errors introduced through direct contact clamping between these very thin films and their supports leading to the electrometer. ..." -- Otto Stuhlman, Jr. in Physical Review, Feb 1919 (Iowa)ω "It is well known that the short-lived atoms of radium A, B, C, and C' are deposited on the surfaces of objects which come into contact with radon. Three of them, namely, radium A, C and C', emit alpha rays. The emulsion of a photographic plate is blackened by these alpha particles. ..." -- Ç. Jech in Nature, Feb 1948 (Praha - Bulovka)ω "... Some change is produced in the material by the action of exciting light, and this change persists for a considerable period after all visible phosphoresence has ceased. In other words the effect of a given excitation in producing phosphorescence depends upon the previous history of the phosphorescent substance. ..." -- Edward L. Nichols and Ernest Merritt in Physical Review, Nov 1907 (USA)ω "In einem inhomogen stroömenden Gas mit ungleicher Temperaturverteilung wird in jedem Volumelement infolge der ablaufenden irreversiblen Vorgänge (Reiburg und Wärmeleitung) die Entropie vergrößert. ..." -- Max Kohler in Zeitschrift für Physik, Jan 1950 (Horb am Neckar)ω "... Sommerfeld has shown in his well-known investigation on the mathematical theory of diffraction that the diffraction fringes due to a semiinfinite screen may be regarded as due to the interference of a system of a series of cylindrical waves emitted by the edge of the screen with the incident plane waves. ..." -- Chandi Prasad in Physical Review, jan 1919 (Benares)ω "The physical properties of metallic silicon, in so far as they have been investigated, show this substance to be of peculiar interest. The position of the element in the periodic system between the metals and non-metals may explain some of the deviations of its properties from those of the stronger metals. [...] "The ends of a silicon rod were copper plated. Upon each end of this rod were placed two wires, one of copper and one of constantan. The electro-plating process was then continued until these wires were firmly fastened to the silicon rod by a bridge of copper. Pipe stems were used for insulation. [...] "The direction of thermal current was found to be from Si to Cu through the hot junction. [...] "It will be noticed that the thermal E.M.F. generated by a lead-silicon junction is very large. Another peculiarity about it is that the curve is not parabolic, being at least to the third degree. This double curvature may possibly be due to a large Thomson effect. ..." -- Frances G. Wick in Physical Review, Nov 1907 (Cornell)ω "... Foucault unquestionably succeeded in minimizing his difficulties by using a very long and very heavy pendulum, but his results may not have been as exact as some of us have supposed. [...] "For example, [...] 'La montre à la main, ou voit que, à Paris, la déviation est un degré en cinq minutes.' Such statements can not be thought as representing precise measurements. They are good enough to leave no doubt in regard to the general proposition that the earth rotates on its axis, but they are not by any means exact. If success depends upon great length and great mass, Foucault's results ought to have been very exact. ..." -- A. C. Longden in Physical Review, April 1919 (Galesburg, Ill.)ω We will, after some other discussions, proceed to the first empirical example, together with the first computer program performance. In this book you will find the full Lisa programming language sources for all models called on, and also the location on the internet where the model can be collected for free, sparing you type-in time. We will continue to sprinkle with fascinating quotes from that classical period, rather pre-1950, and often from a german language context. We will give a general version of the supermodel theory which is elucidated in the various contexts, suitable also for the more biological phenomena we hope to go into, and also the question of mind in general. It should be clear from the outset that the supermodel theory involves a certain perception-like feature which implies that the gap between essential matter processes and high-level biological and cognitive phenomena, and also feeling, may, if this postulate holds, not be such a wide gap after all. However, one must keep in mind that it is in the current state of science not at all part of the typical jargon to distinguish clearly between localist-like phenomena which yields to a causal description of the conventional kind, and phenomena which in some way can be considered as not at all limited by the speed of light -- they are in some manner more 'immediate', but that is not to say that we can with any scientific certainty lump together all phenomena which do not yield to the speed of light limit as one type of process. The differentations we can find here may be at least as important as the differentiations found e.g. as for the particle masses of nuclei, and, in a certain further development of the supermodel theory, I argue that there are indeed many more levels of discernment of speed beyond the speed of light, as a natural implication of the concepts which I have found fruitful already to engage in the essential theory, given certain meaningful additional postulates. However, what is a key point relative to biological phenomena is that the supermodel theory is able to speak of the collective or holistic properties of quantic systems without asserting that this feature is grown from below due to extraordinary local conditions. Rather, this feature is the expression of a certain type of perceptiveness which is the PMW principle, which generates and also dissolves the active models, as they act on each other. This principle, if correct, means that any aggregate of phenomena can possibly be subject to similar conditions, no matter how large the aggregate is. However, the subtle wholeness which flow from an active model must in some sense work together with the causal (and often light-bound) processes which are in effect between the constitutent parts. In a situation (such as superfluidity or superconductivity) in which the causal processes are small compared to the influence of the supermodel, the holistic element is macroscopically very evident. In biological situations, there is a variation, I postulate, in the sense that the holistic aspect is more subtle. It is this subtlety which the Bohr/Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, which in vague ways has dominated until now, does not really allow for, since it refers to situations in which the holistic properties are clear-cut and digitally applied initially, but does not have a generative principle. As already indicated, all the phenomena here discussed are worked on through one single computer program which is made so as to itself, in its formal shape, provide an illustration of the novel theory of supermodels. When it performs, it provides various forms of graphical and numerical representations of the model experimental emulation, and allows thereby comparison with physical empirical research data and so forth. It is the contention of this writer that the future of physics will do well in discerning between first-hand physics in which the phenomena and theories allowing, although they often have an imaginary and free speculative content (e.g. the absolute time of Newton's theories was of course not an observable part of them), for an as direct formalisation towards numerical predictions as at all possible. The second-hand and third-hand (and worse) derivations of abstractions upon abstractions which commonly has interfered esp. with post-1950 physics when concrete phenomena has been sought to be better understood does not impress this writer as science at its best, but rather can be compared to when assembly language programmers discuss the best way for sorting bits quickly, or else compare differences in decimal number compression algorithms. The notion of first-hand physics must not be confused with a positivist (logico-empiricist) agenda, in which metaphysics was sought to be cancelled in favour of trivial data focus with meagre, unimaginative theories put on top of them. First-hand physics involves first-hand imagination. This will all be clearer when we work through example after example, and further acknowledgements will be given as the theory of supermodels as a unifying, ground-breaking approach incorporating essentially all of the phenomena of physics is here elaborated in this the first of an indefinitely long physics and science series of books utilizing the Lisa programming language from my hands. In breaking with typical modesty of this writer, I will submit that I think all of Born, Dirac, Schrödinger, Einstein, Maxwell, Planck, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg, Feynmann, Mach, Bohm and more would have welcomed both the Lisa programming language formalism approach as a unifying approach to physics, and that the theory of supermodels would have by them been considered a broad and deep enough concept, allowing of all sufficient details, to handle both subnuclei phenomena, molecular quantization questions, electromagnetism, gravitational curvature questions, as well as pave open the door for a bridge between essential physics and higher-level biological activity. It is by the passion of the foregoing that it has become easy to erect it. By its novel predictions we will have a chance to come to grips as to whether it truly represents new insights into reality, or is a sideway -- and I challenge all of today's young and active intelligent thinkers, inside or outside currently respected scientific communities, to realize the vast implications of this new approach and both trust it and, in the best scientific spirit, aim to generate both instances of confirmation and of disconfirmation.ω "...Les deux Mémoires conjoints que M. David Bohm a publiés en janvier 1952 dans la Physical Review ont ramené l'attention sur la question de l'interprétation de la Mécanique ondulatoire. "... En particulier, il a ramené l'attention sur la possibilité d'une interprétation de la Mécanique ondulatoire autre que celle qui est actuellement adoptée et il a montré qu'il n'est pas inutile de soumettre la question à un nouvel examen minutieux. "... Telles sont quelques-uns des résultats intéressants développés par M. Bohm dans ses Mémoires, mais la partie ls plus originale de son travail est certainement sa théorie de la mesure que nous allons maintenant analyser. ..." -- Louis de Broglie in his book 'Une Tentative D'Interprétation Causale et Non Linéaire de la Mécanique Ondulatoire', Paris 1956ω "... the interaction between observer and object causes uncontrollable and large changes in the system being observed." -- W. Heisenberg in his book 'The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory' Chicago, 1930.ω "... Was von den ersten statistischen Interpreten als ernster Einwand gegen die ganz naiv realistische Wellenauffassung vorgebracht wurde: ein System könne nicht zugleich in zwei verschiedenen Zuständen sein, z. B. zwei verschiedene Energien haben, das ist von der neuen, durch die Transformationstheorie und die Heisenbergsche Unschärfebeziehung geläuterten Interpretation stillschweigend assimiliert worden. ..." -- E. Schrödinger in his preface to the book 'Elementare Einführung in die Wellenmechanik' by K. K. Darrow, Leipzig 1929ω "... By studying the statistical equilibrium of a number of such systems in a field of radiation Planck was led to the conclusion that the emission and absorption of radiation take place in such a manner, that so far as a statistical equilibrium is concerned only certain distinctive states of the oscillator are to be taken into consideration. The particular energy values are therefore given by the well-known formula En=nℎω where n is a whole number, ω the frequency of vibration of the oscillator, and ℎ is Planck's constant. ..." -- N. Bohr in his book 'The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution: three essays', Cambridge 1922, 1924ω "... If we come to a region of the order 10-13 cm., however, it is quite improbable that the result of a measurement of such accuracy could be independent of the means by which it is carried out, since every particle used for the measurement will itself have a 'size' of the order 10-13 cm. ..." -- W. Heisenberg in his book 'Two Lectures', Cambridge 1949.ω "... If a system of co-ordinates K is chosen so that, in relation to it, physical laws hold good in their simplest form, the same laws also hold good in relation to any other system of co-ordinates K' moving in uniform translation relatively to K. This postulate we call the 'special principle of relativity'. The word 'special' is meant to intimate that the principle is restricted to the case when K' has a motion of uniform translation relatively to K, but that the equivalence of K' and K does not extend to the case of non-uniform motion of K' relatively to K. "Thus the special theory of relativity does not depart from classical mechanics through the postulate of relativity, but through the postulate of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, from which, in combination with the special principle of relativity, there follow, in the well-known way, the relativity of simultaniety, the Lorentzian transformation, and the related laws for the behaviour of moving bodies and clocks. "... In classical mechanics, and no less in the special theory of relativity, there is an inherent defect which was, perhaps for the first time, clearly pointed out by Ernst Mach. "... Let K be a Galilean system of reference, i.e. a system relatively to which (at least in the four-dimensional region under consideration) a mass, sufficiently distant from other masses, is moving with uniform motion in a straight line. Let K' be a second system of reference which is moving relatively to K in a uniformly accelerated translation. "... It will also be obvious that the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo must be modified, since we easily recognize that the path of a ray of light with respect to K' must in general be curvilinear, if with respect to K light is propagated in a straight line with a definite constant velocity. "... The introduction of a system of reference serves no other purpose than to facilitate the description of the totality of such coincidences. We allot to the universe four space-time variables x1, x2, x3, x4 in such a way that for every point-event there is a corresponding system of values of the variables x1 . . . x4. To two coincident point-events there corresponds one system of values of the variables x1 . . . x4, i.e., coincidence is characterized by the identity of the co-ordinates. "...It is not my purpose in this discussion to represent the general theory of relativity as a system that is as simiple and logical as possible, and with the minimum number of axioms; but my main object is to develop this theory in such a way that the reader will feel that the path we have entered upon is psychologically the natural one, and that the underlying assumptions will seem to have the highest possible degree of security. With this aim in view let it now be granted that:-- "For infinitely small four-dimensional regions the theory of relativity in the restricted sense is appropriate, if the co-ordinates are suitably chosen. "For this purpose we must choose the acceleration of the infinitely small ('local') system of co-ordinates so that no gravitational field occurs; this is possible for an infinitely small region. "...If the ds belonging to the element dX1 . . . dX4 is positive, we follow Minkowski in calling it time-like; if it is negative, we call it space-like. ..." -- A. Einstein in Annalen der Physik in 'Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie', 1916, as chapter The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity in the book The Principle of Relativity, New York, 1923, by H.A.Lorentz, A.Einstein, H.Minkowski and H.Weyl, with notes by A.Sommerfeld, transl. by W.Perret, G.B.Jeffery.ω One of the things which comes forth straight and directly by looking at Einstein's articles among the massses of other articles produced in his time is that he relentlessly aims ambitiously to understand the wholeness of all that is. His informal language is brief, poetic, but never cold; one senses a warm heart, intent on communicating to friends, knowing they have great agility of mind and trusting they also share the good ambition to understand fully and in depth. It is on the basis of what Einstein calls a 'natural psychological ground' he offers his formalisms, and they are, despite what some have claimed as for his skills, at least as high as any other physicist writing in similar journals -- quite possibly enormously higher. One also feels that Einstein has a humility, an awe, in relation to the universe. His aim does not seem to win among scientists, but to win over his ego in allowing a pure essence of thought-insight to come through, if possible, from the universe, through him, toward the reader, by means of the language skills (formal as informal) which he possesses. It is also apparent that although Einstein has spoken up in favor of emphasizing symmetry and such, his emphasis is consistently toward an organic simplicity, not a minimalistic simplicity or cold esthetism at all costs. This organic simplicity may involve more words and more expressions and he values the psychological realm -- as many of the superb, eminent jewish scientists with their kabbalistic sense of unity with a living, feeling universe also do (and to which I would also include David Bohm, who worked with the ageing Einstein for two weeks following the publication of Bohm's grand, systematic (and rather classic) Quantum Theory -- a book which, when Einstein got it, he reputedly said that this is the first time quantum theory has made any sense at all to him!). This valuation of the psychological realm implies (does it not?) that he sees the human mind as part of the 'masterpiece' which the universe is, and that anything which is to be presented about this universe, if it is to be honorable good science, must make honorable good meaning to the mind -- even if rebellious against previous concepts. Einstein clearly has a rebellious attitude towards the notion of time. As Arne Næss pointed out (a long-time admirer of Einstein in many ways), it was the fashion of very early 20th century (a fashion which perhaps Einstein helped introducing!) to believe in determinism and regard motion as mere appearance. This echoes the view of the classical hellenes. Prior to the centennial shift, from the 19th to the 20th century, the good-old-bad tradition in geometry, beginning with Euclid most explicitly in one of his first axioms, where he speaks of finite lines, then infinite lines, without suggesting it could be a somewhat dubvious transition in thought, mathematics had seen Georg Cantor's work soldifying the sense in which the infinite is a well-treated concept, to some extent. With Georg Cantor, one had achieved something like a counting over infinity, allowing the size, in some new sense, of the infinite set of all finite whole positive numbers, to be compared, and found in some new sense, less than, the infinite set of all finite decimal, or 'real' numbers, including the so-called transcendent numbers. He had achieved, with the production of a masterful new proof, the so-called diagonal proof, to show that one cannot line up the real numbers alongside the so-called natural numbers (ie, the whole positive finite numbers 1, 2, 3 and so on). This proof Bertrand Russell struggled with in his youth, then accepted, and apart from a slight diversion in his little book 'Mysticism and Logic' (a book devoted to a mystic sense of the infinite, which he later on claimed was written under 'influence of a woman'!), he believed in it even to an extent one can say it was one of his foundational beliefs. So it is not therefore strange that a physicist in 1905 can employ concepts on the infinite -- indeed, had to, unless he changed job definition and started being a rebel in mathematics and its foundational thinking, instead of being a rebel in physics -- such as we see Einstein do. And, no matter how mathematical formalism may or may not have gone astray in its foundation, it may still be, of course, that continuity, and the rather compatible concept of the infinitesimal, alongside the actuality possibility of the infinite, can still be totally applicable to the essence of the universe -- this feeling of a grandiose origin and nature persistent in existence, in cosmos, I totally share with Einstein at a certain level. However, I am eclectically bent. I recognise a model monopoly when I see one, and I pick it apart, but do not ignore the pearls within it. There are pearls within Einstein's argument in favor of a dimensional-twist or bend, higher than the 3d, the three dimensions of conventional classically conceived space of height, width and depth. But if we are going to emphasize, as Einstein wishes, a natural psychological insight, we must also be able to perceive in quiet the fact that such formalisms do not really penetrate with any coherent, cogitant clarity what infinity is, or what it does, or indeed whether it at all can be consistently applied in the way Einstein hopes to. Much as I respect Einstein for his immense efforts and superb clarity, do we not see the paradigm of closure of thought, ignoring the possibility that finitely applicable formalisms fail when pushed to their infinite, and infinitesimal boundaries, as he lays out the very foundation thought of the General Theory of Relativity? As I have pointed out in the 2004 book, and still more clearly, perhaps, other places, also at my website, any formal argument working well with finite whole numbers may completely lack substance as soon as the apparently innocent principle 'et cetera' (or the notorious three dots) are added to the concept. Reflection over this leads to the following grand postulate: while existence as well as mind indeed may actually involve a sense of the infinite in a true sense, a formalism which is found to operate well within a clearly defined finite region with finitely many members of a set or whatever type of collection are involved, should in no way be trusted to apply if extended indefinitely, whether to the indefinitely large or to the indefinitely small. In other words, the notion of the 'limit' as an approach to the infinite is not at all an acceptable one. My argument is a new one, but the conclusion is shared with, it seems, quite a few people who have given thought to foundational themes in logical set theory and that which is regarded as 'foundations of mathematics'. My argument is however so simple it strikes at the theme strongly enough for me to feel it is honest to say that it implies that the very concept of mathematics is a complicated one, if not a fruitless one; but that eclectically this and that and the other formalism can be extracted from it, and relegated under other headings, notably the most general one -- 'formalism', but also a wide variety will be compatible with the notion of a mature, 32-bit, within-boundary-defined programming language. The idea that any natural psychological argument involving a blending of formalism with the concept of the infinite, or infinitesimal, or both, follows directly from the fact that the following argument seems to me to imply that it is impossible even to define the set of all finite whole positive numbers 1, 2, 3 and so on. I will very briefly indicate how I have done this, with far more words before. I am grateful to Herman Ruge Jervell, prof. in language, logic and information technology at the University of Oslo for informally, during our dialogues, approving of my argument, although the little thesis I offered to that institute was not formally approved perhaps mostly because of other professors not agreeing in the argument. Assume postulate P1, that X is a collection, a set, whose members are all of, and nothing at all but, the finite positive whole numbers beginning with 1, 2, 3 and going upwards. I will show that P1 leads to the postulate Not P1. In other words, I will show that P1 implies a contradiction; which means that there is no such set X. Since the existence of such a set is necessary to erect such formalisms as Einstein call on for e.g. his general relativity theory, as well as such formalisms as are involved in the quantum postulates, I will by this indicate that we do not have a suitable formalism for physics in any previous endavours at all, at this essential level. Note that the argument does not rely on Kurt Gödel's famous second incompleteness theorem, which is another formal work one cannot push through unless one assumes such things as the set X. Argument. If we have set X, we have a set which has no upper boundary. The argument for this is that given any finite number, we have the possibility of adding one to this finite number, to produce a new finite number, along the conventional, established definition of the addition operator. Since X has no upper boundary, the amount of members in the collection X is not finite. Ie, it is infinite. That means that if we portray X in the following manner, where the vertical upwards direction indicate additional members of a larger size, . . . I I I I I I then the vertical growth direction is limitless, ie infinite. It is also clear that, when we see how additional members are added, step by step, in the imaginary construction process of the set X, like in going to four members, I I I I I I I I I I then five members I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I that there is a perfect absolute symmetry between the height of the triangle the numbers, as represented by vertical bars, form, and the width of it -- the horisontal topmost line. This symmetry is perfect and absolute if we stick to consistent writing of the marks to represent the enlargement of the set towards infinity, with a suitable selection of font and spacing of course. But that means that we in fact have two infinite growth aspects to the triangle, for it to sustain this symmetry: the vertical and the horisontal. In fact, the vertical and the horisontal are exactly identical. This implies that the set X, which must have infinite vertical size when depicted this way, also has members which are not infinite. But such members are not members of X, consulting postulate P1. We are led therefore to Not P1. QED. Of course many people have been aware of possible complications whenever anybody invokes the term of the infinite or limitless in any connotation in mathematics. Some people have sought refuge, of course, in the concept of, in some cases, almost substituting the notion of infinity by a particular concept which is somewhat misleadingly called 'the limit' -- as we know -- which more precisely can be called a 'flexible limit', involving an oft-used phrase -- 'to go as far as we want'. For instance, one has done calculations not on the beginning of a series of numbers, but on 'any one of them, x', showing that if one has x, one can also calculate f(x), which then is supposed to apply for the whole of the series. This f(x) can for instance be a bridge to the next member in the series, or it can be an investigation of a property, such as is called (also by Abel) 'convergent'. The particular advantage of the limit concept has been in showing that, when one proceeds to finer resolution in the adding up of gradually smaller areas or the like, one has been able to show that, given certain assumptions which were not challenged at the time, the result sums up to within an error limit. One has, for instance, such situations as where one can say, given any error limit p, one can give a resolution m so that, if the calculation proceeds to this resolution, then it won't appear to break with the limit ±p if one has any resolution at all at least as good as m. This type of reasoning involves no direct talk of the infinite; it involves what we most generally can call a 'flexible limit', a variable which can be moved -- upwards, or towards zero, or towards a particular number or state -- and which certain formal characteristics seem to follow (and some of the points of criticism I raise have been of course raised by the once-existing clan of so-called "intuitionists", and by Brouwer, who made worthwhile contributions perhaps mainly so as to make more questions explicit; however I do not base my work on any of their criticism exactly, and I have in particular not found that they go even nearly as far in arguing adequately against the notion of the set of all finite whole positive numbers as I do -- nor have I seen anything like the geometrical argument I have offered in their writings; however it is not impossible that some of them, in some lesser-known article, have touched upon this, as my research in the libraries of mathematics have been far from as complete as it can be). When I talk of the limit concept in this discussion on the viability of trying to achieve a general definition of natural numbers by means of an infinite set, I refer to the limit notion in its most abstract sense -- a generic sense. Here, we do do not necessarily talk of any error limit or any integrals or anything like that, but simply address the idea of looking at just some (finite) numbers at a time, with the notion that these can be varied, we can 'go as far as we want' applying this condition. At a very general and abstract level, that is, I think it is right to say, the way the limit concept did, for a while, seem to end the feeling of dilemma around the infinity questions in the 19th and 20th centuries in the foundational set theoretical / mathematical areas of discourse in science, meant that a focus could go to technical application of formalisms, allowing many forms of technology to arise; pragmatically, that gives of course a limited kind of support to the notion. However, one must not rashly conclude from limited practical applicability into the domain of asking for coherence of our underlying ideas, and sooner or later this coherence will dictate also practicality, when the domains are suitably extended. We must therefore be given the space, and the attention-room, to fulfill the questioning into how indeed we are supposed to understand the finite, the infinite, and their relation, in terms of answering it adequately in our language at an informal level, and then, if necessary, revising, a little, or perhaps completely, all our formal languages accordingly. Indeed, the Lisa formalism is an expression of such a rethinking -- every extant element of Firth and Firth Lisa/Nod501 have been forged in constant awareness that one must respect that something entirely new can occur as soon as 'et cetera' or anything like that concept is invoked onto something which by itself looks clear and well-defined in a finite sense. For instance, the set-theoretical closure {..} is never used, but rather (for texts), a version which implies a sense of the unclosed, namely }..}. And while Lisa allows the ideas within an algorithm to be grouped with (( .. )) operators, Lisa is written in my own Firth with the express statement that such a grouping is only to assist the reading of the program on a semantic level and that these operators have no syntatical application whatsoever. For instance, one can omit to include a )) after a (( and the program will still work and this is part of its operational definition. It is also defined to work in a 32-bit number context with its whole finite numbers being roughly within two billion, plus-minus, and furthermore, the context of the language as occuring on a Personal Computer of the 32-bit hardware kind with its own operating system context clearly defined is emphasized (instead of the conventional approach in most of computer science in which the language is sought to be defined in abstraction from its hardware). In other words, the language is boundary-aware. It is a way to operate a physical digital piece of hardware in a way which is, practically speaking, roughly first-hand. Firth Lisa listens to the set boundaries in a first-hand way, the language is made in contact with the PC hardware. It is in that sense not a conceptual question involving infinities when we ask: what is the relationship of our formalism to our theory? For the theory exist in mind, while the formalism is engaged to take a particular manifest apparatus physically existing in our civilisation and make it assist the semantic formation in our mind of our theory, but not 'represent' it. In this way, my conception of the computer language formalism is fundamentally different from that which Alan Turing initialized in this sense, for he explicitly states that the ideal computer involves infinite size of its recording substance. I do not state such a thing, in fact I regard it as a result of not paying enough attention to the infinity concept, for it is clear to me, based on the attention we already have given to the question in this book, that it is informally unclear whether the properties found to apply to something finite are not negated or else transmutated when informally applied to that which is nonfinite. The notion of the flexible, or variable, is somewhat near the indefinite, which again is very near the infinite in some senses: but when we speak of a variable as varying within e.g. minus two billion to plus two billion, or more precisely, minus two to the thirtyfirst power to plus that value (plus or minus one, where the plus minus sign is one bit), which is around plus minus 2147483648, then have conceptually a completely well-defined finite set at a practical level, not involving complications as stated above. This is then a more coherent approach to physics, I submit. One can still ask questions such as, can we regard a finite set of numbers as emanating in some sense, or even in some sense referring into, a movable infinity of sorts semantically speaking, and one can also suggest answers to this along positive lines, without either having to make systems over such a relationship (which would themselves beg new questions of infinity versus the finite), nor consider the meaning of the finite numbers as something which we have to make any final statement about. Even if we are as fish swimming in an ocean of the infinite without initially having clear concepts about this infinity, we can still relate to ice floating in it on its own terms, and also feel free to imagine that the ice is indeed formed out of the same substance, without this thinking having to interfere with what we think happen if we bring e.g. two or three pieces of ice into close contact. In the same way, an algorithm on a computer can be considered on its own when we have a concrete situation without the pretense of infinity put into its formalism at any point whatsoever. This consideration on its own means that we can feel free to say of a computer formalism, such as Lisa, that it does not represent the world any more than a Walt Disney cartoon of Donald Duck represents any particular segment of civilisation -- but represention is not the point. In the case of the computer formalism, it is a stimulus of mind, and the stimulus has a relevance for the theory, when it is coherently made according to that intent. In the case of the cartoon, it is also a stimulus, and that stimulus can e.g. have a relevance for an aim to experience something entertaining. Representation is not what either is about. This is what I propose will solve a vast number of hitherto almost insolvable-appearing questions in science -- this new attitude to the informal; and I think that the presence of technology in an expensive, standardized format has made it very easy to say this -- far more easy than at earlier stages, and so I do think we should be grateful for this development. However, let me add here, as I have said before, that I do think the 32-bit computer has a psychological advantages above both lesser-sized computers (which were too small for adequate illustrations), and larger-sized computers (which, like the 64-bit and larger, involve memory sizes utterly and completely beyond what can in pixel- and byte-aware detail be filled up in a first-hand way by a program made by hand, line by line). The formal must be a hand-maiden for the informal. The 32-bit sized computer is ideally suited to stimulate mind, while having clear limitations, which (just like the cartoon), informally serves to remind us of its relationship to us -- where mind is primary. It is therefore of key importance to the evolution of science and humankind as a whole to settle of the Personal Computer standard of the 32-bit kind with the 1024*768 pixel display with its 386/Pentium-compatible set of languages and platforms as a basic item and common reference ground for all further discussions, whenever a formal language of a digital kind should be invoked, if we are to appreciate the fundamental difference, and key distinction in priority, between the informal, -- where we make our theories -- and the formal, where we seek to make illustrations to clarify what we mean informally, and towards engaging in empirical testable predictions towards instances of confirmation and disconfirmation. The standard Y2000-compliant computer is not a mere step on a ladder towards indefinitely more digital computer ware, it is, like the notion of a book, of key importance to the mind of a human being, and this will always, of course, be so. The complexities involved in 64-bit, or billion-bit, or half-nonlocal computers of a more quantum kind, or merged with biology or plasma or something else, are so that they do not invite a clear discernment of what mind is doing and what formal apparatus on pieces of technology can do as illustrations, rather than representations. Put simply, a too powerful digital computing technology is likely to seduce humanity into stupidity, and also make features of civilisation (if they depend on such computer devices) too second-hand, or, more likely, third-hand and fourth-hand, to be flexible relative to our requirements in a first-hand way, because the vastly powerful, far-more-than-32-bit computers, or not-quite-digital, will have to require second-hand, third-hand, fourth-hand programming languages in which the essential relationship to the pixel and the byte (and thus to the knowing of the fact of what the machinery actually does in a first-hand way) is lost. We must not lose the 32-bit Y2000-compliant PC; it must be retained as a key element in all neopopperian science forever. This follows naturally from all these considerations and I urge that we all now soldify these open standards we have got and do not give in to the companies which, in their eagerness to try to make people buy more of their software or hardware stuff, simply make more complexities of a 64-bit kind and higher-bit kind just to get new products out each season. We must combat the notion of progress at all levels by asserting standards at some levels, and limit progress to a progress which is humane and compassionate and responsible within the levels we soldify, also in terms of "zones of technology", of which the 32-bit Y2000-compliant 3*4 monitor sized personal computer can be of extreme significance, for all time, and for everyone, ultimately. Having said this, let me again argue more against this very important point of trying to handle infinity by means of easy, sloppy concepts, or quick definitions one has not thought about at all, really. The notion of the limit, in its most generic, abstract sense (see above), deserves perhaps more discussion here. For one might think that the limit concept sort of "solves" the issue of how to define the set of all finite whole positive numbers above. This very abstract notion of limit, including all its more particular forms, however does not solve the question conceptually, coherently, as I think it is easy, given my arguments, to show. And that also means that any piece of technology based on a formalism which contains the concept is unlikely to have unlimited domain of application, and the science involved in it is unlikely to involve a coherent theory of the universe in the sense of wholeness, for this seems to call on coherent concepts which have been through well through -- all the way through. Exactly on this latter point -- that we must think coherently all the way through, explicitly, if we are to have a proper physics theory of the universe as a whole, which we should indeed aim at, I find that my own general meta-scientific or meta-physical points cohere perfectly with those of Einstein, of course. The burden of argument lies with those who argue for less emphasis on coherence and expliciteness. Science involves rational dialogue, discussion, emphasis on coherence, on deep understanding, on the concepts of wholeness; and the technical permutations of tokens in this context should be consistent, and reflect the coherence of the semantic understanding. That doesn't mean, of course, that those who prefer to give themselves the honorable title of 'scientist', 'physicist', 'philosopher' or whatever it is are any other than other folks, who just as easily can give themselves in to the temptations of biased thinking, bred by selfish emotions, in which rationalism is merely called on when it serves one own purposes. But if we appreciate that the scientific attitude is a standard of excellence, then we will not too easily identify science with what some people (or some institutions) do, but appreciate the validity of also what Einstein said in that those who do science should do well in staying out of 'scientific institutions' (he himself worked at a patent office when he was at his most productive, transmitting elegant articles to german journals and rapidly, within a space of some twelve, fifteen month, laying strong elements of the foundation of quantum theory, thermodynamics and his own relativity theories). At the time Bohm visited Einstein, Einstein was at Princeton, but without obligations to teach, and regarded as many as a bit silly for his idea that a theory involving both gravitation and quantum phenomena could be erected. While he was not able to do so in any satisfactory way, physicists at large soon began to appreciate the importance of the idea after his death. As Bohm mentioned in his dialogue seminar I co-arranged in Oslo, he sent his Quantum Theory book both to Bohr and Einstein, but only Einstein responded; after the weeks with Einstein, who expressed his misgivings on the lack of picture of reality in quantum theory, he produced his two articles which outlined his hidden variable theory. However this not even Einstein appreciated. Louis de Broglie soon picked it up and announced it as an important extension of his own thoughts at the time, which Bohr had persuaded him to drop (according to Heisenberg, while Broglie was bed-ridden with a flu, Bohr used the opportunity to nail the arguments for hours upon hours until Broglie, for the time, gave up resisting the Copenhagen Interpretation our of sheer headache!), in particular in relation to how Bohm succeeded in treating the measurement instruments as part of the physical situation rather than, as Bohr had often done, as standing outside of it, and being thought of as representing something which must be described in 'classical terms'. Bohm's theory of the quantum potential is however different than Bohr's theory of the pilot wave in ways perhaps made clearer by the work of J. S. Bell later on. Indeed, Bell writes that he did his famous analysis (the Bell inequality theorem, which involves distinguishing between implications of classical quantum theory relative to the question of whether it implies a correlation that, if analyzed in terms of hidden variables, involves faster-than-speed contact of some kind, or whether slower-than-speed contact is enough, at a statistical level, to accomodate its predictions. He found that it implies, numerically, a faster-than-speed contact; and Aspect by a series of experiments late in the 1970s, as is well known, achieved a confirmation of this) based on reading Bohm's articles and wondering how Bohm appeared to circumvent von Neumann's arguments, put forward to de Broglie decades earlier, that a theory where position variables are unknown or hidden is impossible. Bell found that von Neumann implicitly asserted that all interaction was local, under the heading of 'given reasonable assumptions'. Bell's work led to a general realization that nonlocality -- in some fashion or another -- is part of what quantum theory is all about. However, as is clear from the initial quote from Bohr much before Bell's work in the 1960s, the notion of direct immediate nonredicble wholeness or interaction of a whole ensamble has always been part of the flavor of quantum theory as informally discussed. While Bohm's theory achieves tehnically the same as Broglie's updated theory does achieve, the notion of the reality picture is different in emphasis in the two: Bohm's quantum potential in general does not look wave-like, and is supposed to be added to a classical potential, as far as I understand; whereas Broglie's pilot wave rather looks more wave-like and represents this sum. In other words, in de Broglie's approach, one doesn't have a classical set of variables that clearly. The empirical status of the pilot wave is however not clearly discussed, because de Broglie still talks within the framework of conventional physics after all, rather than rethinking the foundations entirely as e.g. along the lines of Bohm's implicate order, speaking very generally, or as I do with the node network of supermodels acting upon by the contrast-, similarity- and echoing emphasizing principle of the PMW as in my approach, in which the manifest reality concept gets an important aura of being part of a greater order which is coherently thought about. I should also add that the way I introduce a supermodel network with a principle of movement towards wholeness -- emphasizing not just similarities, as in Goethe's idea of evolution of nature, and shared with Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields, but also contrasts, and a general form of echoing reverberances as well -- is eclectically based on the informal ideas of de Broglie (who I came to through Bohm's ideas), and of Bohm's implicate order idea of course, as well as Einstein's general theory of relativity in particular (but also the pre-Minkowsky idea of his special theory, before the introduction of the spacetime schema which Minkowsky produced as a pedagogical mathematical framework and which led to a strengthening of the deterministic aspects of Einstein's original, first theory, which was more axiomatic and more abstract and thus more open to alternative visualizations). It is eclectically based on what I think informally works best together in these and related approaches, and not directly based on the formalisms in them, since I regard the discussions around these formalisms as having relatively little to do with reality, except when they lead to particular new numerical predictions -- and more to do with the inherent difficulties with the type of formalism which physics (and science in general) has seen too much of; difficulties which seem, in many cases, to have root in the finite/infiniteness dilemma which soldified itself with the works by Leibniz and Newton and which leads to a feeling that 20th century quantum theory, even including de Broglie's and Bohm's alternatives, more was 'superpositions' upon classical theory than genuine alternatives; while Einstein explicitly states that his work is a modification of Newton's classical scheme. In short, they are all pretty near the classical even though one gets the sense that what is hinted at is completely different. In my 2004 I also quote a number of other influences for my thoughts, some nearer the core of physics than others. Bohm's work on the implicate order led to a large number of interesting metaphorical writings on physics e.g. the ones by E. Laszlo, who earlier on worked in what was called Systems Theory, then also in the Rome Club on the limits of growth, and who co-arranged the Chaos Pilot school in Århus where I have once given a seminar for a day; and Lazslo has strongly emphasized the idea of waves of various kinds in connection to the local and nonlocal, trusting this can lead to a new understanding of mind. Such activities one has seen a lot of without physics at a core being much impressed; I have for my own sake seen little, both in Bohm's league and around Lazslo and others, of relationship to the popperian questions. Sheldrake has, on the contrary, tried to prove that biology in classical sense is predicting something in contrary to his theory, and have proceeded to attempt to scientifically investigate very concrete elements e.g. of brain-to-brain connection between human beings, but I have not seen in any of these pursuits that sufficient ample space have been given to taking into consideration any significant portion of existing 20th century physics findings and try to see it all together from afresh. As Bohm pointed out to Sheldrake in a conversation they had and which was printed, Bohm's implicate order allows for something like morphogenetic fields but does not imply them; and the implicate order idea is more general and allows for other possibilities as well. I do not, however, see any real interest in the infinite lively creative perceptiveness of mind in Sheldrake's very strong emphasis on the repetition of the past. His one single idea seems to put nonlocality into biology in a very simple-minded manner, if he forgives me for pointing it out -- a nonlocality used to transmit something from somewhere else to where ordinary biologists did not suppose it would reoccur, at a matter of form. I see something of the same in Lazlo's proposals, who however does not render nonlocality as truly immediate, but merely fast, and, in some cases, what he calls 'infinitely fast' -- yet mediated locally by a special kind of waves. I cannot say that I find in such proposals any of the depth I at once found in the implicate order. They are more to be compared, at the conceptual level, with Bohm's 1950 work on hidden variable causal intepretation of quantum theory by means of nonlocality, but lacking in such formal genius brilliance as he had. The supermodel theory is a far more concrete theory than the implicate order, yet just as deep in its framework -- it perfectly coheres with the vision of the implicate order, but contains, unlike Bohm's implicate order work, a clear bridge between something highly general and novel, and both concrete numerical postulates in physics as well as concrete new predictions, allowing for something vaguely resembling morphogenetic fields or even Lazlo's waves as special cases given certain extra criterions. However, the vision of the universe as implied in the supermodel theory is even more creative than in Bohm's implicate order, and far more so than in Lazlo's or Sheldrake's theories, or in Prigogine's newer works on irreversibility, or in what I have seen from works in their leagues and in comparative parts of the newer forms of thinking about, and within science, -- for even in Bohm's theory one can find a kind of determinism, at least as an unchallenged possibility. It can still be, with Bohm's implicate order, that the universe is merely an unfoldment of something fixed, despite the enfoldment principle (he calls the unfolding-enfolding motion for the holomovement, inspired by holograms, as e.g. invoked metaphorically in Karl Pribram's vision of the human brain). In the supermodel theory, however, there is a principle, detecting similarities, contrasts, and echoing reverberances, and acting subtly to enhance these, or dissolve earlier enhancements when these are no longer applicable -- and this principle is taken to be responsible for all causality as well as the nonlocality in a way the examples should make clear; however, it is explicitly asserted that it may be certainly well be that a segment of the fluctuations naturally occurring are indeed completely free, rather than just relatively free, so that this principle, operating on the entire network of supermodels which unfolds itself as particular, always changed, manifest region (ie, the universe as manifest), will act in togetherness with an influx of something which renders the sum total both irreversible and indeterminstic, however not much like the type of indeterminism asserted by the Copenhagen Interpretation. Instead, we find that we go along with the notion of the position as being more real than asserted by the Copenhagen Interpretion, yet that we are not making a fully causal deterministic theory. However, I will delay a little the introduction of my concrete ideas until we have looked a little more into the question of coherence on the notion of the infinite as dealt with through the limit concept -- as the whole formalisms of all conventional physics beginning with Newton and Leibniz and continuing up until the present day in praxis relies on assumptions relevant for it. For one might think that by introducing the notion of the (flexible) limit one can simply avoid bringing in the daily life informal notion of the infinite, and thus avoid the contradiction as I have very clearly pointed out above. I do not think this is a proper response to the situation, but it is, of course, worth a try -- if only for the sake of negating it, so as to move beyond it. Suppose that we attempt to discuss the formation of a natural number set N, beginning with 1, proceeding with 2, and then proceeding in general by adding 1 to the highest member so far added to generate a still higher one. This set we call N. We now say of the set N that given any member in it -- finite, whole, positive -- let's call this member y -- we can generate y+1. This is a property. We will even say that it is a defining property. Now surely we have made a strong, clear, consistent definition of N so as to surely exclude any possibility of strange non-finite members? The answer to this question is that we have not made a clear definition which achieves this, and I will show why. What we have made is to try to introduce an algorithm for making N, as the definition of N. This algorithm, this rote procedure, involves generating a higher member based on an existing member. It is all well to say that we can build the concept of N initially by focussing attention to this algorithm of generation, but it is another theme altogether to say that all properties of N are clearly elucidated by simple-minded repetition of this algorithm of generation. For let us now ask: is N infinite, or not? Perhaps, those cunningly sticking to the limit concept, will now say something like this: 'We do not know the answer to that question, and we do not have to answer it, except in this sense: we have specified the type of limit -- call it flexible limit if you wish -- and that is enough. That is what characterises the size of this set N and I refrain from further comments on it. This is not daily life language after all, but mathematics. If you like, call that infinite, but I mean nothing more by that word than that it adheres to this limit idea. Yes, that is what I suggest: to define infinity as of a set as equivalent to the concept of the limit as applied to it.' Apart from the rather obvious sense of paradox in the statement, I do not think one should be impressed by anyone who suggests that one should not talk more about something. Such a statement, while it may have a certain rethorical persuasiveness in some discourses in science at a very early stage, tend to look shallow later on, when it was found of inescapable importance to extend the application of the initial idea beyond their initial contexts. In this case, however, I think we can find additional applications of the concepts of infinity by looking to the past of mathematics, enough to show at once that the answer is inadequate, at least at a level of natural psychological understanding of what we are at all talking about. I do not claim that one cannot work consistently at a certain restricted formal level with such definitions as above. What we are talking of here is whether we admit that these formalisms should refer to insightful ideas in terms of their definitions, or whether we are merely throwing tokens around according to a set game of rules of permutations of them. I take the stance of semantics: that we are going to do permutations, at a formal level, based on clear ideas at an informal level, and I do think implicitly, at least, all philosophically inclined people in all areas of science cohere with this semantic stance unless they are dogmatically against it for reasons of their own. A response to the attempt indicated above to try to identify infinite with the flexible limit idea is as follows: What then of the notion of the sense of the whole set in terms of its size? For the limit idea discusses the relationship between a couple of its members. Even granted that one can talk of such things as 'any number' without presupposing that one has, at least implicitly, already granted a different kind of set definition already (from which one can extract members), the limit idea does not speak of the size of the set. Suppose the person infatuated by the limit idea says that 'by the size I would say it is infinite, again in the sense that the set obeys the limit idea -- or the flexible limit idea, as you suggest it should be named.' But all we have to do at this points is simply to ask: Well, do you want to say that the size of the set can be measured in terms of a finite whole positive number? The person, whose attempts to repeat the definition of a set by means of such things as a limit concept, will have to reject this, of course -- because the flexible limit idea prescribes a route procedure to make more members given any such number. But then, the size is beyond the description which a finite number can be -- in this sense, the size is not finite. The limit-oriented person will have to nod to this, of course. At this point, we bring in the argument above (with my geometrical presentation of the building up of the set, gradually, beginning with two or three members, and increasing a little), and I ask whether the person agrees that the set, at each step, is self-reflective in the sense that the size of the set is itself, at each step, a member of the set. The limit-oriented person will have to nod to the simple rationality of this point, of course. When we have four members in the set, {1, 2, 3, 4}, the size of it is 4. The whole set, though, is not self-reflective. I point out that this has already been admitted by the very fact that the person admitted that the size of the set cannot be represented by a finite whole positive number. Again, the person must nod. And yet in every case of the application of the limit idea in practise -- ie, the algorithm for generating more numbers, we see a self-reflectiveness. So where, I now ask, is the coherence here: the application of generating numbers in each case adheres to the self-reflectiveness property, whereas the sense of the whole set involves a clear negation of the self-reflectiveness property, if we try to speak of the set as defined as consisting only of finite whole positive numbers. This means that the limit concept does not adequately define what we mean by the non-finite-ness of this set, or its infinity, after all. I have not introduced any new domain of application -- I have simply tried to go along with the idea of trying to identify the infinity concept with the flexible limit concept, and what we are led to, by utterly simple, utterly rational steps, introducing no novel elements at all, just looking at the implications of what we assert, is the negation of the idea that infinity can be equated with the limit concept. For the limit concept as such shows us self-reflectiveness, but the sense of the set which it is postulated can be generated by it shows us lack of self-reflectiveness. This is not coherent. This is plainly incoherent. I therefore regard it as an instance of disconfirmation against the idea that the limit notion is adequate -- it is refuted. Perhaps our friend does not give up that easily. He, or she, worried about it all, tries one more time: 'I hear what you say and it makes sense. But what if we say that this breaking with self-reflectiveness is an implication of the limit concept, even though the limit concept in itself has self-reflectiveness. It is an implication which comes of the indefinite number of applications of it. Is that incoherent?' To this I would simply answer, yes that is incoherent. If one tries to equate infinity with the limit concept, one must stick at it. We have shown that one cannot equate infinity with the limit concept. The limit concept is of one kind, involving self-reflectiveness relative to the finite, whole, positive numbers and the set built step by step in this way, while the set is of another kind, involving -- if it is to be attempted to be defined as only consisting of finite number -- a breaking of self-reflectiveness; or else, if it is defined without this limitation, the notion of the limit idea is inadequate entirely, of course, and the whole idea of defining the set of all finite whole positive number is abandoned. But you argument was in favor of not abandoning that idea. The set you then hope to get breaks with self-reflectiveness when seen as a whole, a not finite whole -- a whole not characterized by the limit idea. You have already tried to say that the whole description of the set is by the limit idea. So if what we have now pointed out is not involving an incoherence, then I wonder what does involve an incoherence. The set as a whole is not finite -- also called, infinite, -- and this infinity is not described by the limit concept. If you say 'indefinite number of applications of it', you are saying something which really amounts to, 'infinite number of applications of the limit idea'. You are, by that very statement, already breaking with your own suggested premise, viz., that of identifying limit with the infinite. For you did not say, nor can say, apply the limit concept to the number of times you apply the limit concept. However you twist and turn it, the limit concept prescribes a generation algorithm, and does not describe the result; and even the prescription of the generation algorithm begs the question of where the set which underlies the concept 'any number y' or 'any number n' comes from in the first place. The very notion of speaking about 'any number' refers to an adequate concept of a number; but if this concept of a number is going to be formed coherently, it must be formed based on an infinite set which is, as we have shown, not adhering to the principle that the self-reflectiveness is broken down at any point but rather sustained even on to infinity, meaning that the number concept is so that a sure definition of finiteness breaks down. I think at this point, unless the imagined person is simply not willing to pay attention, and in science we must be willing, for attention is what drives science and what gives substance to our rationality, the person will concede that the limit concept doesn't do the work after all. However, the person may be confused about the latter remarks, enough to ask, 'What do you mean? What is this number concept which is so that a sure definition of finiteness breaks down?' To this I will point out, for instance, that any formalism made by our minds is made by something which is not itself the result of any formalism that we know of. In some sense, then, our minds, or Mind, if we wish to emphasize a wholeness of mind beyond division into the many, involves a sense of the indefinite. When we as toddlers, as infants, as small kids, learn to count, perhaps first on our fingers, referring to toys of various colors or the like, we are emerging some pointers out of an ocean of possibilities and nuances of meaning which in a very easy informal sense can be said to involve something beyond all definitions -- and be infinite in many ways, of course. So the number concept in that sense emerges out of a horizon which itself does not correspond to the number concept. It is erected, we might say; and when we erect more such numbers, it means we can put them together and so on, but it does not mean that these numbers are fundamentally sharply cut out of the context -- the indefinite, or infinite -- context, out of which they emerged. The infinite is in some sense presupposed, tacitly -- but we can also do it explicitly, and I believe this was the mistake of Georg Cantor -- to imagine that finiteness can in some sure way be put first, and infinity in some sure way be generated out of it. Rather, infinite, in an undefined, vague, open sense, is the ground, and the numbers in some sense represent structures within the infinite as ice represent structures within the ocean, still made of the water, although standing forth. We can compare two and two and invoke a limit concept, but we cannot try to equate the limit concept, even if it is flexible, with the infinite background out of all this emerges. All this doesn't mean that the technical application of some definitions to the contrary of what is ultimately coherently clear ideas cannot work out in some limited domains, just as a computer program which is sloppily made can do e.g. wordwrap on some paragraphs but not on others, something which is not a problem as long as the domain of application is limited. Physics, on the other hand, and more broadly the notion of (natural) sciences in general (but also other forms of sciences), are in their very nature limitless as for boundary or domain of application as a matter of principle, as long as we affirm that we are interested in understanding reality as a whole (and not merely interested in making a piece of technology and need an equation to fit with that technology). This should pave the way for a new type of description of our physical theories, along the lines I have indicated (also with somewhat other reasons) earlier in this book. We must then give far more emphasis on the informal, and, when we evoke the formal, we must do so without trying to capture more than some finitely permuatable aspects of the theory (however essential we would like them to be, we must restrict this consciously to be finite aspects, and in fact well-defined-within-boundary finite aspects, such as the 32-bit number size, or else we cannot have any garantee that the formalism will behave in a consistent way -- due to the argument above, which shows that even very primitive forms of boundlessness leads to self-contradictions). I wish to repeat that this does not imply that we cannot have a theory of an infinite universe with some form or another of continuity. Much of the thoughts of e.g. Einstein and Bohr may still be correct. We are however forced to rethink the whole concrete theory and abandon entirely their formalisms. We must allow for possibilities e.g. of fourth dimensions without assuming that something such as differentials, integrals, derivatives of various sorts and so on (since they are defined by means of infinitesimals which again are based on the existence of the natural number set) can adequately speak about them in a consistent way. Some of the particular shapes of their logical arguments must be considered in a bracketed form, as possibly right, but also possibly wrong -- and if right, then right rather for other reasons than what has been hitherto assumed by some of us. We can therefore also safely bracket grand concepts such as 'time', 'energy', 'potential', 'position' when they appear in formal form inside an argument, forming a part of a foundational theory of physics. When we speak of these concepts informally, we are in a position to learn from David Bohm's main postulate in his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order from 1980, namely that quantum physics indicates 'a new order', in which the manifest forms of existence are seen to emanate from a completely different order, in which the previous concepts at an explicate level are seen to no longer be foundational in the same sense. Bohm is careful enough in wording this to say 'indicate'. He does not, and of course cannot, say 'prove'. He merely points out that the complexities and confusions which trying to understand the universe as a whole after the decades of existence of both the relativity theories, and also the quantum theories, indicates that there is a different level of reality which is so that it is generative relative to the more experienced reality as conventionally discussed by science and conventionally empirically studied. This more subtle order is perhaps exceedingly active, indeed it can be as active as a computer program relative to that which is on the screen and read from the keyboard, he points out later, writing with F. David Peat in his 1987 book, Science, Order & Creativity (he was writing on this book still when I first visited him at Birkbeck College -- I remember asking him about what the book would say, and he said, 'writing a book is like making a discovery'). The implicate order concept is sound, but it was never brought into strong contact with concrete physics by Bohm, or by Bohm and Hiley in their last book together, before Bohm died (he had a weak heart and a pacemaker), The Undivided Universe: An ontological interpretation of quantum theory, published in the early 1990s, with Hiley doing final corrections. However, as professor at Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Holger Bech-Nielsen pointed out to me in one of our several fascinating discussions on quantum theory and cosmology, many physicists felt that Bohm's implicate order concept had more to it than his original papers where he suggested a causal interpretation of quantum probabalities by means of making the position variable hidden in the formalims. And one cannot help seeing that those who have sought to work in the prolongation of string theory with their many new forms of mathematical-looking physics theories, with some claims (perhaps with some meagre justification though) of having a unified theory of sorts with both gravitation and quantum equations in it -- M-theory and whatever new names they come up with -- in some sense imply a faith in something like an implicate order. I began reading on the implicate order a couple of years before I visited Bohm, and felt it made sense; and at once began talking about it to all my friends, my father and so on -- and I saw only fruitful expressions of this discussion coming from it. My father, who had worked with Process and Reality, the early twentieth century book by A.N.Whitehead, as an underlaying philosophy for many of his activities, found many similarities; and Bohm himself refers to Whitehead as a source in some ways. Again we can see something like mysticism and the emphasis on the esotheric, as also in M.Blavatsky and Upanishads and I Ching, Dao, shamanistic teachings and so on in the whole approach of the implicate order -- but it does in no way mean that one can from such a concept claim that any particular 'mystical dogma' (if that term is meaningful, as I think not, for mysticism involves meditative openness, not dogma) is in any way 'proved'. The main stream or current of thought is rather this: that reality is manifold, it flow out from a deeper, grander order which is probably in constant movement, and which is ceaselessly active relative to this more manifest order. The emphasis on the very concept of movement, and the point that movement was a difficult concept in ancient Greece, is something I am grateful for Henrik Tschudi for pointing out very clearly in many discussions. The notion of art involves gestalts, as one sees in the very interesting studies of so-called gestalt psychology; I studied this during my psychology exams while comparing with the implicate order, and I am grateful to Ingar Roggen, a sociologist with an ambitious agenda for rethinking sociology, for pointing out the validity of thinking in terms of gestalts when it comes to formalisms and also programming (he has worked much with the Apple-language Hypertalk relative to logic). I think the background for rephrasing the 2004 theory has now been made very clear. Having sketched it anew, at a general level, informally, we will see that the program illustration of key finitely permutable aspects of some parts of the theory has more abstract concepts than the informal theory, not namely identical, and can in that way lend itself to more of such 'tweaking' as I promised in the first sentence in this book that scientific work should concern itself with. For instance, while informally, the theory speak of supermodels, the program has the concept SUPERM. Informally, we will speak of electricity and magnetism, while in the program we find ELECT and MAG. This means that we are in a position to keep on exploring reality at an informal level while perhaps finding it fruitful to bring also this program with us, but reapplied as our informal understanding deepens and new empirics come in, perhaps with something else than electricity and magnetism at a new and much faster level than that of the speed of light (and hence also more finely woven than that which Planck's constant implies), but analogous enough to these phenomena that ELECT and MAG may still be called on, however with new concrete numerical parameters. For that reason, there is of course in the formal machine no grandiose 'Laws of Nature' or 'Natural Constants' specifications. The formalism is rather a question of representing, in a finite, well-within-a-boundary kind form, certain patterns. These patterns are supposed to be generically applied so as to connect the informal theory with concrete numerical data. If this happens with ease, and if we also get from this novel predictions that turn out to be accurate, and in general do not get instances of disconfirmation, we are doing science theory building. This will of course demand several more books also from my hand, and I am enthusiastic about the notion of simply keeping on doing this indefinitely, with as much new development at theory and at program level as necessary to keep up with whatever findings which come around -- never ever claiming that anything is finitely proved. Apart from new quotes, in the next paragraph is a sketch, a resume, of the 2004 theory of supermodels with its PMW principle, and in the following paragraph is the general program pattern in the Lisa programming language, briefly explained in the paragraph thereafter. Then it is given input parameters suitable to the first program example, and we discuss the theory, the predictions, the example, and show an output on the screen from the program performance to illustrate the activity of the very simple, yet suitable program formalism for the supermodel theory. It is the very same program which performs through all twenty-seven examples, of course, and this is but a tiny subset of countless possible applications.ω "... Die Gesetze, nach denen sich die Zustände der physikalischen Systeme ändern, sind unabhängig davon, auf welches von zwei relativ zueinander in gleichförmiger Parallel-Translationsbewegung befindlichen Koordinatensystemen diese Zustandsänderungen bezogen werden (Relativitätsprinzip). ..." -- Albert Einstein in Annalen der Physik, Nov 1905ω "Kürzlich hat Dirac en Programm zur relativistischen Quantenmechanik aufgestellt, das auf den ersten Blick auf einer von derjenigen der Heisenberg-Paulischen Quantenelektrodynamik sehr verschiedenen Grundlage zu beruhen scheint. ..." -- L. Rosenfeld in Zeitschrift f[uur] Physik, July 1932 (Copenhagen)ω "Beim Ioniseringsprozeß des α-Teilchens während seines Durchgangs durch Materie wird immer eine Anzahl von Elektronen genügend Energie erhalten, um ihrerseits sekundäre Ionen erzeugen zu können. Solche Elektronenstrahlen wurden zuerst von J. J. Thomson beobachtet und als ð-Strahlen bezeichnet. ..." -- Tikvah Alper in Zeitschrift für Physik, May 1932 (Berlin-Dahlem)ω "Die vorliegende Untersuchung zum Nachweis des magnetischen Moments der Elektronen beschäftigt sich mit der zweimaligen Streuung schneller Elektronen um 90°. ..." -- E. Rup in Zeitschrift für Physik, Dec 1932 (Berlin-Reinickendorf)ω "High field superconductors are characterized by the fact that the critical magnetic field is so high, that the effect of the field on the electron spins as well as on the electron orbits has to be taken into account. ..." -- P. Fulde in 'Superconductivity', book ed. by P.R.Wallace, New York, 1969 (Frankfurt)ω "Parker's hydrodynamical solution of the solar wind expansion yields a supersonic plasma flow beyond a critical distance rc from the sun with an essential constant expansion velocity. ..." -- H. J. Fahr in 'Cosmic Plasma Physics', book ed. by K.Schindler, London ISBN 0-306-30582-8, 1972 (Bonn)ω "... Was bleibt in einem permanenten Magneten konstant, wenn der magnetische Widerstand im Bereiche seines Feldes (und damit das Feld selbst) verändert wird? ..." -- R. Gans and R. H. Weber in Annalen der Physik, Jan 1905 (Tübingen)ω "... Es soll die Frage beantwortet werden: Wie soll man die Teslaspule dimensionieren, damit das Potential V2 an der Teslaspule möglichst groß wird? ..." -- P. Drude in Annalen der Physik, Jan 1905ω "Recent investigations have shown that the ionization produced by the secondary rays arising from a thin metal plate traversed normally by a primary beam of γ, Röntgen, or ß rays, is greater on the emergent than on the incident side. ..." -- Otto Stuhlmann, Jr, in Philosophical Magazine, Aug 1910 (New Jersey)ω "Unter den durchsichtigen Krystallen des Steins, den man in Deutschland Saphir nennt, [...] den er jetzt aber für eine Varietät des Corindons hält, kommen einige vor, die ein besonderes Lichtspiel zeigen, und desshalb von den Liebhaberen seiner Steine als eine Curiosität gesucht werden. ..." -- H. Haüy in Annalen der Physik, 1805ω "Über die Schwärzung photographischer Schichten durch Protonen liegt bisher nur eine Arbeit von R. Kollath für den Energiebereich von 30-1000 eV vor. Das Ziel dieser ersten Untersuchung (mit Schuman-Platten) richtete sich hauptsächlich auf die zahlenmäßige Kenntnis der photographischen Plattenempfindlichkeit, die Gültigkeit des Reziprozitätsgesetzes, sowie auf die Klarstellung und Beseitigung der Schwierigkeiten, welche sich durch das Auftreten von Aufladungsercheinungen der photographischen Schicht ergaben. ..." -- Peter Brix in Zeitschrift für Physik, April 1949 (Göttingen).ω "In dieser Arbeit soll der doppelte ß-Zerfall -- die Emission von 2 Elektronen (oder 2 Positronen) in einem Elementarakt -- untersucht werden. Ein solcher Prozeß ist in der ursprünglichen Fermischen Theorie des ß-Zerfalls sehr unwahrscheinlich, da der dort verwendete einfache Ansatz für die Wechelwirkung zwischen dem Feld der leichten (Elektronen, Neutrinos) und schweren (Neutronen, Protonen) Teilchen bewirkt, daß Elektronen jeweils zugleich mit Antineutrinos, Positronen zugleich mit Neutrinos emittiert werden. ..." -- Bruno Touschek in Zeitschrift für Physik, Oct 1948 (Göttingen)ω "... Infrared difference spectra have been observed between nerves in the active and resting stages. The shape of each difference peak appears to be due to a shift in absorption band on the order of 1 cm-1. ..." -- M. H. Sherebrin, B. A. E. MacClement and A. J. Franko in Biophysical Journal, Aug 1972 (Ontario and London)ω "... Selvom, iflg. Bohr's teori, ikkelokalitet nok fordrer hel kontakt lokalt sett aller først, husk at hvis universet har ekspandert fra en enkelt singularitet, har alle partikler vært i slik kontakt, og betingelsen kanskje er oppfylt. ..." -- Kristoffer Gjøtterud at the University of Oslo, Inst. of Physcs, ito this writer in priv. communication in 1994 (Oslo)ω "... The nucleus is responsible for all but about a ten thousandth of the mass of an atom but its effective diameter is only of the order of a hundred thousandth that of the electron 'atmosphere' which surrounds it. ..." -- G. P. Harnwell in The American Physics Teacher, Feb 1935 (New Jersey)ω "... Die mit kontinuerlichen Raumfunktionen operierende Undulationstheorie des Lictes hat sich zur Darstellung der rein optischen Phänomene vortrefflich bewährt und wird wohl nie durch eine andere Theorie ersetzt werden. ..." -- A. Einstein in Annalen der Physik, June 1905ω "Nach zahlreiche Untersuchungen geht Diamant von etwa 1700° C ab allmählich in Graphit über. ..." -- U. Dehlinger in Zeitschrift für Physik, May 1937 (Stuttgart)ω "Resonance in room is often confused with reverberation, but perhaps those who have described 'reverberant' rooms as resonant ones are not so far from the truth. ..." -- Vern O. Knudsen in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, July 1932 (Los Angeles) [This is the first part of the book, copyright author, an excerpt given at The remaining parts of the book are found only within the printed version of it. The entire book is found, from autumn 2007, at National Library of Norway, see ISBN info etc at Please be welcome to buy this book! This also provides an element of sponsoring to the Manhattan Computing and Arts Academy as planned, encouraging first-hand programming and artistic activities for the very young at a pre-university level, cfr Seminars in Manhattan, NYC, from 2008, around this book and the forthcoming volumes in this series. A.T.]