Original rendering by Aristo T.
of an ordinary photo from www.supermodels.nl


>>>>>>LINK TO PAGE 5 OF 10.
The maximum page number, then, being 10, content 
regularly reprinted in B.A.B., or Big Art Booklets,
and new articles or comments from the main section
inserted to replace earlier articles in these higher-
numbered pages of the archive section according 
to what feels appropriate to have on a longer-lasting 
display at any time; as stated several places, we
do not correct spelling or light grammatical issues
of any kind as long as meaning gets through, in
accordance with a philosophy of coherent productiveness
without meaningless stylification in a soulless manner.]]]

For copyright conditions of these archived
news articles by S Henning W B Reusch, whose
artist name is Aristo Tacoma, see the topscript
of where they first appeared, namely at the
'comments on general features of breaking
news in world economy section' of the worldwide
standard search engine Yoga6d.org (and its
various entirely identical entry-points,
which are named after many of the near-ascii
languages it is supporting, -- we use these
various entry-points so as to distribute the
traffic to this search engine. Cfr
www.yoga6d.org/economy.htm. To get into
anyone of the search entry points, click at
the 'search now' drawing at the front of
yoga6d.org, then click on the next image,
the one about 'saving humanity', and you
(upper as lowercase are the same), optionally
with digits inside, for a selection of words
found on top at the front of most webpages.
As for how to anglify a word written in another
language, you have to try out what works -- the
rules for translation into the ascii set e.g.
from something like the rather different russian
language are simplistic and not done according
to the context in which the letters appear.
Once you learn how to work with this search
engine, and learn how to do search-within-a-page
when you get many results with the browser
'find-text-in-page' command, you will see that
your overall productivity in all areas of life
is enhanced, and the freedom from imposed
simulations of 'contexts' (such as by boolean
'AND' across a lot of the internet) essentially
turns out to be stimulating, because it is
predictable, straightforward, and honest in
a computer program mechanical way that you
can and will learn to harness.

But now, for the archive. In the archive,
we keep the same type of sequence as in the
economy.htm news section -- namely, the newest
on top. 

[[[Spelling variations are part of the
soul of writing and convey information
on its own, as does variations in lineshift

[[[Once in a while we will remove something
from this archive section so the overall
quantity is at all time quite moderate;
for those who wish reprints of earlier
works they will then with some level of
probability be able to trace them as
chapters in published nonfiction books
by this author.]]]


-- The growing-up of a human being requires the 
intelligence in knowing that there is no equivalent to 
BACKSPACE in reality, and so a cap must be put on the 
extent to which computers should mimick 3D etc

[As of 2011:3:31 (early morning, as for GMT hours)]
Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org]
In but a limited number of years, the human body -- 
brain -- mind must learn about a great number of things 
involving ethics, the intelligence of righteousness and 
love, such as is not easily measured by examination 
papers of any kind, and certainly not by the so-called 
Intelligence Quotient tests of Stanford-Binet type, 
where reality is understood to have no BACKSPACE.
  There are, I have heard, billionaires -- including 
dictators -- who sometimes do try to get a backspace to 
cover up the decay of their faces and their hairs, by 
admitting themselves as patients to high-tech industries 
of a cosmetic kind, where they get plastered on a new 
face or a new bit of hair which lasts until it falls off 
and new has to be put on. These folks however fall 
quickly apart within, for the brain is not merely a code 
as part of the human genes, but has a complexity greater  
than that which the human DNA can contain -- as a fact, 
which there is a great deal of scientific support for. 
So the brain cannot be plastered on in the same way. It 
is rather, I claim, having a living organic complexity 
which can be given a proper perspective in that which I 
have named "supermodel theory".
  In just a very limited number of seasons, this growing 
brain and the larger growing mind of the little child 
has to come into realising that life is a tender thing, 
where every action has innumerable consequences for 
which there is no BACKSPACE. It is not merely about 
getting scores on a computer game which can be restarted 
again and again. There is an on-going flow of highly 
subtle events, such as having scores or effects which 
one must relate to, whether one likes it or not. 
  It takes no technological genius to make expansions of 
the classical, beautiful 32-bit computer with its 1024 *   
768 screen with greentones and some megabyte of RAM, and  
a classic QWERTY keyboard and a mouse, and a disk and 
such, including the mimicking of 3D, gesture and touch 
input, and more, also 3D which allows different 
perspectives given on the angle of view, but only the 
imbecile would hail these devices as in any sense "good" 
technological developments. There is rather every reason  
to believe that when games are made which are more and 
more approximating reality in their illusionary 
appearance, the greater will be the burden on the child, 
on the human brain in growth, to distinguish between the  
illusionary reality of the computer with its BACKSPACE 
and the actuality of daily life with its far greater 
challenges, far more subtlety and depth, not in the 
least ethically.
  Human consciousness is a tender thing, inside a tender 
actuality, where meditation and good actions must weigh 
up for wrong deeds. To give this consciousness a chance 
to gain a regular good dose of insights, there must be a  
simplicity and non-imitative appearance of the 
technology we bring in to our spheres. That is why I for 
years have argued in favour for the visible square 
lo-res pixel as a benediction, and for the cube and 
cube-like symbols to be appreciated instead of any 
attempt to make technology look like human; the lack of 
understanding of this in such companies as the one 
behind www.google.com may account for the fact that they 
have made an operating system for the little 
battery-operated things they want people to misuse their 
time on called "Android", viz., 'human-like'. The very 
same company greedily tries to sort all of internet by 
means of what it seems to think is "smart" programs, but 
they are philosophically and morally without the depth 
that marks the distinction of a high-integrity company.
  The attempt to mask the squaredness and enhance 
imitation in computers further goes on in such false 
computer language developments as Flash, Apple's App, 
and HTML5. One sees also that the girl beauty & fashion 
magasines, in their greedy quest to sell clothes, have 
refused to honor the artistic spirit by going to lower 
resolutions, which could have enhanced the understanding 
of what true beauty is all about. Their magasines have 
become intensely glossified, the girls intensely hi-res 
cleansed by fake-oriented programs like Photoshop, and 
the websites of these magasines are among the worst to 
use the most imitative computer techniques, including 
Flash, for their websites.
  Naturally, those who put all the content into such a 
fake language as Flash will not get any keywords 
represented by my own website, which refers to the 
classical approach of having a website which is text and 
  All high-integrity people must put a cap on the use of
computers. Those who engage in development of anything
technological have an even far more intense 
responsibility to put a cap on their development. Greed
for income and for short-lived meaningless popularity
must not lead anyone into thinking that there isn't a
greater force of righteousness and morality which will
do what it must, by its coincidences and synchronicites,
to set the development of these things right. The 
development of technology incl. programs is never a 
thing that goes by itself, it is rather the result of
actions by individual persons and a wakeful spirituality
would then say: each person is accountible for his or
her contributions.
  What is RIGHT, then, as for the shape and use of 
computers and for any extensions of computers, and 
associated technology, must count in as a factor. There
are those who read certain future-oriented novels of the
scifi type and who think that they can predict how things
will be in the future from this, apart from the question
of what development is right. What is right as for each
item of technological development and technological
application in the wellfare society must be seen in 
light of what it does for what is infinitely more
important than any questions of technology and of income,
namely, what this piece of technology does for the human
consciousness evolution. If it creates meaningless
burdens by overdoing imitation of reality, then it is
something that humanity in one way or another will
cancel, channel out, get away. The honoring of human
consciousness means, among very many other things,
that the classical notion of the lo-res computer monitor
and the game-which-is-easily-seen-to-be-a-game rather
than a representation of reality around it are to be
very strongly respected and fortified indeed. This is
the approach I take with Lisa GJ2 Fic3, my entirely
finished and complete programming language, of a new
type which I call warp-friendly. And the overall line
I take in this article is argued implicitly and/or
explicitly through both my physics work in supermodel
theory and the religious or spiritual teachings I
have given earlier, also much earlier on. However at
the moment of writing this excessively few have picked
up the particular points in this article, so the points
bear repetition.



-- Confessions of a health freak 

[As of 2011:3:26 (afternoon, as for GMT hours)]
Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org]
I have been a passive smoker, most ardently, all my 
life. By "passive" I mean really intensely passive. Just 
the barest whiff of some good tobacco smoke coming from 
afar was enough, has been enough, is still enough. 
Enough to quell any sense that life doesn't have 
mystery. Enough to remove any of the all-too-boring 
scents of more typical kinds which surround the activity 
areas of human beings.  
  That is, until recently. I think it began a little 
earlier than the financial crisis rolling about on the 
planet. THEY took the smoke out of cafees. Chased the 
pretty girls out on the streets, or huddled into 
back-gardens, leaving me, the active passive one, 
stranded with all the book-readers and their deoderants. 
  One noticed certain other trends arise at the same 
time. Instead of girls peeking through the tobacco smoke 
to contact a stranger, they fiddled with a little 
electronic machine, doing this or that -- I do not know 
what. But their eyes, instead of looking forward, though 
as if through a pleasant human-generated cloud, looked 
more often towards their little battery-driven boxes.
  At the same time, in public offices, one noticed that, 
to replace the intelligent and intellectual and sensual 
atmosphere of something such as can rise from a pure 
indian tobacco cigarillos, one didn't go for such items 
as were labelled "incense". I tried every little 
glow-thing called "incense", and found but intimation of 
the intense effectiveness of some sweet molecules of 
incorruptible pure tobacco lingering in the air.
  Cafees fell away. Interesting companies went bust. The 
financial gloom came in. No wonder, -- for centuries, 
the human brain had brought forth modern civilisation 
with some sweet little addictions, and they were denied.
  Instead of the sweet little addictions, indeed, we got 
not so sweet and not so little addictions, the nonlegal 
ones -- statistically, they surged; but they didn't 
replace the creativeness. They were too ridden of 
atmosphere, and besides they didn't appeal in the 
slightest to those who sought more, rather than less, 
brain in the concidental -- or shall we say 
synchronistic -- contact -- or shall we say sexuality -- 
between health freaks and health freaks, like me and 
those afore-mentioned girls.
  The first rule of a very intense, highly passionate 
passive smoker is to not admit to it. One will even 
arrange for air cleansing, or abstain from going into 
a room too full of the stuff. The best is the clean, 
lovely atmosphere, full of beautiful strangers, where 
one is alone or with some friends and suddenly a 
kindling whiff of Blue Cafe Creme cigarillos or 
whatever they are called presents itself as a question. 
The artist will at once think of, or even make, a 
brilliant little line on the paper, virtual or real; or 
if there is an agenda of discussing enlightenment, there 
will suddenly be an enlightened manner of discoursing 
the subject of enlightenment. If one is about to be 
funny, the joke will come out twice as good as it 
usually does, for no good reason at all.
  The second rule of a passionately passive smoker is
to go for very long walks in fresh air to cleanse one's
health freak lungs really well, to stay slim, drink
coffee and be fully alert, so that one can relish 
truly deeply in the next whiffs blown at you by the
interesting synchronistic strangers. 
  The third rule is to know about this feature -- 
the particular fact of tobacco smoke and its subtle
sensual effects on the milk of human kindness, so that
if the world is so stupid it doesn't allow passive
smoking, one can have the secret smile of doing it
somewhere outside of public rooms, and get the
fun with the right folks there instead. That secret
smile can make the pretty 'uns look up from their
battery-driven boxes.
  I appeal to all health freaks -- to all who like to 
add soya bean powder to their daily cooking -- to all 
who believes in the potency of yoghurt and who knows how 
to mix their own musli -- unite, and demand the 
atmosphere back. Don't admit to it, but just get it 
back: in the offices, in the hotel rooms, at the public 
transportation cars, in the cafees, in the restaurants. 


-- Heuristic rules when disaster has wrecked a 
high-intensity machine area

[As of 2011:3:25 (evening, as for GMT hours)]
Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org]
One of the more prominent points to be learned from 
those who have read in detail the reports from the 
breakdown of the japanese power stations after the big 
quake in Japan in 2011 is that despite tremendous 
machinery normally in place to monitor and check upon 
all sorts of features of the core machinery, when an 
accident sets in -- whatever the reason -- it may lead 
to a complete removal of activity of all the internal 
parts of the machinery which is there to monitor the 
core machinery. In other words, when plumes of smoke 
arise, or polluted water flows from the area, or when 
explosions occur, there are all sorts of guesses but no 
hard facts as to what indeed does occur. People who 
normally appear to be in command by a number of 
high-tech devices, are suddenly finding themselves at 
the mercy of highly superficial modes of attack of the 
area, and they easily make blunders and easily come to 
harm of their own health by trying to salvage pieces of 
the area.
  In the quest of applying wisdom to future 
technological installations of all kinds vital to the 
function and foundation of society, we must endavour to 
spell out the teaching implicit in these events -- 
which, in the case of Japan's nuke incident in March 
2011 at Earth has made impact on people, on water 
supplies and on foods with detectable levels of 
pollution all over the place. 
  The footsteps of security requires, then, some broad, 
wise, general rules of thumb, or heuristic rules.
  (1) Be ready to cut the losses and simply close off 
and leave a disaster area, but
  (2) It may have to be closed off in very powerful and 
potent ways, magnificent enough to match what it is 
inside the area, so the problem doesn't spread
  (3) Be ready to assume that all normal predictability 
of the machinery associated with the area is gone
  (4) As for any impulse of "heroism" where people 
venture to go into an area at severe risk to their own 
bodies in order to do repair work inside such an area, 
balance this impulse with the approach indicated in the 
first point, point (1).
  (5) Vary construction methods for areas lying close to 
one another so that, given something such as an 
earthquake, a comet, extreme weather conditions, 
sabotage by humans, or other such things, the 
vulnerabilities of the areas are not equal, so that some 
areas will remain, as a possibility, unharmed 
  (6) Divide the machinery within an area into modules 
so that the modules which are most significant for 
backup survival are kept most safe from all thinkable 
  In addition, the people in charge of security and 
peaceful lawful activity being carried out near and/or 
inside such areas ought to be organised hierarchically 
so that the one person on top gets rewards as long as 
all works out well and gets punishments when it doesn't. 
This punishment must be spelled out in advance, and 
mustn't be a question which is left in the open until 
after something arises. 

-- With the many recent successful uprisals against 
corruption (and worse) in the Middle East, it must 
however be asked if more would have survived if a 
general empowerment in terms of martial arts were a 
foundation as much as more passifistic means

[As of 2011:3:25 (early morning, as for GMT hours)]
Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org]
All over this suffering planet in 2011 there are 
institutionalised forms of corruption, and only at some 
places have people been able to muster the courage to 
call out for a change with some real improvement as a 
result. And even in those places, be them Syria, Yemen, 
Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ivory Coast, or that which is 
at present a war-zone split into many parts, Libya, 
the improvements comes only after a great number of 
people haved been if not let shot at the streets, then 
at least they have vanished or may return as living 
virtual corpses after torture treatments in prisons. 
Corrupt state officials call on gun-men and only after 
more than three hundred in Egypt lost their lives, did 
Egypt manage to drag these officials to court.
  But since corruption is defended by violence, it ought 
to be fought by martial arts, not merely by courage and 
quantity of courageous people, however much validity 
this courage indeed does have in meeting with severe 
corruption. In some cases, corruption is so harshly 
defended -- such as in China and Russia -- that it takes 
more than soft martial arts like aikido, and more than 
ordinary amount of luck, to challenge it. But corruption 
is never really defended with luck, and the people who 
are part of it are not typically very healthy. They rely 
on artificial elements like guns and hard but not really  
relevant muscle training, making them look perhaps 
frightening but to one trained in martial arts, they may 
look clumsy and too heavy for the swift, right action. 
  Martial arts have many branches: some are very soft 
and kind, some are overly hard and involve too much 
strain on neck and knees and back, some are too oriented 
towards to official sports competitions, some are too 
oriented towards providing a 'burning of calories' so as 
to reduce some unwanted fat. As a result, the martial 
arts branches are rather fragmented, at present, and 
they are not obviously suitable for women and children 
who want to fight state corruption and create more 
righteousness in society. But such martial arts as are 
relevant for this do exist.

-- Science begun as a search for regularity, but came up  
with an essential level of fluctuations 

[As of 2011:3:23 (evening, as for GMT hours)]
Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org]
Where there is the appearance of chaos, the human mind 
naturally begins to look for patterns, to explain and 
organise, to predict and make possible to conquer and 
control. In this quest, science was born, by means of 
pinpointing what appears to be quintessential patterns 
underlaying something of manifest reality.
  In refining technology and going to finer and finer 
scales, history records that some expected to find but 
static ideas, along the lines that they understood Plato 
to have proposed. If not ideas, exactly, they expected 
to find some simple, geometrical patterns, so that, if 
one knew these, one could -- to use the word made so 
famous by the Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes thriller 
stories -- 'deduce' the rest of reality.
  Instead, without being particularly happy about it (or 
so it seems), scientists had to appreciate that one 
going to finer and finer levels of reality, the patterns 
that apply there are many-dimensional and WITHIN these 
patterns, and sometimes even OUTSIDE of these patterns, 
there is a dancing, playful, vast, rich spectrum of 
  Those exploring some of these fluctuations -- such as 
Madame Curie -- got scorned, burned and, through disease 
caused by a particular form of them -- namely, 
RADIOACTIVITY -- killed by it. Those who by means of 
quicksilver wanted to make gold didn't make gold, but 
rather got themselves killed by the quicksilver. Those 
who by means of uranium and other highly unstable, 
chunky, big atoms wanted to harness the mysterious, 
potent, and in some context self-lumiscent aura of these 
substancies, didn't as much harness these as realise 
that science has come to a point where the very 
exploration of reality opens up for uncontrollable 
  The fatigue associated with the ageing atomic 
physicists including Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr and 
Werner Heisenberg, as well as Max Planck and many 
others, was not only a result of their minds seeming 
incapable of providing a unifying understanding of the 
atomic and subatomic phenomena. It was also, it appears, 
a result of the sense of a Pandora's Box of irresolvable  
problems being opened by their endavours; and after 
World War II, revised editions of some classical physics 
books contained new introductions in which some of these  
legendary physicists stated that no longer can science 
as a pursuit of knowledge be said to be something which 
is obviously good in itself. This was, of course, after 
Heisenberg remained in Germany during 1940-45, where he, 
as one of the leading physicists at the time, had given 
a speech where he suggested that Hitler ought to make an 
atomic bomb, something nobody had made at that time. 
  This, among other things, led the passifist Einstein 
to give, by letter, support to the building up of a group 
in the U.S.A. under the physicist Oppenheimer, which had  
as a goal to get to such a bomb before, at any rate, 
Hitler got to it. Hitler tried to acquire norwegian 
heavy water but that ship of heavy water was sabotaged 
by norwegians, despite the fact that Hitler had formally  
overtaken Norway and put the nazi Quisling to rule it -- 
such Hydrogen-rich water is one of the many components 
needed to make an atomic bomb.
  The Oppenheimer group, under the codename The 
Manhattan Project, which included also the physicist 
David Bohm, who I met several times and at some points 
regard as a mentor in my own physics work, managed to 
make such radioactivity as later was harnessed in the 
Fukushima plant which became unruly after the vast 2011 
quake in Japan, and they also, obviously, managed to 
make some atomic bombs. After Japan run out of oil, 
Japan attacked Perl Harbour and this led the U.S.A. to 
apply two atomic bombs against Japan, in the final days 
of the World War Two. After this, no atomic bombs have 
been used in war except as a threat, and Einstein 
himself championed the approach of mutual deterrence: 
that nobody wants all life to be eradicated and that by 
having the knowledge spread, it would be rediculous to 
apply the knowledge to destroy an enemy as this enemy 
would destroy the attacker. In one way or another, up 
until 2011 at least, this politics have worked out 
  However -- and that was the starting-point of this 
article -- radioactivity remains a feature of reality 
which came in not 'by invitation', by the scientists 
seeking simplistic control and a Sherlock Holmes-like 
positivistic simplistic 'deduction', but rather, 
radiation and radioactivity came in as a nasty surprise 
to those humans who believed that knowledge is power.
  In the ancient Greece, at every street corner, or so 
it seems now, there lived an independent thinking 
philosopher who would get his (or her) name associated 
with this or that approach to reality, to happiness, to 
spirituality. So for every peculiar development in more 
modern science, there is always a philosopher in Greece 
who would say, "obviously!", or something similar in his 
local jargon; but probably much the same can be said for  
ancient India, ancient China and indeed many other early  
civilisation areas as well, and also shamanistic tribes.  
The one would would say, "obviously!", as for the 
discoveries of Madame Curie and the later developments 
of quantum fluctuations -- a more general name which 
also includes the fluctuations we call 'radioactivity' 
-- is of course Heraclitus, or Heraclit. He stated that 
all the world is like a fire, or like a river, and that 
one cannot go into the same river twice, for the river 
is always new. Or as Bohm would have it, 'the world is 
not only in flux, it is flux'.
  Alfred North Whitehead, who broke with the paradigm of 
logical positivism which his pupil Bertrand Russell was 
a high priest for, early in the 20th century, after the 
unfoldments of quantum theory in its earliest forms, 
suggested that, "God is the creative", and that -- 
nevertheless -- there are some "eternal forms" which put 
themselves forth in reality in ever-new ways, and 
sustain their connection by what he called a "nexus".
  What Whitehead sought to do was to admit a level of 
fluctutations while still asserting a higher order. 
However, being heavily influenced by mathematics (with 
what I think is a false attitude to the relationship 
between finteness and infinity), he had to speak of this 
higher order by the flat, fixed word "form". Instead, I 
propose that the natural philosophy any thinking person 
who reflects over the quantum fluctuations will come to 
involves several levels of dynamically changing orders 
which I call "supermodels". According to this supermodel 
theory of mine, radioactivity can be understood in 
entirely new ways.
  First, let me restate something which I have mentioned 
before, namely that to some extent, radiation or 
radioactivity (which in the context of this article is 
rather synonymous), is healthy and vital for all life. 
Radiation comes from the stars, from the sun, from the 
ground and from gases in the ground, from natural 
minerals and so on. If one puts a sample of healthy cell 
in a steel box (which doesn't shield for radiation) and 
a very similar sample of laboratory cells (such as on a 
little plate, which is then studied e.g. by a 
microscope) in a lead box (which does shield pretty 
much), then -- all other conditions similar -- cells 
which recieve nothing of the natural radiation mutate 
and decline much more quickly than cells which do 
receive their natural dosage.
  When you learn programming in Lisa GJ2 Fic3, the f3 
language, you can make games there, and to remove any 
component of RFFG -- Relatively Free Fluctuation 
Generation -- from the game, is to take the fun out of 
the game. However, if all the game is nothing but free 
fluctuation, it also ceases to be any fun. The natural 
fun of things requires a moderate, balanced amount of 
free fluctuations.
  Similarly, if cells are exposed to too much radiation, 
they also decline: radiation burns up the coherence of 
the cells when overdone.
  All planets have some degree of magnetism around them, 
and this magnetism shields from cosmic radiation. The 
extent to which Earth has magnetism in 2011 appears to 
be very different from just some decades ago: more 
radiation is let in from the stars, from outer space.
This directly affects the human nervous aspect. 
Radiation goes straight into the synapses and causes 
more activation, rather as an extra cup of strong 
  From where does the cosmic radiation ultimate arise? 
Does it possibly have some kind of higher order? Some 
parts of this radiation has what Jeeves would call a 
'verisimilitude' to a gigantic universal explosion 
event. However, penetrating minds can see it all in a 
different light, in particular one in which there is 
continual creation of matter analogous to RFFG ways 
everywhere in a cosmos which is always having the 
appearance of expanding, while certainly being quite 
possibly practically static in outer size, by simply 
having the dimensions falling away at the peripheries.
  [[[The allusion to Jeeves is in a story by P.G. 
Wodehouse, of course, in which the young master Wooster 
tries to hold on to his new big dragon-illustrated china 
wase, which Jeeves, on the other hand, does not like. 
Jeeves, being a servant of Wooster, helps a friend of 
Wooster in a dramatic action which -- as Jeeves later 
explains to Wooster -- he had to crush the china wase 
beyond repair, "in order to achieve verisimilitude" with 
a situation in which this wase falls on Wooster's 
friend. The friend then calls on a girl with whom he is 
in love, and the ice breaks between the two -- which is 
what Wooster in fact wanted, and so Wooster, obviously, 
forgives Jeeves. Similarly, in supermodel theory, big 
bang theory is regarded as a verisimilitude -- an 
appearance, possibly of something contrary to fact. The 
roots of the word is 'veri', as in veritas, verite, 
verify, -- true -- and 'similitude', as similar.]]]
  So radioactivity is, by analogy with RFFG in a game, 
part of the coherence of reality. It is a breaking with 
control, but not a breaking with coherence. 
[Some articles have been removed, and, in some parts
of these archives, a few lines have been removed, 
because the changing nature of the technology to 
which they referred.]