Original rendering by Aristo T. of an ordinary photo from www.supermodels.nl WELCOME!!! Link to page 2 (in this archive, highest numbered page has newest articles, while page number 1 and 2 are foundational and kept stable, with higher-numbered pages regularly updated as articles find their way into Big Art Booklets or other permanent publications) For copyright conditions of these archived news articles by S Henning W B Reusch, whose artist name is Aristo Tacoma, see the topscript of where they first appeared, namely at the 'comments on general features of breaking news in world economy section' of the worldwide standard search engine Yoga6d.org (and its various entirely identical entry-points, which are named after many of the near-ascii languages it is supporting, -- we use these various entry-points so as to distribute the traffic to this search engine. Cfr www.yoga6d.org/economy.htm. To get into anyone of the search entry points, click at the 'search now' drawing at the front of yoga6d.org, then click on the next image, the one about 'saving humanity', and you can search using ascii ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (upper as lowercase are the same), optionally with digits inside, for a selection of words found on top at the front of most webpages. As for how to anglify a word written in another language, you have to try out what works -- the rules for translation into the ascii set e.g. from something like the rather different russian language are simplistic and not done according to the context in which the letters appear. Once you learn how to work with this search engine, and learn how to do search-within-a-page when you get many results with the browser 'find-text-in-page' command, you will see that your overall productivity in all areas of life is enhanced, and the freedom from imposed simulations of 'contexts' (such as by boolean 'AND' across a lot of the internet) essentially turns out to be stimulating, because it is predictable, straightforward, and honest in a computer program mechanical way that you can and will learn to harness. But now, for the archive. In the archive, we keep the same type of sequence as in the economy.htm news section -- namely, the newest on top. [[[Spelling variations are part of the soul of writing and convey information on its own, as does variations in lineshift usage.]]] [[[Once in a while we will remove something from this archive section so the overall quantity is at all time quite moderate; for those who wish reprints of earlier works they will then with some level of probability be able to trace them as chapters in published nonfiction books by this author.]]] [[[Note: THE TEXTS TO BE ARCHIVED ARE AS A RULE PUT THERE RATHER AT THE SAME TIME AS THEY APPEAR IN THE MAIN ../economy.htm NEWS SECTION. THESE USUALLY HAVE FEATURES INVOLVING FOUNDATIONAL THOUGHTS ON WHICH MUCH THINKING APART FROM WHAT GOES ON JUST WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN CAN BE FOUNDED. THEY ALSO USUALLY APPEAR AS CHAPTERS IN THE ALWAYS FRESH BOOKS EACH YEAR SIGNED BY ARISTO TACOMA. THESE BOOKS ARE SOLD ALSO AT PHILOSOPHICAL TALKS WITH LIGHT SEMINARS ARRANGED THE SAME DAY AS SPRING/BI PAINTING EXHIBITIONS OPEN, WITH THE CHARACTERISTIC APPROACH OF SPRING/BI WITH A WOODEN BACKGROUND ON WHICH BLACK AND SPRING GREEN ARE APPLIED WITH PLEASANTLY UNRULY LINES, AS BRIEFLY INDICATED AT THE DICTIONARY yoga4d.org/super.]]] SCIENCE IS TOO IMPORTANT TO BE LEFT TO SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS -- People who are scientists in name only try to make a career out of more-or-less doomsday predictions in the wake of natural occurrencies of extreme weather [As of 2011:1:16 (early morning, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] Science is too important to be left to scientific institutions. We need meta-science, or metascience: here we ask: * HOW IS SCIENCE DONE? * HOW SHOULD SCIENCE BE DONE? And in this regard, we pick the best bits of the more mature writings of Karl Popper, which are accepted worldwide as pretty foundational for all scientific institutions, and say that: * science is a quality of certain formulations and certain observational activities related to checkable statements, it is not a quality of certain people or institutions. This has to be said because -- again -- science is too important to be left to the scientific institutions, and to those people who have got some papers, thinking themselves star-high in intelligence (but the papers were given them on Earth), where it says that these people are scientists, and USING THE PRESTIGE OF THE WORD SCIENCE they usher forth publications and give interviews and rake in the goods of social prestige and money by offering also not very noteworthy observations in the cloak, with the hat, in the name of science. In particular, some scientists -- or, more precisely, some very human human beings -- are, each time there is a flood or some extreme weather, trying to cash in on it by interpreting it in a way which fits their own projects. It is however so that the next hundred years of technological development and intercontinental collaboration and, indeed, the whole integrated world conversation on what humanity must do next, in order not to sink into: extreme pollution, extreme waste, extreme lack of natural forests, extreme lack of clean water, extreme lack of useful soil, extreme lack of food, extreme lack of fundamental vital facilities, and extreme quantity of people thrown together with few or none rivers, little of such as fridges, housing, electricity, transport means, computers, telephones, air conditioners and so on and so forth -- in order, then, not to sink into all this, we must do science -- all of us -- and apply a level of scientific dialogue with a certain willingness to express checkable statements and honor the diversity of possible interpretations. Cfr the acknowledgement, it cites some example of how people using the hat of science try to convert disasters to fortify some very narrow propositions. But when they do so, they typically say things which, as a by-product, convey support to that gloomy view which at present pervades teenagers across the globe, and which prevents action, namely that it has gone too far already. I have proposed certain humane extensions of the best bits of what Popper suggested towards (much) greater inclusiveness of intuition which is harnessed in a sophisicated way. What with all this and with my own studies of the world's environment through reports, through thinking them over, and by my own intuition, it is to me clear that the stance which it is fruitful to take is PAY ATTENTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL BALANCE in a broad sense, letting go of any particular focus on shifts in climate, but rather working on ALL PARTICULAR AREAS WITH GREAT ZEST. In order to do this, we must explore each environmental area without having a general pervading sense of irreversible changes for the worse in the overall background of things. Yes, there are some global temperature changes and sea level changes and yes there will be more. But it is a waste of time to try to control Earth as a whole -- and, in addition, quite a megalomaniac stance to take. All the focus on CO2 is like trying to wash the floor of a house where everything else is in disrepair. The real focus must go to a BUNDLE of concrete concerns, together with a realisation that -- possibly to a larger extent than before -- there will be extreme weathers and also vast disasters, here and there, both natural and human-made and in between -- and so we must build up all sorts of meaningful dialogues and plan and then put into action these plans for a multi-faceted environmental balance contribution approach which surely is at least as important as the focus on world peace and which go hand in hand with a will to benefit as much as possible the quality of living for as many as possible. In order to do this, we need science -- all of us. But then we must realize that with all the reports of what goes on in so-called scientific institutions of corruption, fakes, coercion and a general lack of willingness to engage in pluralistic discourses -- and we can readily imagine all that is not reported -- it must be clear that all humanity needs science, a good science, a science that is too important to be left to the scientific institutions. In order to liberate science from the also the higher institutions (such as the rediculously named Royal Society in Britain which is dominated by hysterical people like Richard Dawkins who humours himself trying to put the Pope to jail, no doubt out of the best motives), we must cultivate a discipline of metascience, where each one in freedom from the cliques and elitist structures can learn to discern what is scientific checkable in what ANY person comes with, from that which is narrow-minded, biased, and so forth. The scientific spirit, obviously, as a normative ideal -- which is not reflected in any of the so-called leading scientific journals at all, not Nature, not Science, not any one of them -- is to honor wonder as the primary form of perceptive openess about the world. To honor wonder means that one must put one's own assumptions in parentheses, as best one can, rather than engage in thesis and anti-thesis on the level of conflict. One must also appreciate when others are pointing out that such and such is not put forth in a spirit of open wonder. What is rational must then be open to exploration. It is scientific to be open-minded, and nonscientific to declare whole classes of alternative perspectives as nonscientific in the absolute sense. Rather, each viewpoint that a fanatical person offers -- such as those who stick to fundamentalist creationist viewpoints according to an ancient book -- can be divided into pieces out of which something can be extracted which can be converted to checkable propositions, such as Brian Goodwin has done, and many others, who do not agree with darwinism nor with neodarwinism; but the dominant scientific institutions around the globe have, most of them, declared from the outset that all alternatives to the THEORY of darwinism is per se nonscientific. But it is this declaration that is nonscientific. The THEORY of darwinism in its many modifications is one of thousands of logical, coherent, rational, consistent possible propositions to make about the existence, background and upcoming evolution of living biological organisms including humans. The fact that some people are hotheadedly in favour of some ancient rubbish doesn't mean that nothing IN PRINCIPLE of alternatives cannot be scientific. It is this PRINCIPAL OPENNESS that Karl Popper, in his The Open Society and Its Enemies, declared as the normative definition of science, and -- in fact -- this has been accepted. It will now have to be applied, and when we apply the criterion, we see that scientific institutions are, in general and by and large, not worthy of being called such. We need therefore a new education, and journalists must all get it -- a philsophical kind, involving what traditionally but somewhat lamely was called 'theory of science' or 'philosophy of science', but which more forcefully can be called meta-science or metascience, where we can also speak of 'tools of metascience' (such as the F3 language, with a new scientific tutorial being made at present for it, for release on norskesites.org/fic3 soon). This must be rephrased until we change the present mesmerizing influence of people who are scientists in name only, but not in content. So: It is scientific to say of each person, also child, that each person can engage in scientific work, contribute to science in the REAL sense of science, outside of all universities and magazines. Indeed, in this sense, each person who schools herself in meta-science, or the question of what science both is and what it should be, is a kind of walking, independent university in her own right. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ================ Article by LINSEY DAVIS and JENNIFER METZ, ABC News, ABC Television in New York, North America, (found through a link by www.wn.com), dated 2011:1:13 and entitled "Raging Waters In Australia and Brazil Product of Global Warming -- scientists: climate change no longer a theory, it's happening". THE NEW FASHION AND THE NEW SUPERMODELS ARE WEBPORNSITES -- Young girls are looking to web xxx for esthetics, with the traditional leg&face fashion magazines considered second [As of 2011:1:13 (early morning, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] We all know it -- at least if we think twice about what each one of us who live in any internet-dominated city have experienced the past couple of seasons. We do not need any statistics. Some breaking news -- such as in the extremely well-known example (used by environmentalists of the less optimistic type) of the frog which is fried so slowly it doesn't jump -- come so slowly that nobody jumps (not even the American Family Association, in their vague league with all the magazines which used to have a copyright claim of sorts on the prettiest girls, the so-called supermodels, but on the AFA condition of them swaying away from anything playboy-like, submitting to censorship of their finer organs). And this has come so slowly that few has jumped, -- in fact, this is a different type of fry, one that permits life to succeed. It is more like a tan, no need to jump. For instance, the girls you have spoken to -- young, skinny, good-looking, some rich by inheritance, some a little bit rich, some having to put up with a job at the supermarket, but lacking nothing in glamour for that reason -- who, either with flushed faces, or with an innocent prettily shameless face speaks / admits that porn is quite inspiring to them. Webpornpages. And that they themselves or their best friends quite often, or at least once, have done something -- for fun. In contrast to The Fashion Industry, which is literally an industry, complete with factories in less democratic places such as Burma, -- pornwebsites are not always an industry. They may be purely for sheer fun, though some make a profit, big or small. It is at the pornwebsites you find the supermodels of the 21st century. It is at the free no-credit-card necessary xxxsites-all-our-virgins-are-above-18 type of pages (but turn off cookies and javascript and flash, because a huge percentage of them got viruses) -- we find the prettiest girls looking at photos of the prettiest girls, without as much as a g-string for five bucks on them, in order to get an inspiration for their daily life and nightly partying, and in how to dance, how to move, and what to emphasize about themselves. Before Internet, there was Naomi Campbell -- I mean before Internet totally took over the world. She was the first final complete manifestation of the absolute end to any racism that could possibly have existed at the essence level of the fashion industry. She reigned supreme, ever since she equipped the front of the then-also-reigning Time Magazine with all her colors and all her skinniness and all her new female strength. She was the ultimate IDEA of the supermodel: and that energy, beyond any particular name or persona, now lives in this blessed thing we call The World Wide Web. Across all the world, girls are relishing in a sense of what it means to be blossoming in their youth, without having to have landed a ten-million-dollar contract or picked up by chance at the beaches of Los Angeles or wherever. Each one of them knows that there is an ocean of free beauty into which they, too, with a little bit luck of the camera settings, the lights, and their recent diet and training scheme, can have a swim -- possibly a long swim in. NECESSARY SOCIETAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE 21ST CENTURY -- In the next hundred years, preparedness and balance summarised in nine points -- this is written for politicians, voters and scientists alike [As of 2011:1:12 (early morning, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] Twelve months ago today, as I write this, a major earthquake hit Haiti and created a humanitarian disaster, and Haiti is as yet still in total crisis. And the past week has seen Queensland at the Australian continent flooded in the extreme, in floods which are at least the worst in decades. Every year there are situations which call for rethinking. Let's do the rethinking. First of all, let's concede that humanity has come to stay. There will be no disaster that finishes off humanity as a whole. Earth will persist. Etc. Though some money-hungry film-makers tried to make a great point out of the fact that some otherwise resourceful Maya indians centuries ago ran out of paper (or the equivalent to paper) when they tried to make a calendar complete with all bank holidays and other festivitas going into the 21st century, stopping around 2011, 2012 or 2013 or so, this shouldn't make anyone believe in any apocalypse. (If the Mayans were so great and wise in every sense, why did they make such a mess out of their own once-ripe civilisation? And don't come with the mythical answer. They were a superstitious lot.) Also, Nostradamus wasn't extremely genious for predicting that the religious types of conflicts he saw in his own time would also exist in the future. Exit Nostradamus. (If you want a watered-down version of Nostradamus by a psychic person, read Ingo Swann's book The Nostradamus Factor, published in the 1990s, but I am not conceeding that Swann's got everything right, not by any means.) And there are plenty of quasi-gurus and quasi-priests and quasi-rabbis and quasi-imams (and you name it) who try to get their followers even a bit more fanatically following them (and giving them even a bit more dollars) by claiming to have some divine right to predict an apocalypse -- if not with certainty, then with a likelihood UNLESS the sect gets to do its work, and pretty fast at that. Bullshit. Poppygock. Rubbish. There is to be no apolypse. No UFO will come. There will be just us chickens around, and what deeper miracles the universe have to offer at the meditative level, and Earth has to cope with 9 billion people etc and etc and so forth, before there is some kind of humane and meaningful overall motion towards a truly more green balanced society in absolutely every sense, a long long time into the future -- but not so long you can't identify yourself with it and get an enthuasiam that can make you stronger in the face of much pain, confusion, hard discussions and also for some people at some times, some very hard living conditions. Identify with humanity and get energy from it, it is an old trick, just consult the books by the philosopher Bertrand Russell. And avoid legal highs, not just illegal highs. Natural highs are better, the natural highs that comes from belief into the FAR future, although NEAR future for many sometimes can seem bleak and grim indeed; and from working on this in ways which preserve the spirit of playfulness for there is more wisdom in this than in fanatical idealism. So, we have to cope with the fact that we all have to live with the consequences of our actions. There is no total death of soul, no nothingness, no nihilism, there is only the on-goingness of human lives and our conscience will have to be conceded to be persisting, into all future decades and centuries and, well, there is no escape from that, no point in dangling those skulls, rather focus on life. No point, therefore, in starving oneself to death nor eating oneself to death: rather, do -- as Arne Naess suggested, in his private interpretation of Spinoza's ethics -- anchor yourself in Generositas (which ought to, extending Naess's vision, to include compassion and empathy) and Fortitudo. Generosity and Strength. Keep being generous, keep being strong. In order, then, for humanity to make it as best as humanity can -- allowing for a tremendous amount of bodily pain, but also allowing for more subtle schemes of justice than that which is open to human thought (not all bodily pain is soul-pain, far from it, and soul-pain, as Socrates pointed out, is incomparatively worse than body-pain), we have to make some points. These points we must clarify and provide a focus at in a positive language, where possible, and when need be, a bit negative, but not more negative than it has to. For in hard times -- and much of humanity will have a hard time, no doubt, in the 21st century, which we have seen the first 1/10 of, -- and the ambition must be that humanity will have a better time in the 22nd century and on, by a sense of intelligently intended evolution of human joy. But let's get to the points. The floods of Queensland, of India and elsewhere in recent seasons, of New Orleans some years ago, the quakes and their corrollary tsunamis of Indonesia and Java and Pakistan, and so forth in recent years, and the quake of Haiti, -- these and many more pieces of reported events must be seen in togetherness with the extreme exhaustion levels of cities with mile-long car queues and constant smog and all that -- so as to propose, as a package, these main points. I will -- to honor the diversity of thinkers and scientists and politicians who want to give their own interpretations of these points, not interpret the following points, but merely emphasize that hard, tough dialogue on qualitative content of holistic measures must go BEFORE any dialogue on quantitative and fiscal measures, without being stuck in the language of the 20th century about these things. Generositas, and Fortitudo. Here we go [and acknowledging the 8 points of Deep Ecology by Naess and others as inspirational background for some of this, also recent works by Gaia-theoretician Lovejoy, with still other acknowledgements found in my Norwegian and English publications which are already, with more being added for 2010]: NINE POINTS FOR SOCIETAL TECHNOLOGY OF 21ST CENTURY: ***1*** GENERALLY, CONTRIBUTE TO ENVIRONMENTAL BALANCE, GENEROUSLY ***2*** PROPAGANDISE VERY HUMANELY TO MODERATE POPULATION GROWTH ***3*** CONTRIBUTE TO EXTREME WEATHER PREPAREDNESS TECHNOLOGY ***4*** CONTRIBUTE TO DISASTER PREPAREDNESS TECHNOLOGY ***5*** CONTRIBUTE TO PROTECTION OF FORESTS INCL VERY WILD FORESTS ***6*** CONTRIBUTE TO CLEAN WATER AND FOOD AVAILABILITIES TO EVERYONE ***7*** GET ELECTRICITY INEXPENSIVELY TO EVERYONE, IF NEED BE BY EXTREMELY SAFE STANDARDISED NUCLEAR ELECTRICITY STATIONS WITH INTERNATIONALLY AGREED-UPON MEASURES TO HANDLE THEIR WASTE ***8*** CONTRIBUTE TO CLEAN AIR BY SWITCHING TO ELECTRIC CARS AND PROPAGANDISING FOR USE OF NONPOLLUTING COLLECTIVE TRANSPORTS ***9*** CONTRIBUTE TO POLITICAL REGULATIONS WHICH STANDARDIZE TECHNOLOGY, FOR INSTANCE AS FOR CARS, TOWARDS THAT WHICH CAN BE REPAIRED OFTEN BY OWNER RATHER THAN REPLACED [Note: you are free to copy an distribute this text as long as you keep the whole of the text fully intact, including this note, which says that this article was first published at www.yoga6d.org/economy.htm January 12, 2011. The article will be included in a paper 2011 for a Big Art Booklet later this year. You can also translate this light article as long as you bring the original version written in English alongside it, entirely unchanged, -- also as for any grammatical issues.] BREAKING NEW WORLD RELIGION UNDERSTANDING: THE ABSOLUTE SHARP DIVISION BETWEEN RUMI-ISLAM AND SHARIA-ISLAM -- Rumi-islam is among the winners, sharia-islam among loosers [As of 2011:1:3 (early morning, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] Most of the world is disgusted with sharia-islam, the type that is infatuated with putting images of blood on frontpage-news, and which is working tightly with heroine-drug-lords eg. in Afganistan to invoke a rule which considers acid in girl's face a better approach than giving them education. Let us be precise: most of the world, including the islam parts of the world, is disgusted with sharia-islam, and most of the world is a bit awed about rumi-islam. True, there are parts which FORMALLY are in favour of sharia-islam, but in praxis this is so watered-down version of sharia that it is all about rumi-islam. What is rumi-islam? It is the mythic understanding of such as: * the fight within each human being between the true passions of the spiritual heart against the smaller temptations of the ego * the awe of beauty * how beauty inspires an understanding from within that God, or Jahve, or Allah -- beyond these names -- is within the heart * the feeling of unity among all human beings * the feeling that the presence of the new world of potential and actual understanding of the messianic type is ALREADY here, where the metaphorical notions of transition to a heavenly thereafter are taken to refer to the struggle in the past which is simulation in humanity to come to the present understanding which is actualised now * and the importance of meditation, going beyond all rituals * with the notion of all humanity being together as if in a common ark * where one must leave aside mere words for words sake, leave aside aping after teachers, and rather find the creative awareness in each moment afresh Such sentiments spring from rumi-islam -- or Rumi-Islam, or Islam-as-the-poet-Rumi-more-or-less-would-have-it -- and this has penetrated the best parts of the ancient positive descriptions of islam, and it has, despite the eagerness of sharia-islam around the 2001:9:11 attacks -- which no longer should be called "9/11" -- because these numbers have a much greater function than referring to that date in the year 2001 when the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon were attacked by tourist airplanes in the USA -- despite all the misplaced enthusiasm in some hyper- apocalyptic misguided (and probably both drugged and threatened, in many cases) people here and there to go in for sharia-islam, rumi-islam is among the winners in the world religions. Simultaneously, luther-christiantiy and pope-christianity do not seem to be among the winners, rather more enigmatic, charismatic african and also ethiopian (coptic) forms of more poetic and in key cases also more reincarnation friendly versions of christianity, bridging to hinduism and buddhism, are among the winners. It is part of the economical and healthy environmental development of this planet that politicians recognise the abounding importance of the absolute sharp division between the rather bygonish sharia-islam and the poetic, wellcoming, compassionate rumi-islam, and that they contribute to actualising the understanding that the world wants sharia-islam expunged, and rumi-islam welcomed, as the only REAL presentation of islam anywhere where islam is to be presented, as an educational initiative and a cultural initiative. There are some bloody dictatorships on Earth which have not conceded much value to rumi-islam, but which are rather sharia-islam-like: however one might consider these dictatorships in the light that dictators grab whatever at hand -- be it a bible, a koran, Stalin's memoirs -- whatever it is -- and try to use it to keep on to power. But this doesn't mean that the population at all agree to such nonsense. It is also rediculous to think that such attempted scholastic divisions as 'sunni', 'shi-ite', 'sufi' and the other types are of any interest to anyone whose interest is humanity and God: they are hardly more interesting than the various divisions within the mormonic sects, competing in how fundamentalist they are. Sufi, of course, keeps within it a positive focus on Rumi but the whole concept of "sufi" is stale with overuse and overdescription. The notion of Rumi-islam as a penetrating notion is that of eclectically picking out the glimmers of true insights and leave the mass of incoherent blunders in the scripts alone to themselves -- the ONLY viable approach. Here, one is no longer able to say: since I am inspired by such-and-such approach, I "am" a muslim, a jew, a christian, a buddhist, a hindi, anymore than God is a muslim, a jew, a christian, a buddhist or a hindi. Statistically, therefore, sharia-islam is probably in many senses from the 21th century and onwards quite negligible. Rumi-islam plays together with the other world religions in ways which can go together with what this writer has termed "neopopperian science", in ways which calls for pluralism and diversity of perspectives and worldviews. WHAT TYPES OF ADDICTIVE THINGS ARE GOOD FOR SOCIETY? -- Anything addictive and not very toxic can be good when sweetly worked-through to moderate addiction [As of 2010:12:27 (evening, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] If anybody wonders why all the great books were written in the 20th century (and before), and why there is such a flourish of -- shall we say -- uninspired books (albeit experimentative, like japanese books, or voluminous and sensible, like Franzen) in the present century, look to the former prime minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland, for answer. Few like her has eradicated the possibility of smoking around the world, through her expert leadership of the World Health Organisation with a monomanic, self-asure mind. All the greatest books of the 20th century was written due also to the inspiration of connecting to many public places full of that sweet odour of cigar, cigarillos and cigarettes. As of today, in many countries, one has to put up with a combination of frisky deoderant smells with natural human exhaustion gases inside dance places, clubs, bars, airports, offices, canteens and so on. The argument in an ISOLATED sense is meaningful: expansive exposure to intensive tobacco smoke increases the chances of severe illnesses. Let us now widen the scope of enquiry far beyond that of mere tobacco -- and let me also have it said that this is not one who does any daily cigarettes who writes this. If anything, I have a reputation for being a health maniac. In order to talk health -- the agenda, we suppose, of the World Health Organisation, we need to talk not just in terms of what we eat, drink and breath, but also in terms of the quality and richness and plurality of our activities. What is good for a society, and this is the crux or the dilemma with just about every type of not too-toxic addictive process or thing -- is that its population engages in a variety of meaningful activities which contributes to a healthy, inspiring outlook on life, with sensible intuitions, empathy and perspectives constantly refreshed by creative input, and that the duties and work functions are done as well. ALL this is challenged by ANY type of addictive behaviour which is so that a person does nothing but one or two things all day long, every day of the week, practically speaking. And this is therefore a question far greater than merely how to make one person more healthy: it is about the health of society, the future of humanity: its relationship to all things addictive. In a Wall Street Journal article, the journalist (cfr acknowledgement) speaks, in passing, of why he let go of a certain computer gadget (which has in it the capacity to be used for all sorts of noble, meaningful purposes): it has, he writes, TOO ADDICTIVE games. He also observes that computer games is an addiction many people are almost trying to get into, instead of quitting. Imagine a person who, without a whiff of a cigarillo, say, a couple of times a week, would do nothing except sulk, carry out daily duties, and in general lead a boring existence, full of grudges and what-could-have-been: but with some whiffs, not only writes novels, but also is such a daily dose of shine that other people gets a tan merely by being in the proximity of this individual. Scoff then at the arguments of our otherwise fairly high-integrity former norwegian prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland: it would be absolutely idiotic to leave it all away. On the contrary, a society which welcomes such activities as are intensely satisfying when done but on an extremely moderate level -- be it with alcohol, mild drugs, pure tobacco, bdsm, computer games -- in all its public quarters could open up to far, far greater health of its population. It must then also chuck all those negative affirmation -- the vain attempt to scare -- which by law has gotten into the labels of many types of products, be them sexual, alcoholic or tobaccoish. The question which must be addressed however is then: how can one moderate addictive processes and things? What does it really take? It takes something far more drastic, yet more acceptable to any rational person, namely to work through each and every product with an orientation to combat addiction, and ensure moderation. For instance, in terms of tobacco, it would mean leaving out all of the tobacco which enhances its addictiveness -- so to move from cigarettes to the very smallest types of cigars, also called cigarillos. It means in terms of computer games that there is some talk when starting up the game in non-moralistic, fun terms that this is not intended to be addictive; that the game calls for an early quit of itself; that it does so leaving the person with a feeling that, even if it were just two minutes play, it was certainly worth it. Acknowledgement: Article by BRETT ARENDS from Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & co, (owned by Murdoch group), USA, 2010:12:21. DOES WORLD-VIEW MATTER FOR WORLD ECONOMY? -- What with a greater percentage of the world's population, it seems, being believers in some form of God or another, is this significant for world economy development? Obviously -- And about cars [As of 2010:12:13 (afternoon, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] We already know of at least one very clear example where world economy is affected by a religious belief code: the not insignificant amount of banks which have accomodated at least some of the zero-interest rate approach to loans which is part of the muslim faith. And in several prosperous countries where the christian populatiion is in majority, a not insignificant proportion of the GNP goes to further the activity of preachers, or to their more or less idealistic enterprises inside and outside their country. But there is a whole more deeper tack on this: which is to say, the actions and interactions of an economical and also ecological kind (these two are always intertwined) are pervaded and suffused, influenced by and in many ways regulated by, the worldview that each person has. For instance, more than seven out of ten in the USA are said to believe in God: this is a worldview. Atheism is another worldview; there are cases of overlappings of these two also. Economical theory often operates with the notion that people seeks to maximize their own profit. But worldview is affecting the very concept of what we consider most properly our own, or ourselves. In order to have any real consciousness of the variables and parameters, the functions and motives, which contribute to cause at least part of the dance of the world economical currents, one must look entirely beyond merely egotistical stances, for the simple reason that in most countries, these are not merely far from the only stance people take, but indeed far from the stance that the majority take. In other words, only a holistic-as-well-as-egotistic perspective of the motivational patterns of the human being is rich enough to point to the reality which rules all the giant economical curves on this globe. Many economical thinkers have pointed out elements of this -- such as, when, several years ago, there were conferences inspired by buddhism focussing on compassionate economy. But the very simple point I am making here, because I rarely see it emphasized, is that the holistic stance is not merely a moral stance: it is the nuts and bolts of world economy as it already is, although -- it is true -- it is at times very hard to clearly get into focus. It is there, though, and percentagewise it influences in ways so strong that without the perspective of holism one simply has got no compass at all. Indeed, this is what I earlier sought to include in what I then called (some years ago) in the concept of 'interactivity economy' (see mywbook.txt). It is part of the understanding of the realities of economy that we also realize that the patterns in reality are very much greater than what any human mind can encompass. However, some forms of spiritual worldviews are very positive indeed as to the possibility for the mind to engage in intuitive perceptions. These perceptions, which may be connected to a sense of partaking in a field of generosity (in the sense that doing good builds up the potential, or goyon, to reap in the rewards of good intuitions also on economy), may come from sensitivity and intuition training -- for instance, psychokinetics (where subtle changes in muscle strength are explored together with mental yes-no questions, on the principle that strength of a muscular kind, and mental coherence, go synchronously together). However -- and this is part of the whole point -- it also means that when anybody in the majority which exists at least in most countries which offer a believable statistics (and with a very high degree of likelihood also in large atheistically ruled countries like China), the majority, I mean, which has a spiritual or religious worldview, a belief in God -- when anybody who has such a worldview does economical transactions, it may be motivated as much as by the spirit of enterprise and participation as much as by the idea of reaping in goods for oneself. As an example, think of what James Bond as conceived in the books by the writer Ian Fleming would be without the notion of participation in casino-like gaming with money. The Casino Royal spirit infuses the writings of Mr Fleming in mostly everyone of his hard, brutal, elegant, classical books to an extent which entirely overshadows any question of Bond himself reaping in financial goods. Obviously, participation in the world as a whole can also happen by something such as currency day-trading. This connectedness has its own joy, and the natural extension of the egotistical form of economy to embrace something like this would be to say, in the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti, that joy is greater than pleasure and pain. Economy, in other words, is not a proper field of research, unless we realize that the joy of participation may be much, much greater than the pain losing money, and also much greater, of course, than the pleasure of getting money. The approach of the double bottom line, therefore, is the 21st century necessity in economical thinking: the two lines signify -- yes, we are interested in budget balance, AND, yes, even more importantly than short-term budget balance, as long as we can endure it, is holistic participation, the balance of joy -- and indeed, the love of one's neighbour. In this understanding, we should look afresh at what the most reasonable technological developments are likely to be, for instance with regard to ecologically sound cars. In the early 1970s, big, square, gasoline-thirsty cars such as the Lincoln were beginning to get phased out in favour of what eventually developed into the little bubbles with hundreds of computer chips and several engines and several types of batteries and gasoline and/or diesel and/or gas intake as well. But what we had up until about 1975 was a living first-hand ecological relationship to the engine along the lines indicated by Robert M Pirsig in his classical book, which sold in millions after having been turned down by more than one hundred publishers, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (he and his wife visited Oslo in the mid-1990s and I had the joy of listening to his lecture co-arranged with a motorcycle assocation in Oslo, where he pointed out how difficult it was to get his book published before, obviously, it sold in many millions). We then re-arranged his talk into interview style, with the blessing of Pirsig and his wife, and published in the magazine I was one of two main editors for at the time, and which I had been one of three to initiate, the norwegian Flux magazine (this interview form was produced by Ida Nathalie Kierulf). The notion of first-hand is this: it is not so damn difficult to handle a machine which is made to be handled by a layman. But what we have seen with the hybrid 2010 ecological style of car is that if anything goes wrong, the module has to be replaced, for it is put together in a high-tech laboratory somewhere. While a short-term economical thinking may like people to avoid, like the do in Cuba, do their own repairs, it is very unlikely that the sense of lack of participation in the daily life machines is accomodating the type of ecological/economical holistic development that the world -- this Earth -- need in the 21st century. I call for a loosening of how strict measures of an ecological emission / electricity consumption kind is put on electric cars, and -- though Tesla car is cute -- a re-introduction of the sense of love of the square and big and bulky and Lincoln-like, alongside the first-hand type of mechanics that one can fix on oneself, -- in a context where the whole world gets together to not only get better and safer batteries, but also more inexpensive electricity supplies, and more intensive availability of electricity (about the latter, parts of Israel has been able to go further than most other countries in making city-places friendly to elcars). In having bigger cars, we can have plenty of safe old-style batteries, as long as the new types of batteries (which, unlike laptop batteries -- are mostly very safe and very well-tested) have not come yet. These batteries, filling up some of the bulk of the cars, can go together with pure electrical engines, which are easy to fix, and which are not in need of airtravel with new modules and throwing old modules on the trashheaps. It is however the role of the state not only to make regulations which consciously emphasize first-hand mechanical buildable pure electric big cars, but which also lay the grounds for very inexpensive electricity and a great deal of availability of electricity. In building a new type of extremely safe nuclear electricity generating stations in a standard way, overseen by United Nation agencies with a huge budget, these can not only create a whole new rise of elcars all across the world, but this electricity can also be used to extract clean drinking water both from salt sea water and from dirty lake water for instance in Africa, China and India. Politically, it means that a completely new set of priorities ought to get into the environementalist groups. For instance, Greenpeace, while obviously doing a bit of good with their animal-protecting actions, are among the groups that could strongly influence the world if they suddenly realized what a bonus to Nature it would if world electricity became virtually a free item, alongside big, bulky el-cars which each can fix on for themselves. Their capacity to influence politicians and voters by startling actions could be harnessed within such new priorities. I do believe this is a golden mean -- the obvious way -- and not a compromise. Free world electricity and much more clean available water everywhere would also take away very many tendencies at present to wars. The present companies, such as BP, which have a focus on oil, could be part of the spearheading towards a nonoil economy. The present companies, such as GM and Toyota, which have a focus on cars, could be part of a spearheading towards a first-hand big squarish bulky elcar development. And those countries which today have the most economical advantages of oil production could be the ones who most ardently and with the most political power get to set the new standards for the terrorist-safe electricity generating power plants of the nuclear kind. All this, then, as natural and obvious part of what we can call a holistic economy, or an interactivity economy, where affluene is not merely what one has got one's bank accounts, but there is also such as intellectual capital, integrity capital -- call it what you want. THE ETHICS OF INFORMATION SUSPENSION -- An Open Society With Limits Has Better Chances of Avoiding Wars [As of 2010:12:10 (evening, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] When is an action right? It is right when it is founded on good intentions, and, broadly speaking and as far as we can tell, has good effects. In a world which is extremely more rich in content than human knowledge can even begin to cover completely, the codification of some actions into lawful and others as criminal or unlawful must, no matter what, have masses of compromises in it. Karl Popper wrote about The Open Society and Its Enemies (and listed, as is known by quite a few, marxism as one of its enemies). Here, ideas important for humanity are to be shared AND criticised, in order that they get tested against reality in a variety of ways -- some ways in which I have proposed extensions of, by the way, in what I call a "neopopperian" approach to science. There is at present a very public conversation -- engaging also leaders of several countries -- as to whether someone, like Mr Julian Assange, who has got, "as a gift", a couple of CDs with petty diplomatic stuff of the classified kind, classified not just because it is secret, but also because it is dumb -- whether someone who has got such a gift is engaging in a criminal action by giving it further, in the form of mass- distribution. As Hillary Clinton, USA's Secretary of State, pointed out, there is a sharp distinction between what is implemented policy and what is thought to be a possible policy during such time as internal documents are written. If the latter is presented as the former, this is extremely unhelpful. In the present context, ABC News indicates that Mr Assange will possibly be charged under some espionage law in the USA for his release of masses of classified diplomatic papers -- given to him by somebody else, this somebody else clearly engaging in a breach of law. But Russia has gone so far as to propose that Mr Assange ought to have the Nobel Peace Price for his contribution to democratic freedom of information. Naturally, they liked that some of the lettes Mr Assange published seemed to corroborate a suspicion that Russia has long had, namely that Nato is a bit more aggressive in its thoughts against Russia than what is purported explicit policy by Nato. In any case, a number of people have brought forth support of Mr Assange's actions to the level where we can speak of these people favouring what we can call an Open Society Without Limits. I will argue here that an Open Society With Limits is less likely to lead to war, generally speaking, and so much so that there ought to be laws preventing an absolutely free flow of ALL information, and laws making it criminal to put SOME information further -- even if it is "given as a present" by someone else. A side-issue is that Mr Assange, perhaps for entirely misconstrued reasons, perhaps as result of plots, and then again perhaps not, are facing other problems with the law. If he could prove that he has been subjected to an unlawful plot by the same who wants to accuse him of criminal offences of the espionage kind, he would make his overall case very much stronger. But that is another issue; the question in this little article is simply this: should the ideal laws support Open Society With Limits, or Open Society Without Limits? People who have used much drugs, or who are affected by alcohol and in a bad mood, may find that they are unable to avoid expressing what they know are pointless, insulting, and indeed unfounded accusations against others. People who are in this state of mind may create violence simply by their lack of suspension of their own expressions. Some buddhists recommend a counting to one hundred, if one is angry, before expressing anything, and then meditation rather than expression. No doubt a very wise advice for quite a few ill-tempered people. When a government decides on action, it OUGHT to look to a very large number of alternative action pathways, and think about them. Some of these would be very insulting indeed if made public, to the extent that they could make war if made public. The metaphor with the ill-tempered person without limits on own self-expression should make this point very easy to understand. Since survival, and indeed quality of life, is more important than any ideal about communication -- for communication must be a servant to the higher goal of surviving, and surviving well, it is clear, then, that such forms of communication as must happen internally but which could lead to massive breakdown at an international level if channeled onwards through open distribution, should by law be considered entirely criminal. A hyperactive practise around such laws, or hyperallergic formulation of such laws, would however make society so constrained it would be devoid of happiness. But just as anarchism doesn't make sense without police and defence of the foundation of society, so also doesn't the open society concept, and indeed the democracy concept, make sense without proper limitations applied, and enforced. GET THE NEW GENERATION TO CARE FOR FUTURE LIFE -- Motivate by the in-born love of beauty [As of 2010:12:8 (late evening, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] How can one get children to be educated in such a way as to make a positive difference when it comes to taking very, very long-term responsible decision when they are grown-ups? This has been a constant question for decades, intensifying with each couple of years. And there are no obvious successes to speak of whatsoever. Every child loves nature, every adult -- except a steady percentage of fanatics of the population -- cares not. These are the dready facts, despite that, when decisions not involving their own personal bank accounts are involved, the talk may be all in favour of nature. At the same time, people who have the crust to call themselves religious, in Australia, in USA, in Europe, in Asia, in Africa, are censoring the experiences that could motivate really deeply, censoring -- also relative to children -- the experience of human living beings in their shiniest tender most flower-like prestine beauty, -- censoring just that which actually could make a difference. For let's be clear: there is only survival in the many decades, and indeed centuries, if there is quality of life persistence in these decades, and indeed centuries, to come: for quality of life means nondesperate, meaningful, wise decisions. But this quality of life, this heightened responsibility and extension of compassion to include the vaster environment, must come from a poetic ecstasy of caring for life. If the source of poetic ecstasy as the embracal of human living anatomy in its nude form also is cultivated in every school for all children on Earth, and not censored away from teens and grown-ups either, then -- to put it into context -- Mexico, and other places ridden will drug-gangs, will clear up and be healed. For then drugs won't be so important -- after all, let's face it, every intensive use of illegal drugs means that something is severely wrong with the ideas of happiness put into the children at schools. Drugs are escapes from the pains of not getting the right type of ecstasies. They are quasi-ecstasies, brains trying to lift themselves up by stupid means because nobody came along with the wise means. Because the so-called "religious" people -- who are usually over-eating fanatical power-hungry fundamentalist book-readers and not spiritual all -- are making sure that children, who are more at ease with nudity than everyone else, are shielded from the best of what humanity can offer in terms of evidence that life is worth loving: the experience of nude healthy free enjoying loving people. PROTECTING NATURE FOR THE NEXT 100 YEARS OR SO -- Focus more on obvious science data, less on CO2 theories [As of 2010:12:8 (evening, as for GMT hours)] Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] There are two types of natural science, broadly and carelessly speaking: the one -- such as when they talk about big bangs and black holes -- which is but metaphysics cloaked in the jargon of post-newtonian theorizing, but as far from empirics, at least, as Plotinus and Boethius; the second, such as when they talk of the quantities of pollution in the atmosphere of large cities, the quantities of trees remaining in the rainforests, and so on, which is hard, tough, good, serious, important, honest and policy-commanding science. In between the two -- the blah-blah metaphysics and the good tough stuff is latched the question of whether or not the innocent-seeming gas which are producing bubbles in coca-cola and pepsi-cola and such -- CO2 -- is, or is not, seriously contributing to what may in larger or smaller parts be a humanity-driven global temperature change, in some direction. I have a hunch, and the hunch is that we should focus on the more obvious parts -- because, see what could happen if we don't. If there is a semi-metaphysical discussion about CO2 each time the word "nature" is flashed on the political agenda, nothing will happen. Whereas, focus on the obvious things -- such as producing more electricity of the type that destroys less trees and waterfalls and which lets out less toxic stuff to waters and airs; producing more masculinely interesting, more well-functioning battery-driven cars, with less chips and more sound-generators and less fuss, develop anti-terrorist measures around new types of nuclear power stations safely encapsulated inside mountains and get commercial space companies to shoot the toxic radioactive waste out of Earth's presence -- and handle the waste more smartly, not just in Italy. One of the minimum safety conditions for rockets transporting nuke waste out into the open universe is that they transport the material by means of bundles of very small and extremely tough containers, which have been proven by real explosion tests to withstand any rocket explosion incident. A practical policy issue is to get oil, gasoline and car-making all entirely controlled by the environmental ministers, with a common regularatory body that ensures that business interests for the next five or fifteen years for company and/or country is not overshadowing survival interests for the next 100 years or so for humanity. Every gasoline car at present is infinitely more sexy than any battery car and that must change, and every oil industry is ruled by such interests as find CO2 metaphysics highly amusing and fit to their needs to increase their vast oil fortunes still more. Norway as well as all other oil-producing countries, and Japan, USA, China, India, Sweden, France, Germany and all other car-producing countries, need to get their think tanks together where the bottom line under the bottom line is that it makes sense in terms of all obvious, good, hard policy-commanding data on how to save the lovely forests, increase the amounts of fresh clean water to all -- River Ganges, for instance, how to clean it, and the Nile, how to refurbish it with fresh water -- and, while working out these things, a standard free safe nuclear power plant with regulated waste disposal should be organised so that one doesn't find that Iran and other countries exploit the loopholes of ambiguity with such supreme ease. Iran has a full total right to electricity and the fact of the existence of atomic weapons is a regrettable evil which must be moderated and it is only the stupidity of the United Nations commitees and the laziness of the world's ministers which have allowed there to be a mixing of the two themes, as this extremely humble writer sees it. The role of water in everyone's life is obvious, and it is also obvious that rich rainforests contribute to the overall flux and motion of moisture on the planet, and so ensures the renewal of rivers, as well as contribute to a great tourist experience, possible medical uses, life quality for shaman tribes, adventurous possibilities for the young, and a sense of mystery and richness of meaning of life on Earth. We don't need the metaphysics of possible slight temperature changes over some centuries -- however right it may be in parts -- to justify that the rainforests need to be seen as holy bank accounts. Focus on what is obviously an environmental issue, and leave the CO2 researchers to do their quiet, persistent, well-founded work in the upcoming decades. But I wouldn't, if I were this world's political ministers, put half the environmental budget into limiting a nontoxic gas when there are so many other concrete things in the environmental agenda that cry for action. Then, you might possibly find that the CO2 emissions are moderated as well. HARDHITTING SUCCESSFUL ECONOMY AND SOUND ECOLOGY WITH SPIRITUAL SMALL ENTERPRISES & GENEROUS INDIVIDUALS -- Fresh take on world conservation and good economy [As of 2010/11/17 (european before-noon-hours). Author of article can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] Despite the enthusiastic declarations of the nonthinkers employed at various astrology faculties -- oops, sorry, astronomy faculties, that is, of various universities -- that 'they are now so fortunate as to witness the birth of a black hole' or a 'baby universe' or even 'the big bang' -- despite all this, the fact is that the world is woven together synchronistically and nonlocally and NOT in a way elaborated by such religious/atheist fanatics as Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins. Take ANY such pronouncement: "we are now witnessing the birth of a black hole." Ask the scientist: "are there other interpretations of this data?" Either the scientists answers like a corrupt politiican, or the answers admits, "yes." Ask then how many such alternative interpretations and the person will quote a journal which has listed at least one other such interpretation. Bravo. Among the likely ten million alternative interpretations, mainstream scientists are able to come up with more than 1, that is, they are able to count as high as 2. One, two. That's something, I suppose. But once you look at REAL reality, not the reality depicted by narrow-minded religious atheists -- for atheism is a religion, interested in putting the pope to the court (Dawkins), interested in extrapolating inferences about God from what's seen in telescopes and microscopes and such (Hawking) -- once you look at REAL reality and not the reality as purported by those narrow-minded scientists, who in the name of their nonpopperian mainstream books are trying to get more income to their faculties by appealing to journalists -- then we have to do with another reality altogether, and one in which there is a reality also to intuition and where we can ask questions both about economy and on world conservation -- and other spiritual dilemmas. Carl Gustav Jung defined "synchronicity" after a great deal of conversation with one of the quantum physics founders, Wolfgang Pauli, to be a coincidence -- possibly the result of something other-than-typical-causal-effects -- which for us humans has meaning. That is not biocentrism or other atheist poppygock. It is a plain rendering of something which is lying on the fine line between the subjective and the objective, -- as David Bohm, another who has contributed to something of the foundations of the quantum theory employed so haphazardly by Hawking and not at all by Dawkins, told me, when we arranged a seminar for him in Oslo decades ago (he died in the beginning of the 1990s, but had had time to collaborate with Albert Einstein and in a certain sense of the word can be called Einstein's last pupil). Bohm, like the French Nobel Physics Price winning quantum physicist prince Louis de Broglie, and like Pauli, all suspected that all reality is interpenetrated by a nonlocality or connectedness which even goes into the dimension of upcoming events. Einstein himself did not concede this with any clear thought, for Einstein considered all upcoming events as laid out statically; but quantum theory suggests that before an electron enters into a configuration waiting for it, so to speak, it in a way refers back to the present with a summary of likely upcoming potentials. This involved for de Broglie a new type of "resonance". The physicist J.S.Bell, in the 1960s, later worked out how quantum empirics means that any working quantum theory must have a component of "nonlocality" -- something in praxis proved empirically in the late 1970s by french physicist Aspect (utilizing Bohm's photon version of a thought experiment by Einstein/Podolsky/Rosen originally shaped around electrons). Richard Feynmann said -- something which Hawking and Dawkins ought to take to heart -- that any human being who has understood quantum theory has not understood it. In any case, when faced with any decision, human beings have gut feelings and a large number of the more clear-thinking and more honest of scientists concede that in gut feeling there may be a component of a prescient sense in some way which is not understood by the muddy darwinistic biology as of today, but which requires a sense in which the neuronic impulses at various levels are seen in relation to the possibility of quantum coherence. This entails levels of complexity beyond what present mathematics in quantum theory can handle. However by a philosophical re-description of quantum reality without mathematics but with precision it comes in naturally, in ways I have elaborated under the heading of "super-model theory", and which I find quite coherent in itself and with facts. The vision we must have of the human being doing economical transactions is therefore not that of a selfish island of mechanical ill-informed impulses. However confused a human being may be, there may also be something entirely fresh and nonconfused. Something which can inform actions at a level which can make sense in a greater whole. It is a feature of quantum empirics that the concept of coherence, or -- as David Bohm put it -- wholeness -- makes sense in a new way not understood by that newtonian mechanics which still dominates the thinking both of biologists and economists, as well as many ecologists. In this wholeness, there is a direct immediate relationship between the activity of some of the parts (for instance the neurons, parts of our brains and guts and hearts), and the whole, and this whole may extend beyond what is locally near -- in other words, into the nonlocal -- and it may extend into the upcoming field of events, and so not merely concern itself with the present moment, but give information on what is to come. This is not something which follows by mathematical mainstream quantum theory. It does however follow by a philosophical re-rendering of quantum data without the idiocy and half-coherence (at best) of the mathematical equations of present quantum theory. It is also coherent with what a large number of people from all walks of life and all spiritual inclinations have reported. Some has even done some level of initial empirical research on this (confer studies at Cambridge University by Rupert Sheldrake also as reported at BBC). But the sensitivity involved is something which -- to put in the words of Francisco Varela, whom I interviewed once in his Paris university office, after he had started collaboration with some buddhists -- which involves a new type of scientific training that has not yet been done in mainstream science. (Varela contributed significantly with H. Maturana to systems thinking in biology.) To take a long step -- and jump over many long chains of reasoning which one ought to spend some months elaborating -- all this has very concrete implications for a person engaging in economy and engaging also in the goal to save nature and the world environment as a whole, both individually and as part of what we can call 'hardhitting successful small enterprises'. Here is a list: * It makes sense for a person anchored in listening to synchronicities on the foundation of being anchored in values of caring for wholeness to engage in long-term income, but: * It makes also sense to allow short-term non-income in order to enhance certain coherencies and certain flows, * ..including also new intuitive sensitivities, * ..and also including getting time to accomodate an understanding of how to best preserve nature in each case, while allowing for growth out of poverty * It is in alignment with this picture that human individuals can suddenly act with ferocious generosity, but that is not a generosity which is chancelike or selfishly impulsive, as much as grounded in clarified meditations and good synchronicities * ..and this also can involve currency day-trading, in which the action of engaging in a relatively quick action of betting with a moderate leverage over a major currency pair of one's surplus money has its own energy and vitality and joy, whether or not it leads to a short-term increase of income * The above-mentioned generosity also allows the formation of new types of goals felt to be coherent giving an unusual stability and (what Arne Naess called) "robustness of feelings -- or glow" -- where one overcomes pains due to real enthusiasm * ..and this can lead to the formation of hardhitting small enterprises which acts in a world where not only egotistic elements dominate participants. In understanding all this, one must realize the immense importance of nature conservationists to get into touch with economical realities. As the founder of deep ecology movement in academic philosophy put it (again, Arne Naess), 'once there is a war, everything else is set aside -- including years on saving nature, and enhancing women's rights.' Poverty, when it penetrates badly enough, through and through a state, leads to war, inevitably. If we don't save world economy in its major features, all Earth will be a somaliland of local gangsters doing their local sharia-shit. However, when we do preserve world economy, we do increase the pressure on Nature in significant ways -- and yet this is a necesary option, as war will always be more devastating for Nature, with its lawlessness, burning of oil fields, and what not. So we have got to engage in such things as being responsible relative to how the major currencies are developing, AND we have to got to realize how important it is that NEITHER the preposterous religious fanatics whether of islam or christianity or hinduism NOR the religious fanatics of atheists get the upper hand -- the news media should have the guts to ask the questions of the scientists with a more stern tongue. Scientists are just kiddoes like everyone else, and not always nice kiddoes either. Still, in this perspective, we must also realize the fallacy of taking the stance so often associated with what is called the "christian right" in some countries, namely that "to create many jobs we must allow the richest to make large industries before everything else." It is but a self-fulfilling or self-defeating assumptions which underlies this: once conditions are set so that small enterprises and generous creative individuals do not get the upper hand, the only way we can get jobs is by means of the large industries gobbling up all smaller industries and the rich ugly beasts ruling them will be the ones who ensure most jobs. But the whole society vision must change, because it is a proven issue that the very big enterprises do not allow the quality of life sought by young people all across the world. The smaller enterprises (sometimes called Small and Medium Enterprises and abbreviated to something like SME or SMES) can be extremely inspiring (confer the Internet of the four years right before year 2000), and drag the multitudes with them, -- and (unlike the 2000-dot-com-bubble) this can be done responsibly given a spiritual worldview. My often-repeated attacks on any overuse of alcohol and any use of drugs is therefore not founded at all on any moralistic interpretation of any bygone text: it is founded solely on an understanding of the vast mystery of the human brain and nervous aspect altogether, in a synchronistic world, where we need to protect more than nature: we must also protect the finer fibres of which mainstream science know very little (and indeed appears very little interested in, given the dominance of such folks as Dawkins and Hawking in the academic communities), -- the finer fibres that allow us to be 'synchronistically online', not merely electronically online to internet. But synchronistically attuned to a larger world, a more subtle world -- extending also into that which might to some seem chaos, but which indeed is not chaos: the upcoming events. So there is no need to be 'chaos pilots', strictly speaking: rather, there is a need to be 'subtle order pilots', and this subtle order allows also long-term income when applied for speculation over currency data -- given a responsibility relationship to short-term goals that are not frustrated by losses in the short-term. So this is a rough outline of a spiritual hardhitting successful small enterprise economy, inspired by the neopopperian science of the undersigned. Be welcome to it. It is your own world already. Link to next page on top of this page, under image.