Original rendering by Aristo T. of an ordinary photo from www.supermodels.nl PAGE 3 -- WELCOME!!! Link to page 4 (in this archive, highest numbered page has newest articles, while page number 1 and 2 are foundational and kept stable, with higher-numbered pages regularly updated as articles find their way into Big Art Booklets or other permanent publications) For copyright conditions of these archived news articles by S Henning W B Reusch, whose artist name is Aristo Tacoma, see the topscript of where they first appeared, namely at the 'comments on general features of breaking news in world economy section' of the worldwide standard search engine Yoga6d.org (and its various entirely identical entry-points, which are named after many of the near-ascii languages it is supporting, -- we use these various entry-points so as to distribute the traffic to this search engine. Cfr www.yoga6d.org/economy.htm. To get into anyone of the search entry points, click at the 'search now' drawing at the front of yoga6d.org, then click on the next image, the one about 'saving humanity', and you can search using ascii ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (upper as lowercase are the same), optionally with digits inside, for a selection of words found on top at the front of most webpages. As for how to anglify a word written in another language, you have to try out what works -- the rules for translation into the ascii set e.g. from something like the rather different russian language are simplistic and not done according to the context in which the letters appear. Once you learn how to work with this search engine, and learn how to do search-within-a-page when you get many results with the browser 'find-text-in-page' command, you will see that your overall productivity in all areas of life is enhanced, and the freedom from imposed simulations of 'contexts' (such as by boolean 'AND' across a lot of the internet) essentially turns out to be stimulating, because it is predictable, straightforward, and honest in a computer program mechanical way that you can and will learn to harness. But now, for the archive. In the archive, we keep the same type of sequence as in the economy.htm news section -- namely, the newest on top. [[[Spelling variations are part of the soul of writing and convey information on its own, as does variations in lineshift usage.]]] [[[Once in a while we will remove something from this archive section so the overall quantity is at all time quite moderate; for those who wish reprints of earlier works they will then with some level of probability be able to trace them as chapters in published nonfiction books by this author.]]] [[[Note: THE TEXTS TO BE ARCHIVED ARE AS A RULE PUT THERE RATHER AT THE SAME TIME AS THEY APPEAR IN THE MAIN ../economy.htm NEWS SECTION. THESE USUALLY HAVE FEATURES INVOLVING FOUNDATIONAL THOUGHTS ON WHICH MUCH THINKING APART FROM WHAT GOES ON JUST WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN CAN BE FOUNDED. THEY ALSO USUALLY APPEAR AS CHAPTERS IN THE ALWAYS FRESH BOOKS EACH YEAR SIGNED BY ARISTO TACOMA. THESE BOOKS ARE SOLD ALSO AT PHILOSOPHICAL TALKS WITH LIGHT SEMINARS ARRANGED THE SAME DAY AS SPRING/BI PAINTING EXHIBITIONS OPEN, WITH THE CHARACTERISTIC APPROACH OF SPRING/BI WITH A WOODEN BACKGROUND ON WHICH BLACK AND SPRING GREEN ARE APPLIED WITH PLEASANTLY UNRULY LINES, AS BRIEFLY INDICATED AT THE DICTIONARY yoga4d.org/super.]]] LEARNING BY TRIAL AND ERROR IS GOOD WHEN A KID LEARNS LETTERS, BUT ANOTHER APPROACH ALTOGETHER MUST BE TAKEN BY ENGINEERS AND U.N. COMMISSIONS (ETC) PROTECTING HUMANITY FROM FUTURE NUCLEAR DISASTERS AND ATTACKS -- When the U.N. agencies, the U.S.A. agencies, the E.U. agencies, and so forth, have failed so seriously in setting conditions for safety of General Electric's plants in Japan, then nobody should feel sure that these agencies have kept nuclear stuff from coming into the hands of rogue groups such as terrorists [As of 2011:3:21 (evening, as for GMT hours)] Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] I am optimistic for humanity in the 21st century and onwards. As a whole, humanity will make it. And increase of real quality of life by ushering forth the benedictions of electricity -- to be used for cleansing water, for irrigation, for elcars, for fridges, for air conditioners, for factories, and so on -- is possible. It is possible by being realistic as to well-tested technologies in particular classical nuclear, or nuke, el power stations. Ideally, one would have chosen other pathways, but 6 billions of human beings involve an immensity that don't permit a low-intensity approach so as thorium nukes or solar ray panels or biofuel. But there is something to be cleared up. This is not merely about TEPCO or any japanese institution. This is about ending global nuke sloppiness. Forgive me for the directness; I speak as a voter, encouraging others to the same -- all across the free internet. Politiicans must be swayed, U.N. must be swayed, and also leftist greenpeace-like organisations. It appears that American scientists have constructed, in part with Geenral Electric as part of the enterprise, the miserable, indept, false approach to nuclear electricity that has crippled Japan recently. These plants have then been used in sloppy, insincere, rediculous ways by the Tokyo locals. All the time, the U.N. agencies which have been erected to oversee this, have mounted very wise criticism against Iran, but they have chosen to disregard the brutal disregard for ethics involved in driving these nuke power stations this way. The sluggish response so far by world leaders is either to say -- 'nuke el-power is but a stage' (Merkel), or -- 'we must have an extra look at the nuke stations near quake zones especially' (Obama) -- or the like. But this type of thinking is exactly what garantuees that nothing seriously is done towards getting electricity around to humanity in a cleaner, safer way than before. Merkel makes simply less electricity, while Obama is more cautious: but we need far more electricity, and a vast multiplication of caution. Meanwhile, the agencies which long have lost track of many deopts of nuke waste and nuke rods according to their own estimates, must now be cancelled, and new ones erected, with a far more stern mandate than before. Science is an inexact art, at best. When we handle probabilities, we must also handle multiplication of probabilities. The fact of the people damaged so far by the very modest use of nuke el-power so far in humanity should be enough: but sheer use of solid well-founded reason and intuition, on its own, is already enough to make it clear that while nuke el power is super, at present humanity is taking rediculous risks with it. And these risks will be a hundred times as great if we create a hundred times as much el power, and such a multiplication won't be nearly enough to drive humanity into a green society economy. Kids may perfectly well write the E mirror-wise and then gradually get the E done rightly, not mirroring it -- in what is called, sometimes, 'learning by trial, error and success'. That works in kindergarten, in school. But humanity cannot relative to the right and necessary use of nuke el power do anything whatsoever by trial and error. Thorium and other alternatives such as solar ray panels can be researched and utilised here and there but humanity is in a stage where that which works, must be utilised, and it must be utilised safely, and at a scale which is realistic relative to the enormous poverty, enormous need for getting quality of life possibilities around to this suffering planet. Trial and error is not the appropriate method when it comes to ANYTHING, indeed, concerning uranium, plutonium and all that type of thing. We cannot wait for a terrorist group to destroy New York or London or Tel Aviv or Islamabad or Athens or whatever with nuke waste or a plutonium bomb or the like, before we upgrade all existing measures to an enormous extent to handle all things nuclear in entirely new and strict ways. The United Nations is the proper vehicle, alongside the secret service-like institutions in all well-meaning nations, including USA, England and so on, to ensure that all public use of nuclear material is EXTREMELY safe, and that no rogue use of it goes on ANYWHERE. China, the supplier of North Korea, the source, therefore, of North Koreas nuke stuff, must be brought in to the United Nations commissions in charge of nuclear safety and told to cease all further contact with this outpost of themselves. North Korea must be given electricity and food to replace their nuke power, so also with Iran; or face eradication. Every bit of the former Soviet Union nuke elements must be tracked on a level which is a thousand times as effective as before: this, and the other notes in this comment, is a natural reflection now that the severely lack of clear thinking in the United Nation's agencies which have had as role to oversee the world's nuclear reactors have so drastically and irreversibly come into the public view, and so sadly for Japan. The 21st century must be built on the best pieces of what we've got, and the rotten pieces must be identified for what they are and discarded. As I begun this informal comment "from a voter" with: I am optimistic about humanity as a whole, in the 21st, 22nd, 23rd century and so forth. This optimism is founded on the faith in the power of human thinking to respond to the truly spoken word, when these words reflect real concern, real compassion, real insight into the actuality. Listen to the tale, also synchronistically, of the events, and the numbers, and go beyond simple scapegoat-approaches. Find the real things to be healed, and heal them there. Only in that way, the Japan nuclear disaster, worse than the Three Mile Island incident by far, can create a range of blessings, long after the radiation in food from the plant is no longer detectable, anywhere on Earth. THE ADVANTAGES OF PAPER MONEY -- The human psyche wants to see, not just think about, the limits, so a new type of digital & real money is proposed, to the abolishment of earlier types of money [As of 2011:3:20 (afternoon, as for GMT hours)] Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] Some forms of money can be abolished, and some forms of money can come in, so as to make up for that which has been abolished. The very meaning of money is changed when laws are changed. In some sense, money as it did exist no longer exists: money has been put to an end. Instead of money -- as existing primarely by means of cash, as supported by some main banks and smaller banks by means of accounts -- which no longer exist -- we have got something new, namely money. That is to say, to replace money in the old sense, we have got money in a new sense. Although, at the time of speaking, what I say here is a gross simplification -- because of the various stages of societal development that exists in parallell, often with tremendous suffering and poverty, on large portions of this Earth with more than six billion people on it -- it is, I feel, entirely correct to say that money as existing by means of computers is money in a totally new sense. About this, in philosophical terms, much can be said. I will here narrow the scope to focus on the validity of paper-money, or -- if not paper -- some kind of physical item, be it plastic, metal, wood, whatever -- which physical represent the allowable, or the real, means that a person has on herself. I propose that in a truly enlightened, shining society, which unlike the billions on this planet, there is real, strong potential for the flourishing of happiness and beauty, all money is computer-based -- connected at all times to a person or a regulating, neutral, trustworthy bank or to a company -- but in each case, the virtual money is backed up by the existence of physical money. Let's call it 'paper-money', though the material can perfectly well be e.g. paper with plastic around it, and possibly other elements in it to reduce chances of fake reproduction. It is not always so that a machine that works faster, works better. A good example is the response of the gas pedal of the car to the pressure of the human foot. If the slightest touch of the gas pedal creates inordinate amounts of speeds, then the car won't be safe. So also, money won't be safe if it just takes some effortless clicks on a computer panel to transfer inordinate amounts, speedily. Friction is essential. Friction in the gas pedal, and requirement for human labour to be applied in order to get the car to run faster, is part of the design criterion for a good car. So also, then, it is part of the design criterions for good money that there is something such as friction and some requirement for human labour in order to apply the money. To continue the analogy with the car, the speed of driving must go together with good visibility, so that the car is not crashed. The expenditure of money, similarly, must go together with good visibility as to what amount of money is indeed being spent -- relative to how much one has -- otherwise the budget may be run down in no time. The advantages of having virtual money is that it requires a personal identity to get hold of it, and so it is not that easy to be waylaid and robbed -- it requires collaboration with the owner of the money, in case. The disadvantages of having money which is ONLY virtual -- only digital -- is that the human psyche doesn't get a clear chance of seeing, feeling, touching, listening, holding the money, before it is being spent. The mere presence of a number in mind may not have great impact when wild dancing and fiesting are going on, and there is some sudden opportunity to buy or waste, as often is the case. The natural proposal is then: combine the two, provide extra friction, extra slowness to money. Abolish money as we have seen it, even recently, and create a new type, in which every sum is connected BOTH to virtual computer money AND to hand-held paper-money, connected by means of registration numbers. THE HAPPINESS OF HUMANITY AND NATURE REQUIRES A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF AFFORDABLE ELECTRICITY FOR EVERYDAY PEACEFUL PURPOSES -- And what with the billions of human beings on this planet, that requires a global concerted efforts to enable one hundred times as much nuclear electricity power as before, but with one thousand times the security level [As of 2011:3:17 (evening, as for GMT hours)] Author of comment can contacted at atiroal@yoga6d.org] Since the days of Edison and Tesla, inventors of all things of extremely positive values for everyone -- including electric light, electric cleansers, electric temperature regulations, and so on, electricity has been one seen, and rightly so, one of the greatest benedictions that this universe has to offer human beings. For many decades, in a conflict which is analogous to that meaningless conflict which nearly destroyed Ireland -- between violent protestants and violent catholics, -- many key people have fought a hard, undialogic war either against ALL nuclear power stations (and this group won e.g. in Norway, my homeland), or in favour of ALL nuclear power stations "as long as these are not outdated as for security arrangements". The justification for the position of the first group has been that, in one way or another, people don't need all that much electricity and what they need they can generate e.g. by putting up some windmills, or using highly fantastic equipment to cook water based on focussed solar rays, or else -- as of the past few seasons -- they can get their friends to grow their own sugar, from which they can destill their own alcohol, which they they can drive their cars and generators on. The justification for the position of the second group has, before the March nuclear disaster of Japan, worse than Three Mile Island by far -- with its constant release of radioactivity to Earth, which will have its markers for a long, long time into the future -- been that they are innocent unless provent guilty -- as concerns security of what they call "not out-of-date nuclear reactors". Their repeated postulates have been that, after 1970, with every decade, every nuclear power station produced in North America and in Europe have been surpassing the earlier versions as for security. The incident in Soviet Union in 1986, for instance, concerned an old type of reactor. Whether they like it or not, very few people are inclined to agree -- very few people have inclined to agree, and very many fewer after March 2011 Japan nuclear accident -- with such wishful thinking. It is true that there is no evidence of an intensely strong kind concerning safety of nuke stations of a more recent date than the ca. 1970-version of those employed some hundreds of kilometers from Tokyo situated in what is presumably less quake-ridden areas on other parts of the planet: but with the risks involved, most people are inclined, if they MUST choose, to go with the safe bet of avoiding nuclear stations altogether, rather than accept the highly debatable point whether all that much security lessons have indeed been learned since the 1970s as concern these stations. For a long time, I have argued that an extremely generous, extremely tough, but extremely worth the while middle stand or path between the two extremes of denying nuke electricity and allowing free building of nuke electricity stations ought to be taken. For it is completely unhuman and unfair to propagate full freedom from all nuke electricity power when that tends to lead to extremely high prices of electricity, and thus propagating, in fact, not just poverty but also such crimes, and, worse, such wars, as poverty gives rise to. It is a human right to have light, and to neither have excessive cold nor excessive heat either in living nor in working rooms. Like water should be both clean and free, like air should be clean, and it is free, electricity should be free -- or at least, virtually free. While in theory some types of combustion fuels, like alcohol or ethanol, or like bio-diesel, can have a somewhat reduced pollution effect overall when created out of living plants rather than fossiled gases or liquids, the fact remains that humanity is starved of electricity, when we talk humanity as a whole. And nice theories which certainly have intense meanings when applied e.g. to a space station, cannot be meaningful policies when applied to Earth in the 21st century with billions of people living in abject poverty, and where, from month to month, it seems to be the concerted efforts of many miracles all jostled up together that world economy and some measure of world peace and some degree of human civilisation do persist at all. Sadly, people who have a political agenda with many worth the while propositions -- such as, on the socialist side, that all people no matter birth should have available solid funds for living, -- and such as, on the capitalist side, that some people who know how to create enterprises from which they earn billions should be allowed pretty free hands to do so, as long as it is lawful -- have tied these propositions up to a stale, fixed view of how humanity should relate to nuke power stations. Just as in the meaningless stale debates between Einstein and Bohr, which put a cloud over physics which lead to a decline in philosophical physics in favour of technical formula-based physics, the socialist stand against all nuke power, and the capitalist stand in favour of some measure of nuke power along the lines nuke scientists like, put a cloud over the relationship to the key question: namely, how to get not just clean air, clean water and food out to humanity at large, but also how to get electricity, freely, or virtually freely, out to humanity at large. And some nations, like Norway, which has hardly any real innovation at any level to speak of, and which, like Saudi-Arabia, has affluence mostly solely because of fortitudous resources of oil, could have engaged themselves in removing the cloud over the electricity urgency by loosening up for a new dialogue over nuke electricity power, sadly has completely ignored the quest and rather wallowed in their -- our -- massive buckets of cash. To remove the cloud over the discussions, one must call on the fact of intuition, or the quality of intuition, and state that a more trustworthy approach to nuke electricity is necessary or else nuke electricity will have very little real chance in being more than one of several factors in a more and more steadily polluted, with more and more people suffering horrendous poverty. There is ONLY TWO reasons why nuke power stations cannot, as I have argued for years, be put inside mountains, and that is (1) That people like to walk on mountains, and they would not like to do so, or would not be allowed to do so, if these mountains are chock-full of high security installations requiring military control points (2) That it is increasing the costs of making each nuke power station, and increasing the costs of making cables from it to the cities, by several orders of magnitude. As for the first point, I totally understand it. I have spent much time in the mountains as part of an enterprise to achieve greater wholeness on all areas of life. Yet, I can also concede that it is a luxury, while this greater wholeness can also presumably be achieved by contact with other forms of nature, like sunny beaches and good forests, and that this wholeness in any case must as foundation reside in personal affluence. As for the second point, it is entirely correct that costs of building nuke power stations inside mountains, where even a nuke core melting can be contained, in most cases, without any serious radiation risks for humanity anywhwere, are staggering compared to the costs of building them e.g. seaside some hundreds of kilometers from big cities. But given a bad unexpected quake, with with a bad tsunami perhaps, or a really big meteor, or a terrorist attack, or a set of serious computer failures, or a very strong solar storm, or a war, the former costs are not at all staggering IN COMPARISON to the possible destruction of quality of life on part of a continent for centuries. For that is the only comparison -- as for costs -- that really makes sense in this case. In fact, the costs of serious nuke power station problems unless they are relegated under far stricter security considerations than before -- whatever the year number of the model -- are so big that any thought of "insurance" is, by and large, absurd. As for the costs of creating nuclear electricity power generating stations which are MANY THOUSANDS OF TIMES as secure as the most safe versions outside of mountains as typically found these days e.g. in Europe and North America, -- yes, these costs are big, but how big compared to the costs of the side-effects of the oil and other combustible fuel approaches? The investments to create the new type of ultra-safe pollution-free sources of electricity for a greater and greater part of humanity are, after all, fairly small compared to the annual oil and gas revenues being generated currently. Finally, it has been a steady part of my proposals, and still is, that the handling of nuke power station waste must be taking place under just such intensely enhanced security considerations as the main driving of these stations themselves. Nuke waste is most dangerous where there is much of it. Many stations will generate much waste, and this waste must be put inside very small containers, which have very solid metal walls indeed -- so strong even a direct explosion directed at the containers would not shatter these. These small containers must not be just tossed around to here or there. They must be, in a scheme which is costly but not nearly as costly as ignoring the totality of all these issues, be sent by conventional, rugged rockets of the same type that transport telecommunication devices into orbit around Earth, into a pathway out of Earth altogether. Some might see this as a pollution of the outer space but I should not worry, if I were them. Outer space can handle it. It is big enough. These chunks of waste can be sent at directions which are put in a database so later space missions might pick them up, when humanity is on a happier, more intelligent path. [Some articles have been removed, and, in some parts of these archives, a few lines have been removed, because the changing nature of the technology to which they referred.]